In answer to the question: 'Is bottled water a con ?'
The answer is No. If you buy some bottled water you get a bottle of water.
For it to be a 'con' you must recieve less than it professes to be.
If, for example, Evian siad : Drink Evian and you will become invisible, then it would be a con.
Far as I know they don't (and as far as I know you don't become invisible)
Is it a rip-off - then probably yes. Do you get not much for paying alot - probably yes. Are there much better alternatives - probably yes.
Are bottled water companies conning you - no. They are promoting a product and selling you what they promote. Are you getting value when you purchase - probably not, but end of the day that is your free choice, you are not being conned.
I think the con lies in the fact that people have been pursuaded to buy it in lieu of drinking tap water.
That is why it is such a brilliant con - sure it is only a bottle of water but why the **** do people pay for it?
Ervian said.."drink ervian and you will become invisible"
So I have been drinking lotsa erv....... bet you , none of you can see me !!
just watch out all about you , i'm looking at ya !!!
Got a mate who is a mega keen fisherman who used to make illegal sorties into Waragamba. ( for those who do not know Sydney's main water supply dam in the Blue Mountains).
He wlaked down the Cox's river one day to find a pile of dead brumbies and cattle that had been shot from a helicopter, all lying in the river bed.
When he got back he phoned the water supply board or whatever it is called and told them about it.
Their response was that he was not supposed to be there.
Whereupon he told them to get ****ed and hung up.
These work pretty good for us poor folk. You fill it with tap water (sludge) and the water goes through a carbon filter. Stick it in the fridge and use it when you're out'a beer...