Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Where did the anti carbon tax protesters go?

Created by log man > 9 months ago, 8 Nov 2011
log man
VIC, 8289 posts
9 Nov 2011 1:26AM
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WA, 706 posts
8 Nov 2011 10:29PM
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Their heads are probably back being buried in the sand again.....


3777 posts
9 Nov 2011 12:06AM
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she is finished

3777 posts
9 Nov 2011 12:18AM
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Truth is she has ****ed quantas and all other manufacturing in Australia. how can we compete competitively with lower wage competition now a ****en carbon tax? you guys ****ed it good and proper voting for this bitch.
With the carbon tax most manufacturing is cheaper out sourced?Qantas i trying to be competitive You voted labor to try and saved jobs that are just outsourced overseas? thanks
carbon tax is the last straw to promote Chinese manufacturing.
this is just the taste/start of globalization.You lazy ****s better have to work and compete with 417 visas and 12 dollars an hour ....Chinese manufacturing..
good times are over.
****en finnished. feel sad for you dumb ****s who voted her in.Oh why did you vote for again?
dont get me started on this slapper ffs.

NSW, 9029 posts
9 Nov 2011 7:06AM
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Waiting for the next election.

The Federal ALP is finished. They will lucky if they have enough MPs to make up a shadow cabinet. Fancy bringing in a new tax when the world economy is going down the drain. A pack of geniuses.

People will know who jacked up their electricity prices by 20%

Its a joke that we have to pay for higher energy prices than places like China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea. Places that import coal and gas from us.

It's also a piece of absolute hypocrisy we will have to have a tax on carbon dioxide emissions because "it's the greatest moral challenge of our time" when meanwhile we are digging and pumping out every bit of hydrocarbon we can find and flogging it off to whoever has the cash.

We can look forward to ALP/Green propoganda campaigns paid for by us, telling us how awesome the ALP/Greens are and how better off we are to be paying more.

VIC, 5904 posts
9 Nov 2011 7:33AM
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Probally to protest about the next disaster that the cow has let slip into our lives.

Coal seam gas !!!

SA, 4034 posts
9 Nov 2011 8:07AM
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Buster it's "Qantas" Queensland and Northern Territory Air Service...not Quantas... Queensland Ukraine and Northern Territory Air Service
Who knows with this carbon tax in europe the price of carbon has dropped to $8 a ton, if it was just introduced as a new tax and nothing to do with carbon would everyone still be kicking up a fuss?

NSW, 9029 posts
9 Nov 2011 9:13AM
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choco said...
Who knows with this carbon tax in europe the price of carbon has dropped to $8 a ton, if it was just introduced as a new tax and nothing to do with carbon would everyone still be kicking up a fuss?

Interesting how the proposed price here is over twice the amount they pay in Europe. It may not be a bad earner to buy up carbon credits or whatever imaginary thingo they invent, in Europe and then sell them in Australia.

At the same time you will be able to sleep well flying in your private jet, on your pile of cash stolen from the Australian people knowing you've done your bit for the polar bears and people of Tuvalu.

NSW, 807 posts
9 Nov 2011 9:25AM
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busterwa said...

Truth is she has ****ed quantas and all other manufacturing in Australia. how can we compete competitively with lower wage competition now a ****en carbon tax? you guys ****ed it good and proper voting for this bitch.
With the carbon tax most manufacturing is cheaper out sourced?Qantas i trying to be competitive You voted labor to try and saved jobs that are just outsourced overseas? thanks
carbon tax is the last straw to promote Chinese manufacturing.
this is just the taste/start of globalization.You lazy ****s better have to work and compete with 417 visas and 12 dollars an hour ....Chinese manufacturing..
good times are over.
****en finnished. feel sad for you dumb ****s who voted her in.Oh why did you vote for again?
dont get me started on this slapper ffs.

Buster, there is no "U" in "QANTAS". It's their new slogan.

I notice nobody here is complaining about the big tax cut you get from this.

Jack Mack
NSW, 343 posts
9 Nov 2011 9:32AM
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"The GST is dead, buried" John Howard
"Same same but different."

QLD, 3954 posts
9 Nov 2011 9:00AM
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Jack Mack said...

"The GST is dead, buried" John Howard
"Same same but different."

Yes, the carbon tax will be the end of Labor at the next election. If that dork repeals the tax as he is promising he will then increase the GST like he was planning to. (see holes in federal budget that he would not explain)

We are screwed either way, it appears that we needed to increase tax revenue. The question is do you prefer it is primarily charged to big business and trickled through to you or would you prefer to pay 12.5% on everything you buy??

NSW, 9202 posts
9 Nov 2011 10:01AM
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Maybe we'll end up like poor old Germany and have The Greens in power for two terms, and look what happened to them!

