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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Who is the smartest bloke in the world

Created by Mark _australia > 9 months ago, 23 Feb 2009
Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
23 Feb 2009 6:13PM
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I reckon it is whoever owns Fosters.

They make sh!t beer and sell it to the Poms at high prices. That was a given....
But now I see they also import Corona, according to the back of my bevvy I have in my hand.
So they make Fosters (crap) and sell it to the poms, but also import spic p!ss (also crap) worth 50c a bottle and sell it to Aussies at inflated prices.

Now could anyone be smarter?

WA, 444 posts
23 Feb 2009 10:01PM
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Who? Dunno - but probably not you. Fancy paying "inflated prices" for "spic p!ss" that "tastes like crap"!!!

BTW, despite it's innocent origins, I think you'll find hispanic folk generally take offence to the term "spic". But I'm not hispanic so won't bother mentioning that.

Actually, wouldn't the bloke who figures he can brew a "premium" beer like Crown lager in Australia, and then sell it for similar prices to imported beer that someone has had to ship over here, be smarter than Mr Fosters? I've never understood how Becks, Corona etc can sell for the similar prices to local "premium" beers.

WA, 361 posts
24 Feb 2009 12:18AM
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dirtyharry said...

Who? Dunno - but probably not you. Fancy paying "inflated prices" for "spic p!ss" that "tastes like crap"!!!

BTW, despite it's innocent origins, I think you'll find hispanic folk generally take offence to the term "spic". But I'm not hispanic so won't bother mentioning that.

Actually, wouldn't the bloke who figures he can brew a "premium" beer like Crown lager in Australia, and then sell it for similar prices to imported beer that someone has had to ship over here, be smarter than Mr Fosters? I've never understood how Becks, Corona etc can sell for the similar prices to local "premium" beers.

novelty value. cant say that I turn down a Corona too often though. Mind you occassionally I devour a VB also if free but I would never buy that sh+t. Its the worst beer Ive ever tasted

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
24 Feb 2009 1:06AM
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dirtyharry said...

Who? Dunno - but probably not you. Fancy paying "inflated prices" for "spic p!ss" that "tastes like crap"!!!

I knew that was coming. It was given to me

I used spic p!ss as it rhymes and Corona is often called that. No offence intended to our many latin readers. I also made fun of Aussie beer so it balances out.

QLD, 6149 posts
24 Feb 2009 7:25AM
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spics is not a nice term, i think they prefer the name wetback

WA, 444 posts
24 Feb 2009 8:02AM
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I knew that was coming.

Thought as much - but couldn't resist!!

WA, 192 posts
24 Feb 2009 8:11AM
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Fosters is crap..

But the fosters sold in the UK is not the same as the stuff they sell here.

The Fosters in the UK is a lager, albeit a cheap and natsy one.

NSW, 9205 posts
24 Feb 2009 2:07PM
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Printer companies.

I'm not sure which is cheaper.

A) buy printer ink from a shop.
B) send equivalent amount of water into space.

No seriously.

QLD, 4873 posts
24 Feb 2009 1:48PM
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Thought this might be of interest considering Mark's observation of Foster's intelligence! Have hi-lighted the best bit.

BREWING giant Foster's is sheepishly reversing a marketing brain snap in Australia that tried charging the same price for less beer in a smaller "European-style" stubbie.

Foster's infuriated drinkers in March last year by downsizing four of its 375ml Cascade range of stubbies by 45ml to a "sleeker'' 330ml bottle without changing the retail price.

Outraged drinkers quickly labelled it a rip-off, turning their backs on the brand as a groundswell of protest erupted, spawning several website campaigns against the brewer.

Foster's spokeswoman Felicity Watson said sales of the nationally distributed flagship Cascade Premium Lager nosedived by 33 per cent after the Euro folly. Emotions ran high, she said.

"At the time that the millilitres dropped the wholesale price remained the same, and so did the recommended retail price,'' Ms Watson said.

Foster's never intended to rip off its customers or make them unhappy by giving them less beer for the same money, she said.

"We made some changes to Cascade and we acknowledge we made the wrong changes and we acknowledge that we got it wrong and now we are bringing back the 375ml,'' she said.

"It was the wrong thing to do and we totally admit that and we are copping it on the chin.''

Cascade Blonde and Cascade Stout and Pale Ale are also all due to be resized to 375ml later this year. Fosters first announced its Cascade size reversal, of the predominantly Tasmanian-sold Pale Ale, in October last year.

Some retailers have reported a 50 per cent drop in sales of the beer.

Ms Watson said Foster's remained hopeful spurned drinkers would return to the brand after the brewer promised to change its ways. "We'd love them them back and we hope with the changes we've made that they will come back,'' she said.

QLD, 4873 posts
24 Feb 2009 1:51PM
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leftfield said...

But the fosters sold in the UK is not the same as the stuff they sell here.
The Fosters in the UK is a lager, albeit a cheap and natsy one.

There you go - I didn't know you get worser than worst?

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
24 Feb 2009 1:51PM
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I didn't know that either.... I have not seen Fosters in any shop for as long as I can remember so I assumed it was the same stuff all round.

WA, 192 posts
24 Feb 2009 2:57PM
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sausage said...

leftfield said...

But the fosters sold in the UK is not the same as the stuff they sell here.
The Fosters in the UK is a lager, albeit a cheap and natsy one.

There you go - I didn't know you get worser than worst?

In england certain people have a habit of ordering a Fosters top or Fosters dash.

Basically a fosters with a little bit of lemonade in it.

