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Wood fired pizza oven

Created by felixdcat > 9 months ago, 4 Oct 2011
WA, 3519 posts
5 Oct 2011 4:27PM
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That is massive! Mine is just a baby!

6657 posts
5 Oct 2011 4:36PM
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Sweet Jesus on a carnal cross CASS - the Pup was in enough of a world of gastronomical torment , that is nice but yeah......

Heap of cheers for the site details too Felix - following that up now and will do mate.

Keeeerist my guts are a rumbin'

NSW, 318 posts
6 Oct 2011 7:29PM
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first time i seen a pizza with potatoes on it, reminds me of pizza's in Bali from the old days
- pic coming of my pizza oven -

WA, 3519 posts
6 Oct 2011 5:06PM
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Thin cut tatoes with herbs, mozzarela, shaved parmesan, olive oil and bacon! Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! try it!

WA, 271 posts
6 Oct 2011 5:49PM
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Now Im jealous, but i'm a brand Loyalist, watch me fabricate the worlds biggest weber , Its on like Donkey Kong! ;)

NSW, 318 posts
6 Oct 2011 10:40PM
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felixdcat said...

Thin cut tatoes with herbs, mozzarela, shaved parmesan, olive oil and bacon! Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! try it!

ya boil the tatoes first then right - cause i didn't - so i chucked em
left the bacon,salami,capsicums and halapenoes on

6657 posts
6 Oct 2011 8:59PM
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,,, well it's on now fer sure - got to it today and ordered the wf-oven , much the same size i think as our friend Felixs' sweet little number - trying to decide where to place the little minx now .....
idea #1 - (paragraph a) advance to fridge as more beer should ashisht (pfffft)

SA, 137 posts
7 Oct 2011 11:28AM
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omg wood fired! What about the CARBON emissions Australia puts out 1.5% of world carbon emissions and and your just adding to that.....

Ill have a super supreme with the lot thanks :)

WA, 3519 posts
7 Oct 2011 9:21AM
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BulldogPup said...

,,, well it's on now fer sure - got to it today and ordered the wf-oven , much the same size i think as our friend Felixs' sweet little number - trying to decide where to place the little minx now .....
idea #1 - (paragraph a) advance to fridge as more beer should ashisht (pfffft)

Good decision Pup but you will regret it........
1. You will find that you have a lot more mates than you thought
2. You will start to grow nice roundish belly muscles

Did you buy the kit from the mob in Bedford? I have the gourmet model!

VIC, 8020 posts
7 Oct 2011 9:28PM
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doggie said...

I like your water cooler thingo

I think it's a Vodka dispenser !!

Here's the pic again.

10979 posts
7 Oct 2011 6:38PM
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You wouldn't have a good pizza dough recipe laying around, household hints for the single man... And maybe a nice pizza sauce recipe? You can't be on the store stuff with a setup like that.. I have a few up the sleeve but still looking for the right one.

6657 posts
7 Oct 2011 8:40PM
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hey there Felix - always good to have more friends , going to get fat aren't we all?
ended up getting my little WF Oven (decided to name her MINX!!!) Meditteranean WFOvens - near Fremantle , they called back today going to be here in 1-2 weeks.
PS - sent you e-mail ,check that out

10979 posts
7 Oct 2011 9:26PM
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Simondo said...

doggie said...

I like your water cooler thingo

I think it's a Vodka dispenser !!

Here's the pic again.

Na there's sugar, but it's got ice and I thought there was a greenish tinge with absythin... So Felix Pizza..some liquid narcotics...then into to spa is it???? & does the cat watch

6657 posts
7 Oct 2011 10:50PM
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SP - I noticed in a couple of W F Oven distributor home pages that they sell dough in kg-plus bags , try punching in woodfiredovens in ya for the sauce - experiment ! I'm going to (end up a big fat b*stard too by the way)

10979 posts
7 Oct 2011 11:14PM
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A kg god damn, I'm not that hungry...

Simple dough
550grams of flour
1 teaspoon of
And if i rember a cup of water, mix it up and leave it rest for a good half hour to an hour than cut and into what size you want and roll it out.... Good to go pizza dough...

As for sauce we could be here for hours but BBQ wise just get he shelf stuff add some wostershire paprika and herbs etc and go for it.. Tomato well, anyone have an Italian grandma, napoletana is good easy to make and stores for ages in the fridge....

WA, 434 posts
8 Oct 2011 5:03PM
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SP said...

A kg god damn, I'm not that hungry...

Simple dough
550grams of flour
1 teaspoon of
And if i rember a cup of water, mix it up and leave it rest for a good half hour to an hour than cut and into what size you want and roll it out.... Good to go pizza dough...