...wait, what?

NSW, 9202 posts
9 Nov 2011 10:55AM
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CMC said...
We are screwed either way, it appears that we needed to increase tax revenue.

You do know there are generous tax cuts coming with the package, right? Right?

The new tax-free threshold will be up from $6,000 to $18,600 next year

NSW, 4453 posts
9 Nov 2011 11:20AM
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evlPanda said...

CMC said...
We are screwed either way, it appears that we needed to increase tax revenue.

You do know there are generous tax cuts coming with the package, right? Right?

The new tax-free threshold will be up from $6,000 to $18,600 next year

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me... how many times has the liar fooled you now???... I lost count last year when she'd only being farking Australia for a couple months.

I bet you're the type that gets extended warranties, aren't you?

And next time I'm voting green, seriously, fark y'all! I hope they put a stop to all development, specially in national/marine parks.

QLD, 3954 posts
9 Nov 2011 10:46AM
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evlPanda said...

CMC said...
We are screwed either way, it appears that we needed to increase tax revenue.

You do know there are generous tax cuts coming with the package, right? Right?

The new tax-free threshold will be up from $6,000 to $18,600 next year

Yes, this supports my point and essentially highlights the left vs right way of collecting more tax.

Labor looks to tax big businesses essentially that are making a massive amount of profit, they know that these companies will raise prices hence the tax break for the little people to initially at least try to offset these increases.

Liberal on the other hand of course looks to support big business, a GST increase would not affect them, businesses do not pay GST just collect it for the government from end consumers. GST of course affects us. Were the libs planning income tax breaks to offset the GST increase as well?? We may get to find out after the next election i'd say. Of course they too are prone to break election promises as well, both parties now have a history of this. You can't trust either.

My issue with all of the above is that we are already struggling as an economy outside of the mining industry, adding any cost to anything right now will only serve to slow things further. Not to mention the high Dutch Disease dollar we now have making life difficult to export but cheap to import and it is pushing our economy down a bad path.

I honestly don't know who i'll vote for next time around. IMO they are both as useless as Tuna on a Scotch Finger Biscuit.

NSW, 9029 posts
9 Nov 2011 12:26PM
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Both sides are really two sides of the same coin. Just a difference of degrees, not direction.

Former treasurer Peter Costello wrote a newspaper piece about the negotiations for the GST when Howard was PM. They were trying to work out a deal with the Democrats. Meg Lees wanted something for human induced climate change research. Costello whispered to Howard, 400. Howard said 400 million. Costello said he meant 400 thousand.

Whether this story is true or not is not really the point. The point is both sides are quite happy to p!ss our money up against the wall on rubbish and then bemoan the fact we have to increase revenue to maintain the finances.

Its not a revenue problem, its an expenditure problem. Always has been, always will be.

NSW, 9202 posts
9 Nov 2011 12:37PM
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FlySurfer said...

evlPanda said...

CMC said...
We are screwed either way, it appears that we needed to increase tax revenue.

You do know there are generous tax cuts coming with the package, right? Right?

The new tax-free threshold will be up from $6,000 to $18,600 next year

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me... bark bark woof woof

And next time I'm voting green, seriously, fark y'all! I hope they put a stop to all development, specially in national/marine parks.

You're voting Green next time? Are you for the Carbon Tax or against? I'm totally confused.

Labor looks to tax big businesses essentially that are making a massive amount of profit, they know that these companies will raise prices hence the tax break for the little people to initially at least try to offset these increases.

This is not the resource tax. This is the Carbon Tax that is simply asking polluters to pay for their mess. I like the idea of people paying to clean up their mess, especially when it affects me.

Its not a revenue problem, its an expenditure problem. Always has been, always will be.

Again, this is the CARBON TAX - for max polluters not max profiteers.

About 1/3 of the Australian work force are civil servants, more or less. The only way to reduce expenditure is to privatise = Qantas, Telstra et al. (selling the farm is one way to reduce a budget deficit). There's another forum bemoaning that debacle.

QLD, 12337 posts
9 Nov 2011 11:43AM
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Mobydisc said...

Both sides are really two sides of the same coin. Just a difference of degrees, not direction.

That seems to be the case.

Abbott says he will repeal the legislation when (if) he becomes PM. The process is not that simple. For a start he will need a majority in both houses of parliament.

Can anybody remember the last time at a change of government when the newly elected have repealed controversial legislation enacted by the previous????

Didn't Labor say they would repeal the GST when they got in????

WA, 3519 posts
9 Nov 2011 10:08AM
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Jack Mack said...

"The GST is dead, buried" John Howard
"Same same but different."

Yes and I can see Mr Mad Monk Abbot big backflip with his "work choice is dead" statment if elected! Same, same, same but different!

