(Sorry in advance if this sounds like self indulgent capitalist crapola, amongst the horrible events in NZ & Japan very recently)
I've been travelling a tiny bit with work lately, and was wondering how to get data, DVD's and TV shows onto the iPhone, for viewing on the plane, etc.
Also wondering what others find entertaining.... what video data are you putting on the phone (I'm talking G rated, PG Rated, M Rated !! ).
Off to the iTunes store I go.....
Apple were considering bringing out a new verison of the Ipod just for children. That was before they relised the name "iTouch Kids" was not a great idea.
Download some podcasts from TEDTalks and WNYC's radiolab. Informative and the hours just fly by. Especially when you are driving!!
Also get yourself an ipad - movies are much better. Just download as per normal and slide straight into your ipad. Heaven. The new pads are out shortly so you will get the originals cheap or just hang for the new ones shortly.
If u like UK football then goto the Guardian football weekly podcast - very funny.
Dan Carlins Hardcore History is good as well. I have just started listening to 'the history of rome' which is sounding the goods so far. There are thousands of cool podcasts out there if you interested. Doc Karl, enough rope etc are all available. Planet Money and Naked Oceans from Nakes Scientists are also worth a loook.
For TV shows and movies etc I have 3TB of stuff that has all been converted for use - so i can just pull the files in that I need. You can buy stuff on itunes that easily loads as well - it just costs money....maybe you can get it back as a work expense....not sure how your personal accountant would view it if you tried to expense it as well......I am sure there are creative ways around it!!!
Download and app called buzz player, it will play just about anything you throw at it.
As for getting your DVDs ripped do a google search for a program called DVD decrypter
and Auto GK, using these two programs to rip and encode produces an awesome result. Both are freeware as well
What zed said, download movie for free from file sharing site convert from Avi to Mp4 using handbrake and load into itunes.
also some great free podcasts around, Shralp (surfing video podcast) radio national for serious stuff ect ect
Yeah, but Apple products just seem to work well...
Example, their laptops. They don't get hot, and the latest ones don't even seem to need a cooling fan.... The PC Laptops buzz away trying to cool down....
Flip side - Microsoft's Zune Music Player wasn't even good enough to go on sale in Oz, and is now discontinued....
iPhone4 - brilliant device.... internet works great, so many applications. Built in music player, email, and/or internet based email. Decent camera and video. Hand held street directory.... easy to use... Screen quality is through the roof! Touch screen sensitivity and scroll, scroll acceleration.... etc.. brilliant... Leaves many other products in its wake.
Plus the battery life on a Mac Laptop is about 3-8 times better than your average PC Laptop.
Sheep, telephone, atypical... well that gave us all nothing...
Stop talking to yourself Simo!
with the stockmarket 'crash' just around the corner, you'll be ecstatic to trade in your new iphone for a single slice of bread,google priorities.