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What if?

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 6 Aug 2010
NSW, 4453 posts
6 Aug 2010 3:43PM
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What if the US of A spent as much money on education is it does on "defense" or is it offense?

What if men were allowed to retire 5 years before women because men on average live 5 years less than women in Australia AND more of them die so they never even get to see their "super" rip off?...65 years and over: 0.84 male(s)/female
at birth: 1.055 male(s)/female

What if Australia spent 17.8% of GDP on Education like Kiribati?
Trivia: Tibet prior to 1950 spent ~68% of education, the Chinese burnt and destroyed a treasure trove of information equivalent to the burning of the Library of Alexandria. 70% worked the fields to support the monasteries.

What if we had no military?

NSW, 1088 posts
6 Aug 2010 5:03PM
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if we had no military who would stop boat people?

NSW, 6868 posts
6 Aug 2010 5:03PM
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If we had no military then it would mean noone had any military which would mean that we had been fully civilised.

WA, 1305 posts
6 Aug 2010 3:52PM
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If we had no military ,
our wives,girlfriends , and females in general might all wear burqa's

going to the shops may require a flack jacket,

there would be confrontations with mungbeans all the time

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
6 Aug 2010 10:51PM
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FlySurfer said...
70% worked the fields to support the monasteries.

If 70% worked to support the pope would that be ok. Why are some religions cooler than others?

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
6 Aug 2010 10:52PM
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FlySurfer said...
What if men were allowed to retire 5 years before women because men on average live 5 years less than women in Australia AND more of them die so they never even get to see their "super" rip off?...65 years and over: 0.84 male(s)/female
at birth: 1.055 male(s)/female

Don't men get to purchase annuities at better rates than women because of this?

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
6 Aug 2010 10:53PM
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FlySurfer said...
What if Australia spent 17.8% of GDP on Education like Kiribati?

Australia still spends more on education cos it's not poor like Kiribati.. what if people stopped messing with stats...

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
6 Aug 2010 10:54PM
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FlySurfer said...

What if we had no military?

we'd be invaded?

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
6 Aug 2010 8:55PM
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FlySurfer said...

What if we had no military?

What would be more imaginative is what if there was no need for military?

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
6 Aug 2010 10:55PM
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I think what you meant to say was

and I agree...

QLD, 1499 posts
6 Aug 2010 11:02PM
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ginger pom said...

FlySurfer said...
What if men were allowed to retire 5 years before women because men on average live 5 years less than women in Australia AND more of them die so they never even get to see their "super" rip off?...65 years and over: 0.84 male(s)/female
at birth: 1.055 male(s)/female

Don't men get to purchase annuities at better rates than women because of this?

Ginger Pom, how about give women good rates on annuities and us males (including me) will take the early retirement instead

Now, who's going to convince that other ginger pom that would be good policy...

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
6 Aug 2010 11:05PM
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not taking responsibility for the other ginger pom. She's not been at the last three Ranga Pom Society meetings because of something about an election.

WA, 1305 posts
6 Aug 2010 9:10PM
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poor relative said...

FlySurfer said...

What if we had no military?

What would be more imaginative is what if there was no need for military?

Nice thought,
unfortunately not realistic,, shame though

NSW, 4453 posts
6 Aug 2010 11:23PM
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What if all drugs were legal? ... I'd be tripping on 150µg of LSD and 20mg of 2ct7 instead of feeling dizzy on Dalwhinnie and dungeon weed.

NSW, 5780 posts
7 Aug 2010 12:14AM
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Cassa said...

If we had no military ,
our wives,girlfriends , and females in general might all wear burqa's

going to the shops may require a flack jacket,

there would be confrontations with mungbeans all the time

there's a paranoid delusional conspiracy theory if i've ever heard one

NSW, 6868 posts
7 Aug 2010 12:43AM
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What happened to this?

QLD, 7428 posts
7 Aug 2010 1:30AM
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What if the 3% of males with ASPD (psychopaths) were normal empathic considerate creatures like me?

What if all the wasted food in the country didn't get wasted?

What if all the missing people found each other?

What if all the traffic control was so cleverly coordinated that you never had to stop at a red light?

