Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

high energy prices... best supplier?

Created by superlizard > 9 months ago, 5 Aug 2010
VIC, 702 posts
5 Aug 2010 3:54PM
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can anyone recomend a very competitive electricity & gas supplier...

recently AGL has increased our bills significantly without any warning nor reason provided. Apparently (i heard) they want to offset the profits they loose on all late payments or unrecoverable payments by some customers... anyways, this whole thing got me thinking and starting to look at my rates and charges...

for example AGL charges me: 19.05 c/kwh - first 1000 kw and 70.58 c/day - service fee...

i realise for singles, or people out of house all day it wouldn't make much diff, but for a family with kids, where someone being at home all the time, a small rate variation can make lots of difference...

anyone recently discovered more competitive supplier out there that they could recomend? I looked at couple but didn't notice big difference...

NSW, 4453 posts
5 Aug 2010 4:11PM
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Just make sure your payment is unrecoverable.

WA, 6650 posts
5 Aug 2010 9:19PM
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Knew a bloke once who hooked his whole house up to the phone. Apparently you got 50 volts DC through the phone line, don't know if you still do.

Downside was everybody else in the street got crap phone reception and complained, telco investigated, caught him and sent him a bill based on the power usage as if it was a phone call. I think it took him around 10 years to pay it off. So in hindsight don't do that. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

NSW, 9029 posts
6 Aug 2010 7:35AM
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Just checked my electricity bill. Origin energy.

It was 14.8 c/kwh for most and 21.9 c/kwh for some and for us too the price has gone up.

Now its 16.5 c/kwh for most and 24.2 c/kwh for some.

I'm not sure what the differentiation in cost is based on. We have an older meter so its not based on time and we don't have off peak hot water.

NSW, 4453 posts
6 Aug 2010 1:48PM
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energy australia = 36.7c/kW!

That phone line thang is soooo old, we used to do it at school... 2amp doesn't power much let alone a HOUSE!

youtube videos show people powering LED lamps... I guess u could trickle charge something.

NSW, 6868 posts
6 Aug 2010 3:38PM
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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"high energy prices... best supplier?" started by superlizard