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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by KEARNSY > 9 months ago, 12 Mar 2009
WA, 1321 posts
12 Mar 2009 9:29PM
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WTF??? Please explain how any member of the public can get of "Scott free" for smashing a cop in the head resulting in Brain damage and a life of restricted ,,
well, -LIFE???

Today Western Australian judges basicaly said "its ok to smash a cop" if there is any chance a tazer gun will cause a heart attack !

Fark man , If the father and son combo were'nt playin up in the first place none of this would have even happened.

Am I a cop????? hell no. But Bloody oath I will stand up for whats right for society

I have seen it only a coupla times in the last few years but it seems that society these days is rather hesitant to "stand up" or at least say something that makes a difference when its really needed. Ya know, when you see that guy mouthing off in public and no ones game to say what thier thinking.......

Today you failed justice.

May what goes around come around SOON!!!!

Thats it, the jobs on!!!!![}:)]

Much love K&B

WA, 1588 posts
12 Mar 2009 9:43PM
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iam with you on this one kearnsy what a joke

WA, 7608 posts
12 Mar 2009 9:53PM
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Yeah thats phuct [}:)]

WA, 1588 posts
12 Mar 2009 11:36PM
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just saw the flying head butt on tv the guys a nut case

WA, 1321 posts
12 Mar 2009 11:46PM
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spot1 said...

just saw the flying head butt on tv the guys a nut case

I take it ur talking about the jury and Judge.

What the hell is this system coming to.

And the best the jury could do was nail him for threatening to kill the guy who took the video????

Surely this is'nt over............

"Caan the boys in blue"

RISE UP I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!

WA, 6277 posts
13 Mar 2009 2:10AM
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The media can make any story look any way they like.

We don't know the facts, so I'm happy in my ivory castle thinking that justice is always served.

What's the alternative?

WA, 136 posts
13 Mar 2009 2:39AM
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nebbian said...

The media can make any story look any way they like.

We don't know the facts, so I'm happy in my ivory castle thinking that justice is always served.

What's the alternative?

Theres is no alternative. We have a system that has become corrupt and selfish and is failing all the time,with minoritys making the laws that affect us all one thinks. I reckon it is only a matter of time before more crimes like this one highlighted plus the cricket bat murder that the law abiding citizens of this country will turn to being in vigilanty groups and creating a new justice system. Either that all Iv'e watched to much Mad Max lately.

WA, 7608 posts
13 Mar 2009 7:52AM
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muna said...

...the law abiding citizens of this country will turn to being in vigilanty groups and creating a new justice system.

Count me in[}:)]

NSW, 9205 posts
13 Mar 2009 12:25PM
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Link to story?

edit: found it

"Defence lawyers argued he and the other two members of his family acted in self defence when confronted by police, who they said acted with excessive force as they attempted to arrest them."

If, lets' say:

A) Your dad got unwillingly involved in a brawl, not started it but was acting in self defence.

B) On top of this situation your dad suffers from heart attacks.

C) Somebody now shoots him with a Taser (which caused a heart attack).

What do you do?

Man. Cops and Tasers.

There was a case last year in Brisbane of the teenager faced with:

A) Being Tasered
B) Lying on the road face down

He was

C) subsequently run over.

A brawl is not a situation to use a Taser.
Somebody not "obeying your commands" is not a situation to use a Taser.

I respect a policeman's job, but that doesn't mean assholes can't apply.

WA, 4485 posts
13 Mar 2009 11:53AM
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I (and no doubt neither do any of the people not in that court room) don't know ALL the facts of this case (please don't EVER rely on selective/subjective media headlines). An earlier report I did read, a couple of weeks ago,(in the same filthy rag that ran with the front page today - although on page 25-ish) suggested that the publican agreed that the son & father had helped to eject the original troublemakers and were shortly after mistakenly set upon by the copper. Whether they are the facts or not - well only a few peeps will EVER know..

What I do know is there have been many totally unwarranted incidents involving capsicum spray resulting in affixiation and in rare cases even death because sprays (and now tazers too) are marketed and thought to be non-fatal by the users. A fatal error in judgment right there..

