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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

bottled water is it a con?

Created by petermac33 > 9 months ago, 3 Jun 2010
WA, 15849 posts
8 Jun 2010 2:42PM
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petermac33 said...

i have been buying Mount Franklin spring water for last week or so.

do i see 3 numbers as part of the the logo or is that my delusional side coming out again?

going to try and trap some of the rain this winter and bottle it.

anyone know of any springs around Perth i can fill up on.

I think you just ansered your own question........

WA, 4642 posts
8 Jun 2010 5:17PM
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petermac33 said...
anyone know of any springs around Perth i can fill up on.

There's a natural spring on Mounts Bay road about a hundred meters east of the old swan brewery. It's the same spring that the early settlers got water from. Lots of people used to fill up bottles there every morning and made great claims regarding it's health giving benefits,. sooo the health dept thought they better do a few checks on it. Apparently it was heavily contaminated with all sorts of fertilisers, chemicals herbicides, insecticides and probably homicides from the gardens in Kings Park just above it.
The number of people filling up dropped off a little but I still see them filling up there. You might as well join them.

Untreated spring water is no different from untreated bore water that you pump up and splash on your garden. The fact that it bubbles up from the ground by itself does not mean it is endowed with any magical health giving properties.
And my advice on drinking bore water in any metropolitan area is don't. Unless you boil it first. It has the accumulation of 100 years of septic tank outputs in it.

Tap water is fine. If you want to make it finer then boil it first.

If you believe in the evolutionary process, the human species has evolved over millions of years to be in balance with most of the organisms and minerals found in rain, rivers and groundwater.
If you only use distilled water or purified water you end up with an immune system biology which has nothing to do so it often turns around and attacks the system it is meant to protect. i.e. you! It's the same with running around the house spraying hospital grade germicides on everything to give you a house so clean you can eat your dinner off the floor.
We didn't evolve under such sterile conditions and while the advertisements imply that it is to your benefit, it is NOT.

Within reason, stick as close as possible to the conditions in which a species evolved and that is as good as you will get.
So Pweet, put your gob under the tap and drink your fill.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
8 Jun 2010 8:59PM
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pweedas said...
If you believe in the evolutionary process, the human species has evolved over millions of years to be in balance with most of the organisms and minerals found in rain, rivers and groundwater.

nope, it means enough human beings have not been killed by drinking water for long enough to hump other human beings and make baby human beings who survive drinking the stuff long enough to hump other human beings...

but you're right, it does put the tap water vs mineral water vs tank water debate into perspective

WA, 7019 posts
8 Jun 2010 8:41PM
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In answer to the question: 'Is bottled water a con ?'

The answer is No. If you buy some bottled water you get a bottle of water.

For it to be a 'con' you must recieve less than it professes to be.

If, for example, Evian siad : Drink Evian and you will become invisible, then it would be a con.

Far as I know they don't (and as far as I know you don't become invisible)

Is it a rip-off - then probably yes. Do you get not much for paying alot - probably yes. Are there much better alternatives - probably yes.

Are bottled water companies conning you - no. They are promoting a product and selling you what they promote. Are you getting value when you purchase - probably not, but end of the day that is your free choice, you are not being conned.

74 posts
8 Jun 2010 10:29PM
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Carantoc said...

In answer to the question: 'Is bottled water a con ?'

The answer is No. If you buy some bottled water you get a bottle of water.

For it to be a 'con' you must recieve less than it professes to be.

If, for example, Evian siad : Drink Evian and you will become invisible, then it would be a con.

Far as I know they don't (and as far as I know you don't become invisible)

Water that makes you invisible that would be a hell of a con, but people would see right through it
However they make claims of being a healthier, cleaner & better for you than tap water!!! If this is not true then it would be a con. Most advertising is a con, companies are very loose on there facts & often lie by omission.. These are still lies imho. eg healthier option!!! healthier than what?? Reduced Fat!!!Reduced from what 70% down to 69%..factually & legally correct yet still a con
I think we are trying establish what is the best water.

NSW, 7075 posts
9 Jun 2010 9:01AM
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I think the con lies in the fact that people have been pursuaded to buy it in lieu of drinking tap water.

That is why it is such a brilliant con - sure it is only a bottle of water but why the **** do people pay for it?

NSW, 864 posts
9 Jun 2010 9:12AM
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petermac33 said...

i have been buying Mount Franklin spring water for last week or so.

do i see 3 numbers as part of the the logo or is that my delusional side coming out again?

going to try and trap some of the rain this winter and bottle it.

anyone know of any springs around Perth i can fill up on.

There is no delusional side to petermac33. Matter of fact it's all delusional.

(with thanks to Pink Floyd).

WA, 7019 posts
9 Jun 2010 8:55AM
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Globetrotter said...

However they make claims of being a healthier, cleaner & better for you than tap water!!!

Do they really ??, or is this just the impression that we all have from their advertising ?

Nowhere can I find that they claim their product is "better" than tap water. Their web site has lots of references to the need to drink water and that water (presumably all water not just evian) is pure and natural and that Evian contains a unique balance of minerals.

Now that is probably all true. The con is probably in that people read that in whatever way they want it to read it. But that is no different to any other product out there for sale.

However, Evian website also has the opening statement "you are never too old to become younger" (quote by Mae West).

If you read this as "drink evian and you will get younger" then may I offer you a small rubber band to put on your wrist that will mean you can balance like an olympic pillow fighter on a greasy log and make you richer as well. I am willing to give this to you for free, just send me $70 post and packing. (and if you do this in the next 7 days I will throw in a couple bottles of my invisibility natural spring water, sprung from my very own adonis like body)

885 posts
10 Jun 2010 6:27AM
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bottled water is a con. Theres nothing wrong with tap water except possibly in adelaide

WA, 15849 posts
10 Jun 2010 8:49AM
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Lobes said...

bottled water is a con. Theres nothing wrong with tap water except possibly in adelaide

Or Sydney....

j murray
SA, 947 posts
10 Jun 2010 2:45PM
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Ervian said.."drink ervian and you will become invisible"

So I have been drinking lotsa erv....... bet you , none of you can see me !!

just watch out all about you , i'm looking at ya !!!

NSW, 7075 posts
10 Jun 2010 7:47PM
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Got a mate who is a mega keen fisherman who used to make illegal sorties into Waragamba. ( for those who do not know Sydney's main water supply dam in the Blue Mountains).

He wlaked down the Cox's river one day to find a pile of dead brumbies and cattle that had been shot from a helicopter, all lying in the river bed.

When he got back he phoned the water supply board or whatever it is called and told them about it.

Their response was that he was not supposed to be there.

Whereupon he told them to get ****ed and hung up.

1263 posts
10 Jun 2010 7:08PM
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These work pretty good for us poor folk. You fill it with tap water (sludge) and the water goes through a carbon filter. Stick it in the fridge and use it when you're out'a beer...

Mark _australia
WA, 22881 posts
10 Jun 2010 7:44PM
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desertyank said...

use it when you're out'a beer...

Pretty bl00dy poor planning.....


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"bottled water is it a con?" started by petermac33