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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

ben cousins...again

Created by surferstu > 9 months ago, 29 Mar 2012
Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
30 Mar 2012 8:51AM
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Pugwash said...

what has a picture of a duck got to do with this?

SA, 2865 posts
30 Mar 2012 8:31AM
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Mr float said...

what has a picture of a duck got to do with this?

His career is ......DUCKED or perhaps that's what may ocur in jail?

VIC, 1121 posts
30 Mar 2012 9:18AM
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Mr float said...

Pugwash said...

what has a picture of a duck got to do with this?

Its a goose! Ben cousins is a really big one!

VIC, 5000 posts
30 Mar 2012 9:19AM
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Mr float said...

what has a picture of a duck got to do with this?

Hint - long-necked duck that goes...'HONK'.

(now where's that facepalm pic again?...)
[edit] - windaddict, you beat me to it. for cousins - junkie-moron! For a very talented athlete...he's a loser - he doesn't want to give up the drugs, and he won't until he makes that decision. for the cops - c'mon, go chase some 'real' baddies you guys! for the media that continue to target him & are making a big deal out of nothin', that's what they do & what they will always do!

QLD, 3666 posts
30 Mar 2012 8:23AM
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He's not a goose.. The picture is a big duck.

WA, 3271 posts
30 Mar 2012 6:48AM
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saltiest1 said...

if youve seen what the stuff does to people, physically, mentally and socially, and you still deny the influence it has on crime and the life of those around them, and still want to legalise it, you are an idiot. go to rehab.

Agreed, that stuff does untold damage and those that dont get to see it truly can't appreciate it until they have.

I can't but think that as he got caught with over 4 grams of meth (which is a lot) up his butt on the way to a rehab clinic:-
Bennie clearly wasn't ready for rehab.
He is either snorting huge amounts or, god forbid was taking the drugs to a rehab clinic to make some $$$?

Given his history the police wouldn't be stopping and searching him unless they had rock solid grounds to do so and they wouldn't do it on a whim.

Someone mentioned he skipped town after being arrested, going by the media over here he was arrested and bail to reside at the rehab clinic, once he got to the clinic they decided it wasn't the place for him, Bennie was re-arrested and his bail conditions varied with conditions to reside somewhere in Perth.

WA, 703 posts
30 Mar 2012 11:30AM
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after posting bail he heads straight to the knoker shop, where else would you go. i'm intriguied by the statement from the dude at the bothel who claims that cuzzie couldn't come to an agreement with the hooker with regards to "certain services". My guess is that he thought there was still another few grams up his ar$e and he just wanted someone to go feltch it

6657 posts
30 Mar 2012 11:36AM
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stringer said...

after posting bail he heads straight to the knoker shop, where else would you go. i'm intriguied by the statement from the dude at the bothel who claims that cuzzie couldn't come to an agreement with the hooker with regards to "certain services". My guess is that he thought there was still another few grams up his ar$e and he just wanted someone to go feltch it

hahahahaha - ahhhhh that is funny , maybe his pipe was up his arse too

NSW, 4460 posts
30 Mar 2012 2:52PM
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I guess my comment about education didn't really click with some of y'all.

Imagine your the village idiot, and you and your fellow idiots hear about this driving thing.
You come about a HSV GT SE, you and your fellows mount the car, and you stomp on the accelerator
(it was already running).

You crash in to a house killing a baby, you suffer severe whip lash from the impact and air bag, your passengers suffer various injuries from a broken neck to broken noise.

The house has to be rebuilt, the car is a write off.

Your parents are on the hook for $800,000...

Now the village idiot goes around telling people how dangerous cars are, how they should be banned, and how it wreck so many lives.

.... from what you know about cars what does that make you think?

WA, 15849 posts
30 Mar 2012 12:17PM
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FlySurfer said...

I guess my comment about education didn't really click with some of y'all.

Imagine your the village idiot, and you and your fellow idiots hear about this driving thing.
You come about a HSV GT SE, you and your fellows mount the car, and you stomp on the accelerator
(it was already running).

You crash in to a house killing a baby, you suffer severe whip lash from the impact and air bag, your passengers suffer various injuries from a broken neck to broken noise.

The house has to be rebuilt, the car is a write off.

Your parents are on the hook for $800,000...

Now the village idiot goes around telling people how dangerous cars are, how they should be banned, and how it wreck so many lives.