What if speed cameras only caught police cars?

What if junk food was good for you?

What if (by mass hypnosis perhaps) everyone stopped being so bloody avaricious and venal?

What if all politicians had to pass a psychological examination? Oh and voters and police and magistrates and doctors and teachers... everyone really.

What if everyone had perfect pitch?

What if you could scratch the middle of your back?

What if you could make sailboards out of aerogel?

What if you could live to 140 without physically aging beyond 40?

QLD, 7428 posts
7 Aug 2010 2:42AM
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poor relative said...

FlySurfer said...

What if we had no military?

What would be more imaginative is what if there was no need for military?

We do need defence. Doesn't that mean we need military?

I heard an interesting snippet on the teev this evening. During the later stages of WW2 the Japanese planned a biological attack on San Diego. The Yanks got wind of it and sent a message to the Japanese war office telling them they were aware of the plan and they also knew where every member of the war office lived and threatened to attack each of them personally if they went ahead with their plan. The Japanese had a fleet of aircraft carrying submarines assembled at Panama and were all set to go. In the event the planned attack was abandoned and the fleet was sent on other duties.

I'm sure there are similar examples of finely targeted deterrence at work. It seems that if you have a cadre of clever boffins, a sophisticated reliable intelligence, and a bunch of sophisticated weapons you don't need a huge military.

If you don't have a huge military you can't invade and occupy other countries, and you don't have to spend as much moolah on defence. Its win win and win. The difficulty is that you can't know if your intelligence is adequate.

I guess intelligence would be a big part of our alliance with the Yanks. They get Pine Gap and they tell us of any threats presumably. The trouble with that is if you dance with the Devil you have to go where he goes. The kind of Realpolitik practised by successive governments in this country is morally challenged. Security is important but so is self respect. What was that phrase of Mau's, "running dog lackey"? He was a dreadful economist but he had a way with words.

I think I shall cast my vote for a government with a little more moral backbone and hope for the best.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
7 Aug 2010 9:42AM
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I don't know much about military strategy but I think what your describing is what bin laden does...

Perhaps big military isn't the answer to fight back

j murray
SA, 947 posts
7 Aug 2010 10:15AM
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I heard an interesting snippet on the teev this evening. During the later stages of WW2 the Japanese planned a biological attack on San Diego. The Yanks got wind of it and sent a message to the Japanese war office telling them they were aware of the plan and they also knew where every member of the war office lived and threatened to attack each of them personally if they went ahead with their plan. The Japanese had a fleet of aircraft carrying submarines assembled at Panama and were all set to go. In the event the planned attack was abandoned and the fleet was sent on other duties.

Notwal I think they were talking about a script with Mel Giboon, or young
Jamie Bond [allans son] but it was definite fantasy. ww2 jap aircraft capable of carrying Subs.?? That was the give away. Have you seen the midget sub that attacked Sydney [ mounted outside the war memorial Canberra]. I think they were pulling your leg Wal, and they did it good. Take a bex and have a lie down!!

NSW, 4453 posts
7 Aug 2010 11:55AM
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What if we could go on holiday to Mars?

What if we could extract massive amount of energy from H2O + NaCl?

What if we could building anything we wanted at the atomic scale? Like star trek replicators.

What if success was measured not by wealth or fame but by how you have helped your species? Karma points

What if our heroes and role models were the women and men who made our lives that little bit better? ...In the 19th century Thomas Edison was a household name and most kids aspired to be like him. In the 20th century Albert Einstein was one of the most famous people.

NSW, 451 posts
7 Aug 2010 12:18PM
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FlySurfer said...

What if all drugs were legal? ... I'd be tripping on 150µg of LSD and 20mg of 2ct7 instead of feeling dizzy on Dalwhinnie and dungeon weed.

Acid.. sure!

2ct7.. Not so likely.

If drugs had been legal there'd be no such thing as 2c-t-7, because simply there'd be no need to synth new drugs to pass customs when you have perfectly good ones already.

It's funny how things work. They ban the not-so-neurotoxic drugs (e.g. MDMA) and open the market for the more harmful ones to circulate (e.g. 4-MMC)!

QLD, 7428 posts
7 Aug 2010 3:36PM
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j murray said...