WA, 554 posts
9 Nov 2011 10:08AM
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patsken said...

Their heads are probably back being buried in the sand again.....



They are just waiting for the next free bus ride to somewhere to protest about something promoted by somebody that sits behind a microphone.

My wallet, beer fridge and liquor cabinet have never been so full. All the proceeds from bets with angry baby boomers saying that she has " one month to go".

The Mad Monk will be the next to go, the negative message will run out of steam.

Ian K
WA, 4049 posts
9 Nov 2011 10:30AM
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The carbon tax protesters have probably been doing a bit of thinking and realise it's a dead issue. Given we've happily been paying $50 plus per tonne for years to put unwanted solids in landfill, what do you think is a reasonable price to put unwanted gases in the atmosphere? I predict it will be a non-issue at the next election.

WA, 4485 posts
9 Nov 2011 10:39AM
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Diver said...

patsken said...

Their heads are probably back being buried in the sand again.....



They are just waiting for the next free bus ride to somewhere to protest about something promoted by somebody that sits behind a microphone.

My wallet, beer fridge and liquor cabinet have never looked been so full. All the proceeds from bets with angry baby boomers saying that she has " one month to go".

The Mad Monk will be the next to go, the negative message will run out of steam.

Wish I shared your optimism.. Howard got +10 yrs mileage out of fear and loathing, it is obviously a recipe that tastes sweet to those barricaded in oversized houses with nice big estate walls to keep the riff raff out.

CMC summed it best
I honestly don't know who i'll vote for next time around. IMO they are both as useless as Tuna on a Scotch Finger Biscuit.

Soggy biscuit would be appealing compared to the useless sods on both sides of the major parties.

Bob Brown may not apeal to everyone but I respect his, and the Greens, perseverance (popular or not) honesty and integrity - things completely lacking in both majors.

Never voted Libs in my life but would give it a very good ponder if Turnbull was Op leader. Still I couldn't quite trust the Libs wouldn't dump the Bull for the Mad Monk after a win. Wingnut is faaaarr too crazy and good at 'professional politics' to stay away from his personal prize for long.

Farken excuse for choices the two majors. Totally selling the voters short for choice and long term vision IMO.

Having said that credit where it's due Labor majora have rolled out the BB netty (wait and see if that was a goody) and also the carbon tax (ditto) that both took a more than a bit of battling to get past the average 'only concerned with personal wealth' punter out there.

Shall report back in 10 yrs to let you know how that went.

WA, 6666 posts
9 Nov 2011 11:00AM
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evlPanda said...

CMC said...
We are screwed either way, it appears that we needed to increase tax revenue.

You do know there are generous tax cuts coming with the package, right? Right?

The new tax-free threshold will be up from $6,000 to $18,600 next year

Essentially a move in the right direction, in simplistic terms taxes should be on consumptions not earnings.

But - this isn't about tax reform is it ?

It is about climate change isn't it ?

So let's see how much the climate stops changing from 1st July next year. I just hope 1st July 2012 is a warm, sunny day with a calm morning, a 25 knot afternoon north easter and a 6 foot southerly ground swell.

Unfortunately the useless politicans have chosen the middle to winter to stop the climate changing. I hope it is an icy day in Canberra and they all spend the next 20 years slipping on the pavement on the way to their chauffeured limmos and hurt their arses.

If the rest of us have to get a carbon tax rammed up the arse, at least their arses should ache too.

WA, 365 posts
9 Nov 2011 11:04AM
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I Won't get a tax cut due to the increase in marginal rates. In fact, I will pay more income tax as well as more for everything else
Bring on the next election and a double dissolution after if necessary.

evlPanda said...

CMC said...
We are screwed either way, it appears that we needed to increase tax revenue.

You do know there are generous tax cuts coming with the package, right? Right?

The new tax-free threshold will be up from $6,000 to $18,600 next year

NSW, 9202 posts
9 Nov 2011 2:31PM
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ADS said...

I Won't get a tax cut due to the increase in marginal rates. In fact, I will pay more income tax as well as more for everything else

Ha, yep. this is true. But more tax than a family night out at the movies?
Honestly I spend those sort of amounts on a good night(s) out without even blinking, or remembering.

i.e. it's negligible. It's certainly not worth driving to Canberra to protest about (you'd spend more on fuel)

How much inflation will be blamed on the carbon tax? It feels like little things like coffee go up 10%+ each year.

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
9 Nov 2011 2:33PM
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Its not a revenue problem, its an expenditure problem. Always has been, always will be.

Its revenue thats causing the defecit not expesnes.

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
9 Nov 2011 2:37PM
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Select to expand quote

Essentially a move in the right direction, in simplistic terms taxes should be on consumptions not earnings.