As for sauce we could be here for hours but BBQ wise just get he shelf stuff add some wostershire paprika and herbs etc and go for it.. Tomato well, anyone have an Italian grandma, napoletana is good easy to make and stores for ages in the fridge....

Use the double o flour SP, bakers flour and add a good splash of a good olive oil.
Reduse the water to compensate oil.

6657 posts
8 Oct 2011 7:46PM
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hey there again baba - me thinks I'll have to keep a pen handy anytime you post tell me - are you one of those cheffy dudes or just a cluey gastronomist mate???

WA, 434 posts
8 Oct 2011 8:22PM
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BulldogPup said...

hey there again baba - me thinks I'll have to keep a pen handy anytime you post tell me - are you one of those cheffy dudes or just a cluey gastronomist mate???

Just ya cluey gastronomist Pup.

6657 posts
8 Oct 2011 8:39PM
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ah - had to ask mate .... am at the moment deciding whether to have the "Minx" (W F Oven) permanently housed (on top of bricks like felix) or to weld up a decent frame with big trolley wheels at bottom so I can move it around if desired....

WA, 1227 posts
8 Oct 2011 8:52PM
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SP said...
As for sauce we could be here for hours but BBQ wise just get he shelf stuff add some wostershire paprika and herbs etc and go for it.. Tomato well, anyone have an Italian grandma, napoletana is good easy to make and stores for ages in the fridge....

A bit of fennel in the sauce works a-treat

10979 posts
10 Oct 2011 1:01PM
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BabaORiley said...

SP said...

A kg god damn, I'm not that hungry...

Simple dough
550grams of flour
1 teaspoon of
And if i rember a cup of water, mix it up and leave it rest for a good half hour to an hour than cut and into what size you want and roll it out.... Good to go pizza dough...

As for sauce we could be here for hours but BBQ wise just get he shelf stuff add some wostershire paprika and herbs etc and go for it.. Tomato well, anyone have an Italian grandma, napoletana is good easy to make and stores for ages in the fridge....

Use the double o flour SP, bakers flour and add a good splash of a good olive oil.
Reduse the water to compensate oil.

Thanks mate, good idea with the oil, the recipe above was a bit short on water anyway should of wrote a cup and a half.

& yep the bakers flour is heaps better than plain flour, ive been using it for the last few attempts.

WA, 3519 posts
10 Oct 2011 1:51PM
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Agree with the 00 flour and I use dry yeast, on mine I add 1/2 glass of milk to finish as well as some olive oil, I like to put a good amount of dry Italian herbs.
The water cooler is for delivering water at the best rate possible on a sugar cube placed on a special fork sitting on top of your absinthe glass so the sugar dissolves in it! Was very popular in France, Switzerland in the years 1900 before Absinthe became illegal.

Easy way is to buy tomato paste and improve it your way! Herbs, anchovies, olives, capers etc….

WA, 3519 posts
10 Oct 2011 1:55PM
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Absinthe is not green it has some green reflexions under the light; it is called the green fairy! I guess the more you drink of it the easier it is to see the green fairy!
Thank you Absinthe (wormwood) for giving us Monet!

WA, 434 posts
10 Oct 2011 2:06PM
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Johnny Depp declared, "I hated cocaine but I used to like Absinthe, which is like marijuana; drink too much and you suddenly realize why Van Gogh cut off his ear."

6657 posts
14 Oct 2011 9:30AM
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Getting real (slobber,drool,gut rumble & howwwwwwl) close to "minx" WF Oven pick up day now (Wed. 19/10) ....... hehehehehe bring it (slobber , drool) on!

All the Pup is searching for now is a life-size (or bigger) DYI Jennifer Hawkins clone-bot with the terminator-type synthetic skin (I'll be pre-programming that fer sure) to serve us all the beer and do the entertaining loike!

6657 posts
17 Oct 2011 5:01PM
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only 'bout 18 hours 38minutes & oh unknown seconds to go before "minx" get's her sweet little arse picked up ..... yeeeeehaaaaaa baby, fat guts here I come!
....hey I'm excited something else besides titties , girliepup bump , beer then more titties and bumps is in me pup mind (well there's room anyhowwwwwl!)
No pics no proof????? ...... theyza comin'

SA, 3589 posts
18 Oct 2011 2:55AM
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Absynth and h'ordeauves. How thoughtful.

6657 posts
19 Oct 2011 12:29PM
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Step 1 > Pick up "Minx" the WF Oven. (Tick)

As y

ou can see Pup can't draw for Batsh!t

WA, 3519 posts
19 Oct 2011 12:36PM
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Woaw! it is finally there! Congrat mate.... now the real fun can start! I have some leftover heat blanket from mine if you need it it's yours!

6657 posts
19 Oct 2011 12:43PM
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Cheers mate - getting to and organising a base for the little minx now..... have a good one won't ya!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Wood fired pizza oven" started by felixdcat