I heard an interesting snippet on the teev this evening. During the later stages of WW2 the Japanese planned a biological attack on San Diego. The Yanks got wind of it and sent a message to the Japanese war office telling them they were aware of the plan and they also knew where every member of the war office lived and threatened to attack each of them personally if they went ahead with their plan. The Japanese had a fleet of aircraft carrying submarines assembled at Panama and were all set to go. In the event the planned attack was abandoned and the fleet was sent on other duties.

Notwal I think they were talking about a script with Mel Giboon, or young
Jamie Bond [allans son] but it was definite fantasy. ww2 jap aircraft capable of carrying Subs.?? That was the give away. Have you seen the midget sub that attacked Sydney [ mounted outside the war memorial Canberra]. I think they were pulling your leg Wal, and they did it good. Take a bex and have a lie down!!

He he. Let me disambiguate that for you JM :-

QLD, 7428 posts
7 Aug 2010 3:49PM
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ginger pom said...

I don't know much about military strategy but I think what your describing is what bin laden does...

Perhaps big military isn't the answer to fight back

I don't know much about it either but it seems to me that the appropriate approach in defence against terrorism has more in common with police work and intelligence than with a huge military.

NSW, 4453 posts
7 Aug 2010 4:07PM
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deXtrous said...
2ct7.. Not so likely.

Well Shulgin didn't really seem to have a lack of access to stuff, but his intention was to discover new hallucinogens... so I guess your comment is like saying I like this bottle of wine and that'll do.

If they hadn't made researching such chemicals career limiting I think there would be as many varies today as sugar delivery foods.

I used to be able to order 2ct7 over the internet... those were the days.

QLD, 1499 posts
7 Aug 2010 4:10PM
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NotWal said...

ginger pom said...

I don't know much about military strategy but I think what your describing is what bin laden does...

Perhaps big military isn't the answer to fight back

I don't know much about it either but it seems to me that the appropriate approach in defence against terrorism has more in common with police work and intelligence than with a huge military.

Agreed (although I know SFU about military strategy)
It seems to me that the US spend a lot of effort (and $) to develop accurate weapons. ie missiles that can hit a target x big from y distance.
Just seems that if you go into a country that has been in some form of conflict (civil or otherwise) for a long time, then that particular battle ground is unlikely to be very 'target rich'. No point having accurate weapons if there are no targets to hit! Maybe one day, the same effort and $ could be used to help the right people and then help them help themselves?

NSW, 451 posts
7 Aug 2010 5:27PM
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FlySurfer said...

deXtrous said...
2ct7.. Not so likely.

Well Shulgin didn't really seem to have a lack of access to stuff, but his intention was to discover new hallucinogens... so I guess your comment is like saying I like this bottle of wine and that'll do.

If they hadn't made researching such chemicals career limiting I think there would be as many varies today as sugar delivery foods.

I used to be able to order 2ct7 over the internet... those were the days.

Yeah, I really phrased that wrong. There would be such a thing as 2c-t-7, I just doubt whether we would ever see any.

If other hallucinogens/entheogens were legal I don't see anyone having the desire to dabble in research chemicals anyway - what the point?

QLD, 2770 posts
7 Aug 2010 5:37PM
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no need to synthesise new chemicals when there are plenty of psychotropic/hallucinogenic goodies growing wild. look in your backyard or local bush reserve before you go scouring the internet for the latest concoction.

NSW, 4453 posts
7 Aug 2010 6:28PM
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Well I kind of liked 2ct7 very different to LSD; 5MEO-Dipt was really good for being intimate with the Mrs; 5 meo-dmt would completely fark u for 4 minutes... see they're all different producing different sensations and effects...

I would be very grateful to any one who could point me in the direction of a paddock where I may partake in nature's chemistry.

What if we had buses we could drive under?

QLD, 6123 posts
8 Aug 2010 10:13PM
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google salvinia dynorium.
leagal in some states in US!
There's a whole series of youtube videos of some guy trying to do stuff after smoking it.

NSW, 451 posts
9 Aug 2010 1:56AM
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Australia was the very first country to ban Salvia


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"What if?" started by FlySurfer