...and I had a couple of poor little rugrats that have nothing else but a flat vinyl floor to play with their 'tech deks'!
The shed thread got me motivated, but I already have a shed (and garden edging), so I threw the kids in the car, called a mate with a joinery worksop, grabbed his keys as he headed out for a game of golf...the rest is history!
Of course I had to take photos of the finished product.
Amazing what enjoyment you can have building a mini skate park with your kids...all it took was 1/3 of a 9mm mdf packing sheet, a few offcuts of cedar (from windows I made years ago) a few bar handles and some tools (plus about 4hrs of deliberation with a 7yo designing on the run). Hours of fun ahead watching them whilst I enjoy a hard-earned brew.
Tomorrow the kids are going to add some 'art' (graffiti) to it. Btw, feel free to add positive criticism, I've never skated, and left most of the design to the kids, which blew me away as to the reasons why things had to go "exactly there dad!".
Any of you breezers with pics of other weekend projects floating around?
Looks like you found his door hardware/handles stash too !! Nice one !!
Nice work with the twins too Echunda.
all my daughters have helped with a boatbuilding project of somekind, so my youngest asked to build her own, we started afterlunch today.
a 1.1m replica of our schooner, free standing Gaff Rigged. great opportunity for her to do some fibreglassing and sailmaking
Who said no wind?
Went sailing Saturday, of Ocean Reef in 23 knt gusting to 29 knt NE wind. was a brilliant day racing my Binks 25, we got caught in a gust while I was at the front setting the spinnaker and went 1/2 way in the water and ripped my leg on the safety cable , now I am in pain with a leg that keeps changing colours!
haha I spent the weekend exploring as many offroad tracks down in Margs as I could trying to find every secret surfing bay there is...
Spent a few hours digging out the 4WD out of bogs but still, great waves
Anyhoo....awesome mini skate park mate.
Your kids will remember you doing things like this for them.
Wow these projects are great.
Here's my effort from a while ago. I got the plans to "One Australia" from a poster at work so made a strip balsa plug then made a F/G R/C model.
Yes I know the sail needs a lot of work!!
doggie:I could bore you brainless with photos' (I'll send one more recent one tomorrow)
hills: you reckon that's a bad sail, check mine!
thanks Felix, yes has electric motor and small pro, so it can be sailed or motored around.
and sailhack, nice job on the park.
model volvo (missing one wheel)
mini 40 trimaran
you just gave me a renewed interrest in finishing the scale model of the Bounty that I started 5 years ago and still waiting for me in my activity corner..... looking sad and dusty
That is said next weekend I will start to work on her!
no, they all sail. That's half the fun, watching from a different view, seeing the wind coming etc.
plus you don't have to get wet, and it usually costs less.
sails are controlled with a sailwinch, letting you sheet them in and out.
A basic r/c set is new under $100. The volvo was made from strip planked balsa, glassed over using 'graphite' style flyscreen mesh. The trimaran is epoxy over a block of polystyrene foam, much like how you'd do a surfboard.
The Volvo is still a work in progress.It suffers a little from too much leeway, possible because someone thought they could get away without including the front canard in the model, like the full size one has.
All plans were downloaded free from websites.
Crusty...that's nice work! Although a model boat would be less costly, I'd love to build a full-size one...might have to start soon though, as I'm nearing mid-life.
Btw, thanks for putting my skate-park to shame...although I did expect to be outdone.