however the effective crops have the aluminum resistant seeds that have been manufactured.
so part of the GM crops includes a conscious effort to make those seeds and crops resistant to aluminum.[chemtrails]
Is this why the Germans lost World War 2?
They were not as worried about the chemtrails as they were the bombs inside the planes. A strategic victory for the U.S. military industrial complex.
The headquarters of the Communist-Capitalist International is in the City of London. The Bank of England financed the Nazi war machine just as they financed the Bolshevik revolution. The bankers orchestrated World War Two to destroy the great nation states of Europe and wipe out the cream of the new generation in each country. For example, the Soviets slaughtered 15,000 Polish officers in the Katyn forest even though the Poles could have helped resist the Nazis onslaught.
Was Canaris Illuminati or an illuminati dupe? Apparently he wanted to overthrow Hitler and end the war early, but the Allies insisted on "unconditional surrender," i.e. maximum slaughter. Thus the German army had no choice but fight to the end.
I don't see the Second World War as "the good war." It was fabricated to further degrade and demoralize humanity; both sides were guilty of unspeakable atrocities.
The two great wars, and the upcoming third are designed to bring about Illuminati one-world dictatorship and mind control.
Mankind is in the grip of a multigenerational diabolical conspiracy, and is too mesmerized by sex and money to realize it.
One diabolical dude to another, " Okay George, we will cause WW2 and be responsible for the death of millions of innocent people. you okay will that?"
George: "Yeah @#$% em"
These guys must be trained from birth to be that evil eh ?
What a load of bolshevik !
You obviously cut and paste crap from other sources petermac33
Have the decency to use quotation marks
surely there are sites dedicated to this sort of deluded paranoia, where you can log on and compare your crackpot theories with other like-minded enlightened individuals?
i realise you think you are crusading for the right reasons but i doubt you will convert anybody here
To resist the influence of others, knowledge of one’s self is most important.
has any sheep watched the 7 min video yet?
Speaking of sheep, there was a story about a shepherd boy once who raised more than one false alarm about a wolf attacking the sheep. He did it so often that after a while people stopped listening...
What In The World Are They Spraying?
Paranoid conspiracy crap that has nothing to do with the sea or the breeze all over sea breeze on a regular occurance. That is what they are spraying.
We must rise up and fight them and stop them from spraying all this crap.
The bastards.