If that was twenty years ago in cold war era I would say "Russian mini submarine"
since we have friends only now I guess:
"boat people smugglers" found new way to get to our beaches
10 people should fit easy inside "rubber whale submarine" belly
If I were you I would try to poke a hole at least in this rubber belly with your rod.
Would be interesting to hear the photogs guesstimate at the size of that lass. Going by the pic I'd put it at the upper limit of their range 5-6m. Bloody big fish.
Yeah right, hadn't thought of that, might be a good time to rethink the closure dates. The water temp has certainly plummeted in the last coupla weeks.
Was that really at Woodies? the paper and other articles say it was between Freo and Rotto...
Are you serious when you say they landed it???
Hehe the wind is down at the moment... But yeah, we should see woodies empty of kites for a few weeks now... well I won't be riding there anytime soon!
kited there on friday and only three of us were out for most of the day. Had a great time. And we didn't see that mother lurking around.
Miller, Leech and I were sailing our local when they saw a fin about the size of this shark on the inside. I never saw it thank fruck
There have been numerous sitings around the area and for some reason I continue to surf and sail this spot although the month of November is the only time of the year we stay away
I suppose the only solution is to ride with a roo steak on the wet suit, and in case of an encounter, just throw it as far as possible and shout "whitey... FETCH! "
I'm not so sure on the efficiency of this method and won't be hold responsible if anyone tries it with no success!
Should have chucked the two Shark wrangling dogs in..At least we could have used them to gauge its size..
I'm guessing thats why the surf has been quiet.