Last summer at Flozzer whilst packing up 2 patrol cars pulled into the carpark with 4 cops - 3 male one female. All of them got out and were raving (in easy earshot of me) about their shiny new tazers and their eagerness to "try them out", whilst practicing their 'moves'. Seriuosly they were posturing like a Starski n Hutch parody! The shemale copper in particular was very macho and frankly, I couldn't pack up quick enough in case they spotted me as a recidivist!! Seriously it was not just a bit of joking around these characters were basically gonna let the 1st non-compliant beggar they came accross have a dose! Bloody stupid and macho attitudes.

Now... before the flamers get going, I don't envy a copper's job at all. Must be a hell of a tough gig. Unfortunately there is still not a shortage of folks who go into the service to play the big-guy/gal in town. I have met several and known (through mutual friends/girlfriends) a few of these tools too. They are bad eggs and a very bad example of what most coppers are about. The fact is though, these turkeys are still given tazers/capsicum sprays etc and stride around ready to let rip. Scary...

BTW - I haven't seen the footage so won't comment on whether the head butt dude is crackers. Ask yourself though, if you would behave in a cordial and civil fashion if your dad/mate/partner - whatever - was about to be (perhaps) fatally blasted and flat-lined..

Not everything is black n white in this crazy cosmos.

EDIT: Er.. I really should add that I hope the copper in this story continues to recover and I am not suggesting he is neccesarily one of the mucho tools, or that I know he acted poorly. I don't know and neither does anyone who was not there really.

WA, 381 posts
13 Mar 2009 12:03PM
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KEARNSY said...

...Today you failed justice...

It failed long time before you, you just see the effects of it.
Sometimes I wonder if there was any justice at any time?!

I rather not say anything cause my ideas are horrible.

3777 posts
13 Mar 2009 12:42PM
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facts are simple pissed up ferrals fighting police came to break it up police got assulted simple

just another instance a alcohol fueled violence
the judical system is failing i believe that the officer had evey right to break the fight up in any means possiable.

fact is if he was drinking piss allday that probally going to do his heart more damage than the taser

in order for the judical system to work ****tionally the slap on the wrist approach for violent behaviour isnt working and we are seeing a large increese in bashing etc

people are thinking it is now ok to assult other people bash grannies for the pention checks and go around punching police who are tryn to intervene and break up people who have been cant handle there piss

the judical system is a joke and it will need reviewing

WA, 708 posts
13 Mar 2009 2:50PM
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If the bloke might have a heart attack does that mean you don't use the means at your disposal as a copper to quell what was an obviously out of control bunch of drunken louts ( I used to think that you had to be a lot less than 50 odd to be called a lout) ?? He was a willing participant by all accounts of witnesses other than his family members.

As for the acrobatic son, I really can't see the difference between head-butting (a real fave with louts from Ye Olde Country) from behind and king hitting someone. Real brave stuff.

We may not be privvy to all the details from the court but we do have the right to expect that the trained representatives for the rule of law should be able to go home from work uninjured, be able to use necessary force to administer the law and be protected by the court system. The jury system is under pressure because most people don't want to be on a jury and so a jury may not represent a broad cross-section of the population.

It may be that people in general should take a bit of responsibility for their actions because it is hard to understand how all of these heroes can claim self-defense when they had ample opportunity to stop brawling, especially with the coppers.

With the intensity of violence and the disrespect that occurs these days is it any wonder that an out numbered copper would use a Tazer ?? I think I would.....

NSW, 9205 posts
13 Mar 2009 5:06PM
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patsken said...

I...does that mean you don't use the means at your disposal as a copper to quell what was an obviously out of control bunch of drunken louts?

A Tazer is an alternative to a gun. Unless you would normally use a gun you shouldn't use a Taser. That is why they are being introduced.

I have never heard of police breaking up a drunken brawl by shooting the brawlers.

Actually, now I think of it, I think a few shots into the air would have done far more to break up the revellers. No?

WA, 708 posts
13 Mar 2009 3:15PM
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Revellers.... I would still use the word louts.

Tazer = good

Guns = not so good

3777 posts
13 Mar 2009 4:29PM
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its not a police force when they dont enforce

hence they carry wepons as we are not allows to restore peace and order that is there job.

reguardless of the incidents leading up to it these brawlers we incoheriant intoxicated and obviously didnt respect the law

pitty the judical system let the poor guy and his fambily down when all he was tryn to do was establish law and order do his job that is

he would of been better of if he shot the bloke in all honesty

3777 posts
13 Mar 2009 4:36PM
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there the footage cowardly bastard

QLD, 110 posts
13 Mar 2009 5:55PM
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Select to expand quote

A Tazer is an alternative to a gun. Unless you would normally use a gun you shouldn't use a Taser. That is why they are being introduced.

