Hi , I know alot of you guys emailed about advice, but i lost some of the replies since i could not remember password....
SO HAD discetomy l5 last year, but had abulge recently on same disc,--- i think due to too much driving.
Anyway things seem to be healing and now i can walk and swim normally 5 weeks on, so hope longterm this will be ok. I am just wanting some happy feedabck so i can live the way i want to, ie some kiting, or rather learn properly and what good exercises to do for my core , i do like pilates.
ok all hope all good out there on wind.......
Hey TL Ive had the same operation, I was surfing 6weeks after although normally with a fair bit of pain afterwards. I have just bought a back saver thats like a kidney belt and gives suport around the mid section. My operation was over 2 years ago now. Ive stoped waterskiing and rockclimbing so I can just do surfing.