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herbivore or carnivore

Created by petermac33 > 9 months ago, 17 Jul 2010
WA, 6663 posts
19 Jul 2010 3:49PM
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echunda said...

If you can't kill it yourself, you've gt no right to eat it.

It seems to be the argument a lot of veggies have over meat eaters when they don't have anything else.

To me it seems to be a poor copy of the philosophy that you should not expect others to do what you are not willing to try yourself, but the logic isn't quite 100% for me. I kinda get it, but ...

If I can't cook a gourmet meal I have no right to eat it ?

If I can't formulate a medicine I have no right to take them ?

If I can't build a house I have no right to live in one ?

If I can't sculpt a peice of marble I have no right to admire art ?

If I can't play footy I have no right to watch sport ?

If I can't agree with a conspiracy theory I have no right to consider them ?

If I can't write a good book I have no right to read ?

If I can't sing I have no right to go to a concert ?

If I can't conduct a human operation I have no right to espect somebody to operate on me ?

If I can't teach I have no right to learn ?

WA, 6663 posts
19 Jul 2010 3:58PM
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Smedg said...

I would also be slightly less inclined to club women over the head in an attempt to get them back to my cave.. But hey, what ever does it for ya.

mmmmmmm... is that what happened in caveman times ?

Why would it ? The vast majority of animals out there procreate though both parties consenting. Usually one advertises and the other seeks.

Ain't many where one sex forces the other - can't think of any myself. Why would cavemen be different ?

But I take your point - I'll continue the evolution by eating more and more highly processed and refined food.

Did you know 300 years ago the average rural worker spent 25% of their income on bread. I don't think my body has evoled enough in 300 years to cope with too much highly processed and refined food though, so I will continue eating both meat and plants (admittely the ratio is very much in the favour of plants)

(but I would also say I am no picture of health or fitness - so maybe I should be trying something different)

WA, 15849 posts
19 Jul 2010 4:11PM
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JayBee said...

Sorry Doggie, you could not be any more wrong.


So what is your take on things then JB? No need to be sorry no one else is

NSW, 864 posts
19 Jul 2010 6:54PM
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Carantoc said...

The vast majority of animals out there procreate though both parties consenting. Usually one advertises and the other seeks.

Yaaa. With you there. Usually, I advertise and the missus seeks to tell me to get lost...

SA, 4034 posts
19 Jul 2010 6:41PM
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i just eat artificial meat and plants so this doen't apply to me

NSW, 510 posts
19 Jul 2010 7:58PM
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TrevNewman said...

I am a hardcore vego myself, I do eat eggs from my chickens and sometimes fish but I love animals and could never eat one, I love trees too and would also never eat one.

ur saying u dont eat trees lol

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
19 Jul 2010 8:18PM
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Carantoc said...

Ain't many where one sex forces the other - can't think of any myself.

Ducks and drakes...

If drunk frat boys score 3 out of 10 for considerate loving, drakes score 1

(If you must know, I read it in the Economist)

NSW, 714 posts
19 Jul 2010 8:31PM
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doggie said...

JayBee said...

Sorry Doggie, you could not be any more wrong.


So what is your take on things then JB? No need to be sorry no one else is

Just me being sarcastic Doggie. Beating you into submission by disagreeing with anything you say.
Honestly I don't care much for this arguement, although I have been drawn into many. I have no beef with vegetarians. What people put in their mouths is their business.


WA, 4485 posts
20 Jul 2010 11:51AM
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I have talked about doing similar, and had a few aborted attempts over the last few years, but have recently enforced 'Meat free Monday' in our household.

Wifey gets anxious and uptight about it - even tho I opt to do the cooking on that night (yes and others too ). Funny thing is she was a "fish don't have any feelings" vego when we met. Er..

MFMonday is working well and wifey actually said to a friend at dinner the other night (as she passed over the roast beef ) that she "felt better and 'lighter' because of the one vego day a week". Imagine if it were 2 days a week (my next aim). "Steady there cowboy - let's not get crazy."

BTW - lunch is fair game and it is only the evening meal that is a no meat zone. When you stand back, it kinda seems ridiculous that it takes effort to think and act so that only one main meal a week is meat free. Says a lot I reckon.

I have always believed that eating a small (and I mean 1-2 small serves a week) amount of red meat and more fish (when affordable) with a vegetable based diet is the winning combo. I try to eat vego (he he - or swimming vego) during the day to balance a bit.