.... from what you know about cars what does that make you think?

That any idiot can do that in a car.

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
30 Mar 2012 12:20PM
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FlySurfer said...

I guess my comment about education didn't really click with some of y'all.

Imagine your the village idiot, and you and your fellow idiots hear about this driving thing.
You come about a HSV GT SE, you and your fellows mount the car, and you stomp on the accelerator
(it was already running).

You crash in to a house killing a baby, you suffer severe whip lash from the impact and air bag, your passengers suffer various injuries from a broken neck to broken noise.

The house has to be rebuilt, the car is a write off.

Your parents are on the hook for $800,000...

Now the village idiot goes around telling people how dangerous cars are, how they should be banned, and how it wreck so many lives.

.... from what you know about cars what does that make you think?

Well that is why we have laws that say you are not allowed to drive like a knobhead.

We also have banned drugs due to the harm they cause.

I think you disproved your own point with that analogy

NSW, 4460 posts
30 Mar 2012 6:27PM
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Mark _australia said...
Well that is why we have laws that say you are not allowed to drive like a knobhead.

We also have banned drugs due to the harm they cause.

I think you disproved your own point with that analogy

In Australia swimming was banned during day light hours until the 20th Century... harm had nothing to do with it.

How exactly do drugs do harm??? Do they know martial arts? Carry guns?

They're inanimate, like a car...
You get somebody you is educated and knows what the substance does and he/she can use it properly.

You get the village idiot and ... well, you tell me what happens. I've only ever seen bad things with alcohol, the rest have been interesting.

NSW, 1147 posts
30 Mar 2012 6:39PM
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Mark _australia said...

FlySurfer said...

Ben who?

What's wrong with having drugs?
Did he kill somebody?
Did he hurt somebody?
What he do?

What did he do ...well geez, broke the law?
Typical stoner - "oh he didnt hurt anyone" lets legalise it

Maybe you'd also be all for people who commit insurance fraud? I mean it doesn't hurt anyone, everyone in Australia only paid $1 extra on insurance last year. That's not much.

Hey what about flashing ya dingdong at the girls in the park. I mean if they are not upset then it should be legal right? Didn't really hurt anyone....

Ask Ben's family if they were hurt.

??insurance fraud, streaking, sorry mark what in the world do these have to do with the blokes drug addiction??

why don't you liken it to abusing police and stealing biscuits.

as for his family thats between ben and them.

bloody amazing footy player though! and lets face it that the only reason anyone gives a sh!t.

NSW, 1147 posts
30 Mar 2012 6:45PM
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Select to expand quote

Well that is why we have laws that say you are not allowed to drive like a knobhead.

We also have banned drugs due to the harm they cause.

Alcohol and smoking are legal, have a look at the stats on the harm they cause.
Just because the the law says you can or can not does not mean it's good or bad.

NSW, 6451 posts
30 Mar 2012 7:39PM
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^^^^^So true DunkO.
20 000 people in Australia die from smoking every year , but its still legal????And it harms innocent bystanders by second hand smoke,but still legal.
I guess cause the government makes squillions taxing cigis.
Kinda puts a damper on,,,,,drugs are band cause they cause harm.

Green Cherub
WA, 296 posts
30 Mar 2012 4:54PM
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Saw this posted on facebook, had to share;

WA, 15849 posts
30 Mar 2012 5:04PM
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^^ Gold

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
30 Mar 2012 8:19PM
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Gizmo said...

Mr float said...

what has a picture of a duck got to do with this?

His career is ......DUCKED or perhaps that's what may ocur in jail?

Got it

380 posts
30 Mar 2012 6:05PM
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Skid said...

Bone43 said...

I had a nicotine addiction for 18 years until 6 weeks ago
it wasn't easy to stop still crave one from time to time
I know if I have one that will be the end
1 is to many 1000 ain't enough
legal or not addiction to anything that's not good for you is no fun

A quick thread hijack to say good on ya Bone43, best of luck kicking the habit for good

Hijack = over

please carry on.....

Thanks skid it's hard but I'm going to stick with it
they are Evil things
stoked that I'm saving $120 a week
will be able to buy new Board and sail by the end of the year
amazing how you can buy something so addictive over the counter
I'm onto my new drug of choice now bought it sown the corner today
Don't worry it's only alcohol and Wayne Swan Is getting his cut

VIC, 5904 posts
30 Mar 2012 9:45PM
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FlySurfer said...

