Wish we were still bohemeth. everything was hottter and bigger before we moved away from the sun. And the earth cooled a bit.
who built the pyramids on mars...?
who built the pyramids in bosnia..?
who built the pyramids in australia..?
the photo does not do it justice, but i have a lot of time for rex gilroy and the decades of work that he has compiled. www.rexgilroy.com
who built the pyramids in china..?
what happened to napoleon on the night he spent sleeping in the granite sarcophagus that disturbed to to such an extent that he refused to ever speak of it..?
some of the people on this forum really have lost grip. that video is the biggest crock.
a lot of it was wrong.
other than the maths being dodgey, there is the fact that there is heiroglyphs describing the construction. they're inside the frickin pyramid. there is also the famine stele
plus a french architect has a method of building pyramids quickly.
and here is the clincher, better put on those tin foil hats.
what do the pyramids have to do with global warming?
lol, right on FN!
sausage gets the gong. they are both pointing to the sky......
but the other answer is the last mass migration of the human race occurred at the end of the ice age as global warming caused rising sea levels which sank civilisations and forced people to move to new areas. it's thought the summerians left atlantis after it flooded due to high sea levels and a natural disaster.
hey doc,
i read through the rex stuff. that was a great read. he may be ahead of his time. seems to be a lot of evidance now suggesting the australoid connection.
i'm not so sure australia is eden but it is an interesting thought. i'd be going more for indonesia.
this is a good read.
does anyone think it strange that the architect in the video looks like an architect. some might even say a parody?
is there any link to the pyramids at the louvre. they are both french
yes velikovsky is an interesting read, funny how what a lot of his ideas were berated as lunatic and are now taken as common knowledge.
the lime stone casing/coatings of the pyramid was scavenged for resources.
the pyramid of giza is eight sided
i think you could hardly call them "seams", its not like it was moulded or stitched together..
then again maybe it was....
but the eight faces is definately in the design and therefore there for a reason
^ here's my guess.
it was known from back in the day of the greeks that long straight lines looked curved or cambered. the greeks built long post and beam arrangemnts with a camber so when you stood back and looked at the building the parapet or top line look to be level.
could be with the pyramid a long straight side would look bowed so they put a v into it to make it look straight.
This pic looks like it has four sides.
Doc I think in your pic the light is playing a major part in how it looks.