Don't know why, it still tastes like gassey bum water

QLD, 4087 posts
24 Feb 2009 4:19PM
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leftfield said...

gassey bum water

Did I tell you about the gastro I had last week? Would you like to hear about it?

VIC, 5000 posts
24 Feb 2009 6:48PM
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leftfield said...
Basically a fosters with a little bit of lemonade in it.

That's a shandy, isn't it

My grandmother used to drink shandy's (bless the old dear)

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
24 Feb 2009 5:00PM
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Mark _australia said...

I reckon it is whoever owns Fosters.


Its the bloke who invented the widget.....

Canned guinness never tasted so good.

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
24 Feb 2009 8:22PM
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poor relative said...

Mark _australia said...

I reckon it is whoever owns Fosters.


Its the bloke who invented the widget.....

Canned guinness never tasted so good.

That is true..... though initially I confused it with aglet, which did not taste so good.

WA, 5921 posts
24 Feb 2009 8:41PM
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so much effort for a drink.
the smart bloke was the one who just put WATER in a small bottle .
didnt that take off!
drill a hole into a hillside, call it a spring, bottle and sell.

NSW, 81 posts
24 Feb 2009 11:21PM
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Totally agree with Landyacht.
Bottled water can be more expensive than crude oil.
Or even similar in price to the unleaded that runs your car.
None of the so called mineral water actually comes out of the side of a mountain.
I've seen a documentary which exposed the bottle water companies for using regular tap water that is filtered and purified.

Now selling us our own tap water for high prices, which may have as little as 100 mls of mountain spring water per 100,000,000 litres.
Is F#@king clever.

WA, 136 posts
24 Feb 2009 10:47PM
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I read an article in the West Australian that a Corona shipment was tested for urine content and came out with a positive result at 17% nows that's overinflated booze. One wonders though if they do that test on Emu Export.

TAS, 107 posts
25 Feb 2009 12:51AM
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JJay said...

Totally agree with Landyacht.
Bottled water can be more expensive than crude oil.
Or even similar in price to the unleaded that runs your car.
None of the so called mineral water actually comes out of the side of a mountain.
I've seen a documentary which exposed the bottle water companies for using regular tap water that is filtered and purified.

Now selling us our own tap water for high prices, which may have as little as 100 mls of mountain spring water per 100,000,000 litres.
Is F#@king clever.

if you'd tasted the water that comes out of a tap in Perth,
you'd be happy to pay a couple of bucks for cold, filtered, bottled water.

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
24 Feb 2009 11:00PM
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Yeah but water just goes 'round n 'round anyway.
Out of a glass of water, some of it was at some stage (1000yrs ago?) urine, or blood or in somebody's poo or sprog or.....

WA, 583 posts
24 Feb 2009 11:20PM
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The People who are the smart one not the smartest however,

would be the ones who can sell advertising to the consumers

Eg. BUYING stickers of brands like Ripcurl Quiksilver etc at $9 for .30c worth of time and materials.

It is purely adverising for them and there making money from it instead of paying for it.

Sure i have lots of windsurfing stickers and other stickers on my van but i sure as hell didnt pay for them and there only there to let other windsurfers know who there following

WA, 136 posts
24 Feb 2009 11:23PM
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Mark _australia said...

Yeah but water just goes 'round n 'round anyway.
Out of a glass of water, some of it was at some stage (1000yrs ago?) urine, or blood or in somebody's poo or sprog or.....

hehehe ya just put me off water

QLD, 2039 posts
25 Feb 2009 8:02AM
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JJay said...

Totally agree with Landyacht.
Bottled water can be more expensive than crude oil.
Or even similar in price to the unleaded that runs your car.
None of the so called mineral water actually comes out of the side of a mountain.
I've seen a documentary which exposed the bottle water companies for using regular tap water that is filtered and purified.

Now selling us our own tap water for high prices, which may have as little as 100 mls of mountain spring water per 100,000,000 litres.
Is F#@king clever.

I was at the Coke factory in Brisbane not so long ago and got to have a look at the filtration and line for Mt Franklin and Pump water...yes it is tap water, and yes it is very purified. The guys that work in the purification area are dressed like surgeons to keep and germs and foreign matter out of the process.

Funny how many of us see the ability to extract $$$ out of consumers as smart. The more you can con, the smarter you are.

WA, 5921 posts
26 Feb 2009 9:09PM
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fatwa said...

if you'd tasted the water that comes out of a tap in Perth,
you'd be happy to pay a couple of bucks for cold, filtered, bottled water.

try the tap water in any other state! we've got it goooood

WA, 7608 posts
26 Feb 2009 10:15PM
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I should have drunk bottled water 10 years ago

WA, 7608 posts
26 Feb 2009 10:31PM
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WA, 273 posts
26 Feb 2009 11:10PM
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landyacht said...

fatwa said...

if you'd tasted the water that comes out of a tap in Perth,
you'd be happy to pay a couple of bucks for cold, filtered, bottled water.

try the tap water in any other state! we've got it goooood

Too true
Just back from a quick lap around Aus and had mild gastro most of the way round
Could have been dodgy amenaties etc etc, but pretty sure it was dodgy water we were drinking in most places
A little lemon or orange cordial would usually make it drinkable but some places even that would not hide the horrid taste
Yeh we probably should have purchased "spring water" but hey, we like to rough it (and im too much of a tight arse to pay for water)
Perth water is Great
P.S Might also have too many beers at a few places


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Who is the smartest bloke in the world" started by Mark _australia