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climate change whos paying?

Created by NowindSurfer > 9 months ago, 8 Dec 2009
NSW, 864 posts
16 Dec 2009 10:35AM
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Two minutes after writing that I found this:

Sounds like they've got that world domination plan all wrapped up.

WA, 4564 posts
16 Dec 2009 10:28AM
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maxm said...

Two minutes after writing that I found this:

Sounds like they've got that world domination plan all wrapped up.

That minister for the environment would have to be one of the lamest, of lame ducks any government ever had. Bout as handy and a wrought iron hang glider
As New Yorkers say
"Minister, you got, Nuthinnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!"

QLD, 12337 posts
16 Dec 2009 12:48PM
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Gestalt said...

another big fat fail cisco,

Oh NO!!! Not again. What should I do?? Maybe , but before I do I better figure out whether burial or cremation is going to create more pollution.

Hey that's another thing they haven't discussed yet. What is the carbon footprint of dead people.

Let's see now. Flowers on the grave, pollution from the tractor digging the grave, pollution from the funeral procession vehicles then there is the ongoing pollution caused by the relatives visits to the grave for years to come. This could be really big.

Glad I thought about that one. I've got something to live for now. "Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Dead People".

From the quoted ABC article:-

The chief executive of the Minerals Council of Australia, Mitch Hooke, says the climate change argument should be about commitments to solutions, not seeking concessions.

"Not getting into this business where the developing countries who have a lot more people and therefore lower per capita emissions think there should be less obligation on them to reduce emissions than the developing counties," he said.

"That's why we have this continuous per capita debate. It's about trying to shirk blame, it's about trying to shirk responsibility, yet in actual fact everybody has got to focus on solutions to managing climate change."

Mr Hooke says even if the Australian economy was shut down, it would only contribute to a lessening of global emissions by 2 per cent.

O.K. everybody in Oz, it is time to leave. Go find another country to live in.

"The accent should be on technologies and developing the solutions to managing climate change, not getting into this warfare about who has the greatest degree of responsibility," he said.

"I'm saying to you even if we accepted that we're the highest per capita, and therefore that means we should be doing more, you still can't do it if you don't have the technologies.

"And you still can only shut down the Australian economy to the tune of contributing to about 1.5 per cent of emission to the global problem.

"It begs the question, what more do you want?"

QLD, 14394 posts
16 Dec 2009 1:19PM
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cisco said...

"It begs the question, what more do you want?"

people on internet forums to deal with the reality that global warming according to the world experts is real.

people on internet forums to produce factual evidence and not produce hear say, out of date studies or opinion that are baseless without calling them opinions.

global warming reduced to 2deg max in the next 90 years

solar panels on every house in australia

pbr power plants


oh and also a NWO that sees all countries working together to stamp out terrorism, poverty, financial systems and space exploration.

as a start.

QLD, 12337 posts
16 Dec 2009 9:58PM
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mineral1 said...
That minister for the environment would have to be one of the lamest, of lame ducks any government ever had. Bout as handy and a wrought iron hang glider
As New Yorkers say
"Minister, you got, Nuthinnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!"

The Indian Environment Minister had just pulled out of a crucial meeting with Australia's Climate Change Minister, Penny Wong, aimed at breaking the deadlock in the climate talks.

Senator Wong said she did not know why Mr Ramesh pulled out of the crucial meeting. "You will have to ask him," she said.

Mr Ramesh told the Herald he had not "pulled out" but said he was unfortunately "too busy" to hold the meeting with Senator Wong and spend three hours co-chairing a meeting with her

I don't blame the guy. I certainly would not want to be locked in a room with that woman. My rear end chastity would be quite threatened I believe.

QLD, 12337 posts
16 Dec 2009 10:30PM
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Gestalt said...

cisco said...

"It begs the question, what more do you want?"

global warming reduced to 2deg max in the next 90 years

oh and also a NWO that sees all countries working together to stamp out financial systems and space exploration.

as a start.

Well that wouldn't quite throw us back to the stone age but there is at least a few centuries in it.

Do you think the NWO is not a financial system among other things??

WA, 6415 posts
16 Dec 2009 9:51PM
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gestalt....articles by CSIRO, academy of science, nasa etc.

hold on a minute, are these not arms of government.

its like the pharma research scientists doing there job and at end of testing finding there are no side effects to drug xyz.

you mention wikipedia as another source of evidence/truth.

if you get your belief in reality from these sources then whoever has control of these sources has you under mind control.

i get my beliefs mostly from my sight and my rationale. not what wikipedia, nasa or whoever tells me is reality.

if wikipedia or academy of sciences tell you that chemtrails do not exist, but you can see them with your eyes, what then.

go to london or devon in the uk, they are spraying there bigtime... thats in your face bigtime.

please dont tell me the worldwide chemtrail spraying is done to combat global warming, a problem that DOES NOT EXIST in the first place.

QLD, 14394 posts
17 Dec 2009 12:23AM
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^ well i figure if nasa put man into space and onto the moon and landed a craft on Mars they must have a fairly good understanding of physics.

or did they?????

QLD, 14394 posts
17 Dec 2009 12:28AM
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petermac33 said...

gestalt....articles by CSIRO, academy of science, nasa etc.

i get my beliefs mostly from my sight and my rationale. not what wikipedia, nasa or whoever tells me is reality.

mate i've been on the water for the last 20 years and if you think the weather is like it used to be then you need to take more notice.