I have never heard of police breaking up a drunken brawl by shooting the brawlers.

Actually, now I think of it, I think a few shots into the air would have done far more to break up the revellers. No?

The above comments alone made by you show a complete lack of understanding of the equipment at the disposal of Police, and when and where they can be used. But again, this is a public forum where uneducated comments can be made freely.

Hopefully this officer recovers to the best extent he can and return to some type of normality.

WA, 1321 posts
13 Mar 2009 5:25PM
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Select to expand quote

Hopefully this officer recovers to the best extent he can and return to some type of normality.

Unfortunatley the officer involved will not be making much more of a recovery at all.
Butch will have a lifetime of impact.
They are friends of ours and I do know the facts on this one.

As far as Im concerned fighting is for loosers who have trouble being with someone elses perspective.
Grow some balls and get over it I say.!
Life goes on.......

Like I said in my first post, If the Father and son combo were'nt playing up or restricting police force in the first place, non of this would have happened.

FACT- The tossers/ defendants hired the best Loyers in the country- The same ones involved in most of the "Underbelly cases".

Im discusted to hear that money buys freedom in this country...[}:)]

Thanks for every ones input on this one. Stoked to hear most of us stand on the same page.

WA, 4485 posts
13 Mar 2009 5:25PM
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Too much piss and bravado all round for sure.

I personally have never, ever understood using your head as a instrument for smashing into hard objects???

Have now seen the footage, and yes it is pretty fugly awright. Must say though the guy's defence would be supported by that footage, as he just seemed to go a bit apesh!t at the sight of his (not-so) dear old dad coppin the party lights treatment.

I do feel sorry for the copper but there is no such thing as a just world - simple as that.

All involved (coppers n biffers) would no doubt wish they had acted differantly now. Think about that the next time some fknuckle making his way through the Friday swill-fest bumps ya drink all over ya in the pub.. Is it worth a biff that may change ya life forever? Nup - just suck the suds outa ya shirt, get another $7 beer and move on.. A better option for sure.

BTW - I believe the brain damage was caused by hitting the deck - not the noggin butt. As has been the case several times over the last couple of years in the 'One-punch' cases in WA - right or wrong - the biffer gets off as the punch did not cause the damage but the fall. Stoopid, I know but you can't have one law for Joe Public and another for Constable Care.

Anyhoo I am goin kiting - where water is water, a board is a board, and with any luck, I won't bump into anything - speshly with a large flat foreheed sportin cheap Taiwanese Ozzy boardies!

Have a safe weekend all.

34 posts
13 Mar 2009 6:36PM
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Kearnsey I am with you on this one mate.

What sort of a father brings up sons like that anyway, what sort of father would he really be?? Barry McLeods' sons certainly take after him ay!! Pisshead, heart attack x3 victim, what a joke he is!! What sort of morals did he teach as a father, and now the McLeods are sewing the police for excessive force. I kid you not!!!

Totally unacceptable behaviour, but to get away with that is showing a justice system gone wrong.

Scrap the jury system I say and let "Judge Judy" takeover.

Howabout a vigilante group to take opn all those clowns that think bad manners, violence and pissy behaviouor is ok.

I am absolutely ropable about this, need to organise a rally and let the powers that be sort out this totally screwed justice system.


34 posts
13 Mar 2009 6:44PM
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Oh here how it supposedly went, MCLEODS vs PAINTER's CREW in bar, MCLEODS help barmaid to stop fighting. Chairs are thrown. MCLEAOD go outside, police arrive.

MCLEODS try to tell police who the troublemakers were, police tell MC to calm down a scuffle breaks out between them. All hell breaks loose.

Who do they think they are anyways trying to beat up coppers even if they were excessive they should be allowed to do that, that is where it all goes wrong, if you do that in any other country, Italy you get shot, Thailand, you get shot, America, Judge Judy will come down on you hard. Why so different here it must stop hey.

