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k Rudd gives up on leadership aspirations

Created by Mr float > 9 months ago, 20 Feb 2012
QLD, 1535 posts
25 Feb 2012 2:46PM
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WA, 7671 posts
26 Feb 2012 2:02PM
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JG's honesty. Honestly!

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
26 Feb 2012 11:12PM
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Pugwash said...

JG's honesty. Honestly!

Yes she's the first Australian politician to try to claim local credibility by supporting a football team. HA,HA

VIC, 851 posts
26 Feb 2012 11:48PM
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Malcolm for PM at the next election! Pleeeease! Don't make me choose between Labour (anyone) and Abbott. Just give the Libs a human face to soften some of the harder right policies.

WA, 1227 posts
26 Feb 2012 10:27PM
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Cambodge said...
Malcolm for PM at the next election! Pleeeease! Don't make me choose between Labour (anyone) and Abbott. Just give the Libs a human face to soften some of the harder right policies.

Turnbull might as well be Labor - besides, he's rich enough.

WA, 7671 posts
26 Feb 2012 11:06PM
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dinsdale said...

Turnbull might as well be Labor - besides, he's rich enough.

Impossible. He has integrity.

WA, 7671 posts
26 Feb 2012 11:08PM
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log man said...

Yes she's the first Australian politician to try to claim local credibility by supporting a football team. HA,HA

Exactly. Try, and fail...

By HA,HA... is that like haaaaa, as in errrrrr, as in errrrrr yuck... Rather than ha ha ha, as in funny Or, is it ha ha ha, as in she is a laughing stock Just curious She will win tomorrow, and we'll all be subjected to more lies, more lack of integrity, more deceit...

VIC, 5904 posts
27 Feb 2012 7:21AM
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Go Jules !!!!!

Go Kev !!!!!!

Go disharmony !!!!!

On that note , libs quickly ditch tabbot and stick turnbul in !!!!!

NSW, 9029 posts
27 Feb 2012 8:36AM
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In the end does it matter who wins today? Both have the same policies of big government, big taxing, big borrowing and big spending. Neither have the guts to deal with real issues facing Australians.

NSW, 4453 posts
27 Feb 2012 12:03PM
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Damit! We're stuck with the lying backstabber who can't even speak!

I guess we'll have the budgie soon enough...

There was I thinking Rudd would terminate that abomination.

WA, 7671 posts
27 Feb 2012 9:08AM
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As much as I want vile Gillard gone, it makes little difference. Rudd, Gillard, so what? Rudd was aweful as PM and Gillard is aweful.

2013 - she is finished, and many of these fools will be out on their arse. Shame for us their retirement benefits are so generous.

NSW, 4453 posts
27 Feb 2012 12:13PM
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I just don't get why Rudd agreed to contest it... all he had to do was wait, while the backstabber sunk herself.

Fark Rudd, I thought you were smarter

When's the next election? Now Budgie just needs to keep his mouth shut, and let the backstabber sunk herself... November 2013 is a long way away, and the Julair can really wreck this country by then... has it even got the numbers now?

NSW, 9029 posts
27 Feb 2012 1:08PM
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Personally I think Gillard handled the contest very well. When she spoke about why they deposed Rudd in 2010 it appeared she was talking truthfully and with a bit of emotion.

She should do this more often as normally she appears to be talking from a script she has not written. She should have made a similar speech back then and things may have worked out better for her and the federal ALP overall.

Thankfully Rudd is finished for a while. Though I said earlier it doesn't make much difference, there is some difference. Rudd was an aweful prime minister while Gillard is not.

WA, 434 posts
27 Feb 2012 10:08AM
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All opinion polls show that Rudd would wipe the floor of Gillard and Abbott if it came to an election.

I say Abbott will call a vote of no-confidence and we will be headin to the polls octoberish then Labor will relise we do need KRudd and give him the job prior the election.

This aint over yet folks....

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
27 Feb 2012 1:12PM
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Mobydisc said...

Personally I think Gillard handled the contest very well. When she spoke about why they deposed Rudd in 2010 it appeared she was talking truthfully and with a bit of emotion.

She should do this more often as normally she appears to be talking from a script she has not written. She should have made a similar speech back then and things may have worked out better for her and the federal ALP overall.

Thankfully Rudd is finished for a while. Though I said earlier it doesn't make much difference, there is some difference. Rudd was an aweful prime minister while Gillard is not.

He is not finished, as I said in my previous post he continues his work at channel 7 but wears a fake beard and pretends to cook

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
27 Feb 2012 1:19PM
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BabaORiley said...