It's better to tax income than consumption. Taxing consumption is inefficent and bad for the economy because consumers can afford to spend less. Taxing the rich is the most efficent form of tax because their consumption won't change as they have more money than they need.

WA, 4642 posts
9 Nov 2011 11:42AM
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If all this was happening 5 years earlier when everything was going great guns then it would possibly be a bit more rational.
As it is, with the whole world teetering on the edge of financial disaster, this is NOT the time to be reworking the engines to see if they can drag a few percent more out of them or be made to run a bit cleaner with their mining super tax and carbon tax.
In seems this government hasn't noticed, the very industries that they are now turning on are the only industries that are providing us with any protection against going the same way as the rest of the western world.

The envious financial position that was left to this government was not provided bythe agricultural industry, the tourist industry, the car industry, the smart Australia industry, or any industry,... other than the mining industry. Like it or not, that's the fact.
When this government has finished kicking the life out of this industry then we will have nothing and we can all join the Greeks, Italians, Spanish, Irish, Americans, etc etc, who are just as demanding of benefits but too lazy to work for them as we are.

I'm not really surprised. Almost every decision they've made has been short sighted in the extreme.
And that will not change while the government is controlled by ex union leaders and green idealists.

And if anyone thinks all this is good policy, an indication of just how bad it is can be seen by the fact that they are having to buy everyones support by promising 90 percent of the population that they will give them more money than they had before. What a joke.
It assumes that the remaining 10 percent who will be called on to pay the 90 percent all this extra money wont just pack up and go down the beach, or move elsewhere.
It's typical socialist policy. It ends up making everyone equally poor, not equally rich.

WA, 14731 posts
9 Nov 2011 11:48AM
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busterwa said...

Truth is she has ****ed quantas and all other manufacturing in Australia. how can we compete competitively with lower wage competition now a ****en carbon tax? you guys ****ed it good and proper voting for this bitch.
With the carbon tax most manufacturing is cheaper out sourced?Qantas i trying to be competitive You voted labor to try and saved jobs that are just outsourced overseas? thanks
carbon tax is the last straw to promote Chinese manufacturing.
this is just the taste/start of globalization.You lazy ****s better have to work and compete with 417 visas and 12 dollars an hour ....Chinese manufacturing..
good times are over.
****en finnished. feel sad for you dumb ****s who voted her in.Oh why did you vote for again?
dont get me started on this slapper ffs.

Are you serious? It seems everyone is outsourcing jobs to overseas, carbon tax or no carbon tax.

This carbon tax is not going to change that.

A lot of industries are outsourcing their computer requirements to outsourcing companies like IBM and HP that are themselves hiring people in India. It has been happening for years and is only going to get more common. The banks use these companies to try and cut their costs, and this is how its done by those companies.

How does your carbon tax theory explain that?

Goods are always going to be cheaper in China. People don't just send jobs offshore for the small increase a carbon tax is going to create. They send them offshore so that they can make more money for themselves, and probably use the carbon tax as an excuse that people like yourself are probably going to buy.

WA, 6666 posts
9 Nov 2011 12:22PM
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Little Jon said...

Its not a revenue problem, its an expenditure problem. Always has been, always will be.

Its revenue thats causing the defecit not expesnes.

Record terms of trade with about 2.5 billion dollars coming into the australian economy each month - and it is a revenue issue ?

Something isn't right. Use overseas economies as excuses, but if my household had a record income with more money coming in than going out each month and my missus couldn't do the weekly shopping without getting a loan from a shonky loan shark then something would be seriously wrong. Either I am saving up for too many toys or my kids are hiding $50 notes behind the sofa.

NSW, 9202 posts
9 Nov 2011 4:04PM
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pweedas said...

If all this was happening 5 years earlier when everything was going great guns then it would possibly be a bit more rational.
As it is, with the whole world teetering on the edge of financial disaster, this is NOT the time to be reworking the engines to see if they can drag a few percent more out of them or be made to run a bit cleaner with their mining super tax and carbon tax.

Ah, but you see there's a much, much, much..much, far greater economic disaster we are trying to avert. If it goes unabated it will make the GFC look like KFC. (< that sucks. Suggestions?)

Nobody seems to get that climate can and will affect the economy. A lot. And it is far, far cheaper to fix it now.

In seems this government hasn't noticed, the very industries that they are now turning on are the only industries that are providing us with any protection against going the same way as the rest of the western world.

You need to look up what percentage of GDP mining brings in. You'll be surprised.
It's a myth that mining is supporting the economy.

8.4% of GDP
They employ 1.5% of the workforce.

Smaller than finance. Smaller than manufacturing.
Even arts and recreation employ more people.

The mine WILL go bust. Eventually.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Where did the anti carbon tax protesters go?" started by log man