Still Ropable

WA, 4564 posts
13 Mar 2009 6:46PM
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Cutting through all the crap, the defence are allowed to use the loop hole of "I was acting in self defence" plane and simple
The jury from that, had as much chance of bringing in a guilty verdict "beyond reasonable doubt" as a snowball chance in hell
Just like the defendants who now are considering bringing charges against the coppers for using excessive force That wont go round either on the same basis a jury would be unable convict beyond a reasonable doubt that each copper was using excessive force
Prosecution has to make available its case up front, defence in WA does not and can wait until its right at court process to reveal its strategy , thus its always a one sided argument
And in my opinion, the three of them (defendants), plus any other knob floating about that day scrapping among themselves and then hammering the coppers who are doing their job for all of us, should be removed from society for a long stint.

WA, 3489 posts
13 Mar 2009 11:51PM
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Sounds like a disgusting decision to me, I admit I don't know all the facts but it sounds like these guys had been drinking heaps, were brawling and the police were just trying to break it up. If the McLeods had co-operated the tazer would not have been fired.
I wouldn't want to be a police officer in this day and age and if we don't protect them it is only going to get worse.
I don't think this will be the last we hear of this case and I wouldn't mind betting this is not the first time members of that family have been involved in violence. Sure if most people saw someone fire a tazer at their dad they might retaliate but the average person would not even think, let alone know how, to deliver a flying headbutt like that.

WA, 107 posts
14 Mar 2009 6:53PM
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I reckon the night sticks coppers carry would hurt if you were ever cracked on the leg or back, why do we need tazers, they are simply very bad news, as this video shows...

QLD, 2315 posts
15 Mar 2009 3:46AM
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Spray would've been the better option. Batons are easy to stand up against, they hurt yes but once you have adrenaline, drugs or alcohol in your system they are easy to ignore. So in the end you are left with the copper going toe to toe with nutter. Police are only allowed to strike muscular areas of legs & arms unless their lives are threatened. They are a great deterent & a better option within a group of people than tazer or spray.

WA, 190 posts
15 Mar 2009 4:54AM
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biggrin said...

I reckon the night sticks coppers carry would hurt if you were ever cracked on the leg or back, why do we need tazers, they are simply very bad news, as this video shows...

Why use Tazers?

Because they work on anyone..... even drug f%cked idiots that are off their heads, bikies that practice using pepper spray on each other so they can still punch on after they get sprayed AND there is no long term damage to the offender like when they get smashed in the knee caps with a baton. The pain/effect stops after 5 seconds and isn't reapplied unless the fkn idiot carries on being a fkn idiot.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
15 Mar 2009 8:47AM
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Having seen many violent/scary situations in my line of work, with police often present, i say every cop should have a tazer.

I feel for you guys and the crap judgment.

QLD, 2315 posts
15 Mar 2009 11:39AM
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A tazer and the support of the law.

The state of WA's justice system seems very dodgy at best, every where else in the country you can use like force- the clown that headbutted the cop would be getting up to more than a tazer in his face and the police's actions would have been supported. There where batons already in use, tazer was the next point of escalation. Police are not required to know the full medical history in deployment of such device, 99.9...% of people with heart condition would not become involved in something like that.

I hope the police union in WA have the sense to call strike action on something that is actually worthwhile.

WA, 7608 posts
15 Mar 2009 6:08PM
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These are my thoughts...
Any assult on a copper should be a crime with a harsh penalty, NO MATTER WHAT! Acting in self defence is a bull5h1t excuse. If you find yourself getting restrained by a copper its for a reason huh? If your resisting being restrained and/or trying to assult the copper in the process, then I reckon a taser is the best option to protect the copper, the public and to settle your sorry ass down. If you dont want to be tasered its simple. You know the answer.
Looking at that footage I see idiots brawling with coppers, showing a lack of respect and disreguard for their own or anybody elses life.
Pulling out his tazer was definately a good call.
And a gutless flying headbutt from behind was a cowards attack.
Who cares what the story was that led to an idiot headbutting a cop. He did it. He caused perminate injury and he should pay the price.

QLD, 2315 posts
15 Mar 2009 10:50PM
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Exactly Greenie. People should put themselves in Joe coppers' shoes by imagining at work tomorrow some clown comes in abuses you, refuses to leave, takes a swing and you wake up in hospital. You want a safe workplace, they deserve a safe workplace- there are enough inherent risks without wankers like them. I hope this family gets what they deserve and the response, i'm sorry we have no one to attend as you have been listed as dangerous to police .


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"justice!!!" started by KEARNSY