This is just one of the fun parts of having kids - watching them get stoked with 5 knt winds and realise how easily they pick things up!
I like the way he's looking back at his future girlfriend on the beach, saying 'look at me' - Keep him away form my daughter!
Trevor looks happy too!
Mark you forgot the bit about toilet habits.
While I was reading this my 3 year old took a dump in his trike trailer while his 5 year old brother cheered him on!!
We've now got a 4 week old newborn as well just to make life interesting.
Thanks Easty.
Yep...three boys, we must be gluttons for punishment
That's gonna mean a shedload of kit if they all follow in their ol' man's footsteps. Then again they might be kiters
i've learnt heaps since having kids.
how to dress a doll,
how to dress a doll,
how to dress a doll,
how to dress a doll,
how to dress a doll,
how to dress a doll,
how to dress a doll,
how to dress a doll,
how to dress a doll,
how to dress a doll,
how to dress a doll,
how to dress a doll,
oh, and how to express my feelings,
plus which flowers smell the best,
jokes aside
it is all worth it and number 3 is due in july. so i'll have 2 girls and 1 boy then and i wouldn't trade any of them, they make me laugh every day.
Is that a mouthful of raw octopuss?????? I bet he will have that taste in his mouth for the rest of his life