Unfortunately everything in our society is geared towards each meal being focused almost exclusively on what kind of meat we consume and the way it is prepared. The healthiest most neglected aspect (vegies, salad etc) are hastily shoved onto 30% of the plate for a bit of colour.

Meat is a bit like a drug, most folks feel short changed and like they missed a 'hit' when they actually have a meal without meat. Kinda like junk food addicts and Maccas etc.

Wrong philosophy I reckon and if as much effort was made with veggies - they might actually be desired as a main course. Which as the food pyramid shows is the ratio they should actually be.

I'm, not gonna judge carnies, vegos, vegans or any other combo - it's your body, so your choice.

What does surprise me is the resistance and indeed borderline hatred heavy meat eaters (that would be about 80% of the country) have for those that choose not to eat meat. It's like trying to actually take a bone away from a bull terrier. [}:)]Grrrr Grrr.. Territorial lot those carnivores.

BTW - the trick for meat eaters (like myself) to feeling 'full' on vego is to cook something a little stodgy at first. Gives you that 'My guts will be busy with that for a few days' feeling that we love. Last night it was risotto with fetta, fried pumpkin, peas n parmesan. Normally I have proscuito or bacon in there but what's not to love about risotto ect?

Give a night a week vego a shot - you might just like it.

WA, 4485 posts
20 Jul 2010 12:06PM
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Here's what can happen if you focus too much on a meat based diet. Apparently wifey suggested a quiche for tea.

WA, 554 posts
20 Jul 2010 12:57PM
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I've learnt to temper my enthusiasm for the full blown meat diet given a couple of health scares, high blood pressure and a colesterol count that was through the roof.

Haven't cut out meat by any stretch, just moderated the amount eaten and not got too hung up if I have a meal that doesn't have meat in it.

The problem seemed to be the amount of processed meat and junk that was being eaten - along with the whole range of additives that is put in to make it extra tasty. Cut down on the foods that have additives and you are more than half way there. Of course exercise and cutting down on the booze helps as well.

I've had a few interesting meals though where the full blown vego / vegan sitting opposite has taken offence to others eating meat at the same table. To them I say (politely) "Get over it". You've made your choice let others make theirs.

WA, 4485 posts
20 Jul 2010 1:05PM
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Yeh Diver - i should have mentioned that some vegos and (it seems to me) a lot of the vegans get very snippy about other's choices and particularly meat consumed in the vacinity.

In fairness to have someone with barbequed meat opposite must be as offensive as someone smoking at the table.

Had a girlfriend who was vego - then vegan in the 80s. Vegan was a pain in the @rse. Boy she was hot tho. Worth the pain.

WA, 554 posts
20 Jul 2010 1:37PM
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Vego / vegan girlfriends - all that repressed emotion through not having meat has to be let out somehow.

WA, 4485 posts
20 Jul 2010 5:37PM
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Damn straight.

VIC, 764 posts
20 Jul 2010 11:46PM
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And finally....

I'd Pork this:

NSW, 9202 posts
21 Jul 2010 10:03AM
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cwamit said...

Did you know on abc widlife programs they now have a viewer warning message " it may contain animals eating other animals" is this to protect children viewers...

It's because you may be watching just before or during your own dinner. Nothing like trying to eat while a komodo dragon eats a buffalo ass first.

NSW, 864 posts
21 Jul 2010 10:54AM
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... sorry... ??? did you say something panda...??

NSW, 1144 posts
21 Jul 2010 1:36PM
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I'd die tomorrow eating bacon rather than live forever on lettuce.

WA, 4485 posts
21 Jul 2010 11:51AM
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Yep - Bacon is the wannabe vego's (like me ) achilles heal.. trotter even.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
21 Jul 2010 12:20PM
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I was a veggie fr years n years through my teens and early 20's
Went back to the veggie diet with fish thrown in recently.

Am now back to eating a bit of chook.

I think a conscious approach to eating meat is the best.
a balance in your diet.

The only chook i eat is free range organic naturally fed from our local organic supplier. Heaps more expensive but no more man boobs for me, plus i eat it barely twice a week.
As for beef etc....nah not interested

WA, 4485 posts
21 Jul 2010 5:00PM
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Even the Mt barker free range chook tastes 300% better than McBoob brands. Have been chowing on it for years. The slightly higher expense is worth it for sure.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"herbivore or carnivore" started by petermac33