Two minutes after writing that I found this:
Sounds like they've got that world domination plan all wrapped up.
gestalt....articles by CSIRO, academy of science, nasa etc.
hold on a minute, are these not arms of government.
its like the pharma research scientists doing there job and at end of testing finding there are no side effects to drug xyz.
you mention wikipedia as another source of evidence/truth.
if you get your belief in reality from these sources then whoever has control of these sources has you under mind control.
i get my beliefs mostly from my sight and my rationale. not what wikipedia, nasa or whoever tells me is reality.
if wikipedia or academy of sciences tell you that chemtrails do not exist, but you can see them with your eyes, what then.
go to london or devon in the uk, they are spraying there bigtime... thats in your face bigtime.
please dont tell me the worldwide chemtrail spraying is done to combat global warming, a problem that DOES NOT EXIST in the first place.
^ well i figure if nasa put man into space and onto the moon and landed a craft on Mars they must have a fairly good understanding of physics.
or did they?????
i have also been sailing for nearly 20 years. at lucky bay in applecross.
in this time gestalt i have seen no increase in water level at all.
no doubt where you sail from, you were once able to park your car in the carpark....now 20 years on thanks to man/made global warming you have to now find an elevated position to park your car.
now if this was true, this would be real evidence that the water level is indeed rising.
data from various arms of gov telling us that water levels are rising can be taken with a pinch of salt. figures can and are manipulated to fit agenda.
go to local beach or river and see for yourself.
and remember this, when the gov tells you chemtrails do not exist and your eyes tell you the exact opposite, the gov is right and you are a cons/theorist for believing they do exist.
its the same with this global warming scam, where is the physical evidence you can see for yourself.
there is none and until such time i see the physical evidence for myself, i will continue to believe like david bellamy said that its all poppycock.
I think it is about time they put a cautionary note in the tide tables.
"Tidal predictions may be incorrect due to rising sea levels caused by global warming."
yep i was laughing.
i thought we were starting to talk about ways of reversing man made climate change but it seems we've gone full circle.
to be honest i wasn't aware of how deep this conspiracy thing went, not only has it gone to all levels of government but now it is even attacking the english language. it seems weather now menas global mean sea levels
just when i was getting a little worried i found this.
this thread is obviously going nowhere but I like the idea that a debate can just be people posting videos at one another
The thread topic is "climate change whos paying?"
Is it the delta people of Bangladesh? Is it the people of the low lying islands of the Pacific? Is it the Dutch, Belgians and West Germans? Is it the Maldevians, the Cocos Keeling and Seychelles Islanders? Is it the people of Florida and the Everglades? Is it the people of Guyana?
Is it the people who are silly enough to accept the clap trap arguement that global warming is a result of human activity?
If there was any rise in sea levels the Dutch would be the first ones to know about it and schriek aloud about it.
What is that I hear? Oh, just a deafening silence.