Mark _australia said...
Well that is why we have laws that say you are not allowed to drive like a knobhead.

We also have banned drugs due to the harm they cause.

I think you disproved your own point with that analogy

In Australia swimming was banned during day light hours until the 20th Century... harm had nothing to do with it.

How exactly do drugs do harm??? Do they know martial arts? Carry guns?

They're inanimate, like a car...
You get somebody you is educated and knows what the substance does and he/she can use it properly.

You get the village idiot and ... well, you tell me what happens. I've only ever seen bad things with alcohol, the rest have been interesting.

I think you may have solved the problem.

The great percentage of of people using amphetamines are not educated , they usually are the village drongo .
There's your problem !!
And thats why speed is illegal !!!

NSW, 6451 posts
30 Mar 2012 9:45PM
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If you gave up the alcohol as well, you could get your new board and sail,,,and a holiday overseas by the end of the year.
I post this as I drink my long neck.

NSW, 6451 posts
30 Mar 2012 9:56PM
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SandS said...

FlySurfer said...

Mark _australia said...
Well that is why we have laws that say you are not allowed to drive like a knobhead.

We also have banned drugs due to the harm they cause.

I think you disproved your own point with that analogy

In Australia swimming was banned during day light hours until the 20th Century... harm had nothing to do with it.

How exactly do drugs do harm??? Do they know martial arts? Carry guns?

They're inanimate, like a car...
You get somebody you is educated and knows what the substance does and he/she can use it properly.

You get the village idiot and ... well, you tell me what happens. I've only ever seen bad things with alcohol, the rest have been interesting.

I think you may have solved the problem.

The great percentage of of people using amphetamines are not educated , they usually are the village drongo .
There's your problem !!
And thats why speed is illegal !!!

Not to sure about being educated.

I went to a fairly high society type party(I didnt fit in) not too long ago.
Was all doctors,lawyers,wealthy bussiness owners.Well educated folk.

I have never seen that amount of drugs in one room.
And these were the people that we put our life in their hands.

I was watching the specialist surgeons that you pay mega bucks an hour for,thinking, holy crap Im glad Im not having heart surgery tomorrow.

380 posts
30 Mar 2012 6:56PM
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lotofwind said...

If you gave up the alcohol as well, you could get your new board and sail,,,and a holiday overseas by the end of the year.
I post this as I drink my long neck.

My wife earns more than me and she pays for the holidays as it
she just won't pay for the new gear
so hear I sit enjoying my my beer and thinkink of the new board

WA, 3489 posts
30 Mar 2012 7:37PM
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Enjoy that beer bone43 just don't have that many that you forget (or use it as an excuse) and light up, your on the home straight and that new board is up ahead.

NSW, 4460 posts
30 Mar 2012 11:55PM
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lotofwind said...
Not to sure about being educated.

I went to a fairly high society type party(I didnt fit in) not too long ago.
Was all doctors,lawyers,wealthy bussiness owners.Well educated folk.

I have never seen that amount of drugs in one room.
And these were the people that we put our life in their hands.

I was watching the specialist surgeons that you pay mega bucks an hour for,thinking, holy crap Im glad Im not having heart surgery tomorrow.

I was thinking, who the fark is that bogan that keeps asking for beer... did we get out of hand? No, all under control.

WA, 58 posts
30 Mar 2012 9:30PM
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I used to do drugs...

I still do drugs....but I used to too

WA, 1549 posts
31 Mar 2012 9:18AM
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normal healthy behaviour???

Me thinks not

watch here.......

Anyone for a wager of 50 bucks that he's off to jail????

1011 posts
17 Apr 2012 1:43PM
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Only took a couple of weeks, he's at it again

VIC, 392 posts
17 Apr 2012 4:10PM
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The disgraced ex-footballer was not taken into police custody today because the alleged offences do not breach his bail conditions.

Interesting bail conditions.

WA, 15849 posts
17 Apr 2012 2:39PM
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lightwood said...

The disgraced ex-footballer was not taken into police custody today because the alleged offences do not breach his bail conditions.

Interesting bail conditions.

It should say -

The disgraced ex-footballer was not taken into police custody today because he is an x-AFL player.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"ben cousins...again" started by surferstu