All opinion polls show that Rudd would wipe the floor of Gillard and Abbott if it came to an election.

I say Abbott will call a vote of no-confidence and we will be headin to the polls octoberish then Labor will relise we do need KRudd and give him the job prior the election.

This aint over yet folks....

The government have actually passed alot of legislation in a tricky environment ,but are lousy salespeople plus they have had the whole K rudd spill thing just before the last election and the faceless men and all that constantly rearing its ugly head . There should be a greater focus on governing and less focus on Dr no and they need to put an end to wooden press conferences and staged scripts.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
27 Feb 2012 2:10PM
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Pugwash said...

log man said...

Yes she's the first Australian politician to try to claim local credibility by supporting a football team. HA,HA

Exactly. Try, and fail...

By HA,HA... is that like haaaaa, as in errrrrr, as in errrrrr yuck... Rather than ha ha ha, as in funny Or, is it ha ha ha, as in she is a laughing stock Just curious She will win tomorrow, and we'll all be subjected to more lies, more lack of integrity, more deceit...

I meant, that ALL political leaders try to associate themselves with football teams and that your premise was wrong ....yeah?

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
27 Feb 2012 2:25PM
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Hey Gillard haters...Cop this, Undisputed support of the party, a government that has driven a huge legislative agenda...... and got it done.......with more to come!!!Oh and by the way, 18 months to an election with a big boost in the opinion polls . GEEZ !!! 53 to 47 in a two party preferred......that's totally doable. As Barry Cassidy on the insiders pointed out, John Howard was at 47 percent with thee weeks to go ....AND WON!

WA, 7671 posts
27 Feb 2012 11:53AM
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log man said...

I meant, that ALL political leaders try to associate themselves with football teams and that your premise was wrong ....yeah?

And I meant standing there holding a Western Dogs football jumper after stating there's more chance of me becoming full-forward for the Western Bulldogs than there is of me seizing the job of prime minister from Kevin Rudd during the re-contest is just plain stupid and was incredibly poor judgement.

To me, it screams of lack of integrity!

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
27 Feb 2012 3:49PM
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Pugwash said...

log man said...

I meant, that ALL political leaders try to associate themselves with football teams and that your premise was wrong ....yeah?

And I meant standing there holding a Western Dogs football jumper after stating there's more chance of me becoming full-forward for the Western Bulldogs than there is of me seizing the job of prime minister from Kevin Rudd during the re-contest is just plain stupid and was incredibly poor judgement.

To me, it screams of lack of integrity!

What? That's it???? I thought you were trying to make some point about politics or integrity or something??? You're not serious are you? do you really think that an off the cuff comment at a footy club sausage sizzle supporters day amounts to some personal bombshell, "gotcha" moment when you see the "true soul" of a politician? So when Hawke said "ya silly old bugger" to the old bloke in the mall and when Rudd kept blowing his lines in the recent "bombshell", do you really think that's some kind of Damning insight into the person? Surely not!! How about a your "dear leader" John Howard and his "core" and "non core" promises??? or Tony Abbotts pronouncements about his honesty and the need to have things written down before they could be relied upon???? OK what's the difference then....the Gillard,Hawke and Rudd incidents are frivolous fluff for "today Tonight" and Howards and Abbotts explanations are serious. But of course you'd be outraged by Abbotts interview...... well you should be.

WA, 6666 posts
27 Feb 2012 1:33PM
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Mr float said...

The government have actually passed alot of legislation in a tricky environment ...

Lots of people repeat this as if it is a good thing, and the same people seem to then also bemoan red tape and over regulation.

Juliar was also spruking the point the other day and then listed a whole bunch of bills passed that the labour party never took to the election.

From what I can see much of the legislation has been passed to appease the minority partners in the labour coalition - carbon taxes and mining taxes for the Greens, pokie trials for the independants etc. How much of this would have been put before an ALP controlled Parliament ?

Lots of legislation is not something that should be applauded, unless it is simplifying and streamlining government. I would rather see 1 bill passed and 200 tax payer funded bureaucrats sacked than 200 bills passed and an additional 2,000 bureaucrats employed.

I am sure 3 of the 200-odd bills passed since 2010 were :
introduce pink batts scheme
suspend pink bats scheme
cancel pink bats scheme

I assume somebody is proud of that being another 3 for the total ??

Is there a list somewhere of the 200 bills passed since 2010 ? (plus how many have since been ammended) so we could look at the quality, not just the quantity ?

QLD, 1326 posts
27 Feb 2012 3:41PM
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BabaORiley said...

All opinion polls show that Rudd would wipe the floor of Gillard and Abbott if it came to an election.