QLD, 12337 posts
17 Dec 2009 2:15AM
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petermac33 said...
if wikipedia or academy of sciences tell you that chemtrails do not exist, but you can see them with your eyes, what then.

Nah mate. It's not chemtrails. It's just grid pattern sky writing to represent the checquered flag for the next Formula One Race.

QLD, 12337 posts
17 Dec 2009 2:18AM
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Gestalt said...

^ well i figure if nasa put man into space and onto the moon and landed a craft on Mars they must have a fairly good understanding of physics.

or did they?????

They probably do have a good understanding of physics etc.

One concept they have failed to grasp is that of "Telling the Truth".

QLD, 12337 posts
17 Dec 2009 2:21AM
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Gestalt said...
mate i've been on the water for the last 20 years and if you think the weather is like it used to be then you need to take more notice.

I hope that is all duely recorded in your log book.

WA, 6415 posts
17 Dec 2009 12:51AM
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i have also been sailing for nearly 20 years. at lucky bay in applecross.

in this time gestalt i have seen no increase in water level at all.

no doubt where you sail from, you were once able to park your car in the 20 years on thanks to man/made global warming you have to now find an elevated position to park your car.

now if this was true, this would be real evidence that the water level is indeed rising.

data from various arms of gov telling us that water levels are rising can be taken with a pinch of salt. figures can and are manipulated to fit agenda.

go to local beach or river and see for yourself.

and remember this, when the gov tells you chemtrails do not exist and your eyes tell you the exact opposite, the gov is right and you are a cons/theorist for believing they do exist.

its the same with this global warming scam, where is the physical evidence you can see for yourself.

there is none and until such time i see the physical evidence for myself, i will continue to believe like david bellamy said that its all poppycock.

QLD, 12337 posts
17 Dec 2009 3:24AM
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I think it is about time they put a cautionary note in the tide tables.

"Tidal predictions may be incorrect due to rising sea levels caused by global warming."

WA, 6415 posts
17 Dec 2009 2:52AM
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gestalt will love this..

QLD, 12337 posts
17 Dec 2009 11:02AM
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Oohhh. You are such an evil man petermac33.

gestalt might not love it but I certainly did.

QLD, 14394 posts
17 Dec 2009 1:37PM
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yep i was laughing.

i thought we were starting to talk about ways of reversing man made climate change but it seems we've gone full circle.

to be honest i wasn't aware of how deep this conspiracy thing went, not only has it gone to all levels of government but now it is even attacking the english language. it seems weather now menas global mean sea levels

just when i was getting a little worried i found this.

QLD, 14394 posts
17 Dec 2009 1:38PM
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what conspiracy. oh, you mean the oil companies feeding the climate change deniers.

QLD, 14394 posts
17 Dec 2009 2:18PM
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this is some funny stuff.

QLD, 14394 posts
17 Dec 2009 3:08PM
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language warning

WA, 365 posts
17 Dec 2009 1:15PM
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Greenpeace activist gets owned at Copenhagen

QLD, 14394 posts
17 Dec 2009 3:53PM
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ADS said...

Greenpeace activist gets owned at Copenhagen

gee, she's not too bright when it comes to the facts.

monckton has been proven wrong time and time again. in that interview he has manipulated information for his own agenda.

can't be bothered highlighting point for point but as monckton quoted NOAA in his interview this page will be of interest.

shows no doubt as to what is going on and clearly shows how monckton has taken very small slices of information and or manipulated the detail to prove his agenda.

to debunk everything else has says.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
17 Dec 2009 6:07PM
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this thread is obviously going nowhere but I like the idea that a debate can just be people posting videos at one another

QLD, 14394 posts
17 Dec 2009 6:29PM
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videos were just the half time entertainment.

now we get a rerun of the first half.

WA, 15849 posts
17 Dec 2009 5:07PM
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Gestalt said...

videos were just the half time entertainment.

now we get a rerun of the first half.

Please no, dont. I think this thread should be locked due to its now funnest home videos, not climate change.

This will be the longest running thread by the end I recon....

QLD, 14394 posts
17 Dec 2009 7:14PM
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ok, i'll shut the door and most importantly.... turn out the lights. on my way out.

WA, 15849 posts
17 Dec 2009 5:27PM
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QLD, 12337 posts
18 Dec 2009 12:54AM
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The thread topic is "climate change whos paying?"

Is it the delta people of Bangladesh? Is it the people of the low lying islands of the Pacific? Is it the Dutch, Belgians and West Germans? Is it the Maldevians, the Cocos Keeling and Seychelles Islanders? Is it the people of Florida and the Everglades? Is it the people of Guyana?


Is it the people who are silly enough to accept the clap trap arguement that global warming is a result of human activity?

If there was any rise in sea levels the Dutch would be the first ones to know about it and schriek aloud about it.

What is that I hear? Oh, just a deafening silence.

QLD, 14394 posts
18 Dec 2009 1:31AM
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cisco, switch off the lights when you finished would you.

QLD, 12337 posts
18 Dec 2009 2:33AM
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No. I will leave that to the last Kiwi to leave N.Z.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"climate change whos paying?" started by NowindSurfer