Actually no they don't. Rudd is ahead as preferred prime minister, but you don't vote for prime minister, we are not in the US.......

Libs are way ahead of Labour in the 2 party preferred - this is what indicates the result of an election.

WA, 201 posts
27 Feb 2012 2:02PM
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Very true Paradox.

We vote for our local member, and that's it. The party with the most local members form government, and so on

The Prime Minister is just that .... the first Minister.

If we wanted to have a President, we should have voted yes in the republic referendum. But don't get started on that. Next we will be discussing longer trading hours and daylight saving

WA, 7671 posts
27 Feb 2012 3:06PM
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log man said...

You're not serious are you?...

Yes, that's it. Integrity and good judgement are essential for leadership. Qualities your Julia lacks.

log man said...

How about a your "dear leader" John Howard...

Oh dear, I am not sure how many times I need to tell you... Just because I don't like your Labs, doesn't mean I like the Liberals, John Howard, Tony Abbott etc etc etc. IN FACT, John Howard's lies made me sick.

I was going to post you a link to that old John Howard lies website... I used to go there in the naughties. Not that you needed to to spot a John Howard whopper. You remember the one? It was written by a Labs staffer... Maybe you know him? Tim Grau?

The thing was, most of John Howard's lies were soooo obvious... Not deliberate deceit and deception, like... well, I am sure you get the point and are already furiously disagreeing

Enough on that little worm, he is in the past. Oh, one last thing, do you remember the time he let the media/public think he had some policy or other, then it turned out he didn't, and didn't actually lie... sneaky little fker.

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
27 Feb 2012 6:56PM
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Mr float said...

BabaORiley said...

All opinion polls show that Rudd would wipe the floor of Gillard and Abbott if it came to an election.

I say Abbott will call a vote of no-confidence and we will be headin to the polls octoberish then Labor will relise we do need KRudd and give him the job prior the election.

This aint over yet folks....

The government have actually passed alot of legislation in a tricky environment ,but are lousy salespeople plus they have had the whole K rudd spill thing just before the last election and the faceless men and all that constantly rearing its ugly head . There should be a greater focus on governing and less focus on Dr no and they need to put an end to wooden press conferences and staged scripts.

uh oh they're not gettin the message on how to sell themselves .POINT OUT YOUR STRENGTHS GUYS RATHER THAN THEIR DEFICIENCIES particularly when you're runnin the show . Just watched Stephen Jones going head to head with JA (good to see him finally trundled out for a hit out BTW even tho its on ABC news 24 and me and a couple of other people were watching ,a good sidecourt watch nevertheless) first thing Jones does is criticise Conservative coalition ,finally gets around to pointing out govt's achievements in legislation in tricky environment ,could have done better IMO

oh well just saw DR no bang on about the people choosing the prime minister (hah what a joke maybe has his finger on the pulse tho realising that the swinging voter is a doofus that thhinks we have an american presidential system see OMG thread)

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
28 Feb 2012 9:48AM
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Pugwash said...

log man said...

You're not serious are you?...

Yes, that's it. Integrity and good judgement are essential for leadership. Qualities your Julia lacks.

log man said...

How about a your "dear leader" John Howard...

Oh dear, I am not sure how many times I need to tell you... Just because I don't like your Labs, doesn't mean I like the Liberals, John Howard, Tony Abbott etc etc etc. IN FACT, John Howard's lies made me sick.

I was going to post you a link to that old John Howard lies website... I used to go there in the naughties. Not that you needed to to spot a John Howard whopper. You remember the one? It was written by a Labs staffer... Maybe you know him? Tim Grau?

The thing was, most of John Howard's lies were soooo obvious... Not deliberate deceit and deception, like... well, I am sure you get the point and are already furiously disagreeing

Enough on that little worm, he is in the past. Oh, one last thing, do you remember the time he let the media/public think he had some policy or other, then it turned out he didn't, and didn't actually lie... sneaky little fker.

Ah yes the joy of being a "swinging voter". the joy of being able to flip/flop then whinge about BOTH sides without ever having to declare youself or take ownership. Happy days

WA, 7671 posts
28 Feb 2012 8:51AM
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The benefits of an open mind. It bleats the hell out of this:

Look familiar?

As for flip-flopping, I won't be voting for your Labs for a long long time. They digust me, they make my skin crawl and they make me feel sick. Bunch of brain deads... And, BTW, just because I don't like red right now, doesn't mean that I like blue or green or any other colourful party for that matter.

1862 posts
28 Feb 2012 2:12PM
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At least Rudd can still count on good ol' Albo.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"k Rudd gives up on leadership aspirations" started by Mr float