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k Rudd gives up on leadership aspirations

Created by Mr float > 9 months ago, 20 Feb 2012
WA, 1227 posts
23 Feb 2012 2:45PM
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Gestalt said...
i'm a little surprised it actually took this long for labor to destroy themselves.
this is how labor works. always has.

Gough, Latham, Krudd, Juliar, the world's greatest treasurer (twice) ...
They haven't produced a worthy federal politician or statesman since Cocky Caldwell. Poor ol "Super Tonk" at WA state level was a gentleman and a statesman, but alas he too suffered from federal Labor (Gough).

654 posts
23 Feb 2012 2:47PM
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QLD, 14394 posts
23 Feb 2012 4:50PM
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^ that's gold,

that's right, politicians get voted into power by the people. well done people.

SA, 4034 posts
23 Feb 2012 5:28PM
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Gestalt said...

^ that's gold,

that's right, politicians get voted into power by the people. well done people.

yep, then get bought out by multi nationals, they control the governments!

VIC, 5904 posts
23 Feb 2012 6:30PM
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Paradox said...

SandS said...

This just keeps getting better and better !!!!

The script for this could not have been written any funnier even if a pro comedy writer had of smashed it out !!!

Too true. Pity the joke is the currently elected government of our country......

If any of them had any morals they would admit they are in disarray and call an election immediately.

If you were on a company board and the executive managers were behaving like this, what do
you reckon you would do?

Yep , we the people should be able to say ok , that's it let's have an election right now .

Is that that the governor generals job ,to do that on our behalf ?

This labour government along with other previous ALP govs along with the ACTU have stuffed this country with too many wages rises .
We have paid ourselves right out of a job here and we are just starting to feel the consequences of that .

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
23 Feb 2012 7:42PM
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As they said at the time

Kevin '07 became Interest Rate '08

That was a classic. Wonder what the slogans will be come Monday arvo?

WA, 1305 posts
23 Feb 2012 7:48PM
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Just left the beach , been having a few beers with some well established locals,
The comment was , even with these complete egotistical fools trying to top each other , and making Aus the laughing stock of the Democratic world ,,,,,,,,,,
We still have it Dammmmmmm Good here !!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep it up , you are bringing down a party, that at one time , for some ,had some credential[}:)] (well not that I believe[:o))

The result will be their downfall

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
23 Feb 2012 11:00PM
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evlPanda said...

Who are we betting on come Monday by the way?

I suspect Rudd is the people's choice, he was very popular (the most popular ever at one stage), but it seems he busts too many asses in the workplace. not toeing the public servant line.

I would like to see Turnbull v Rudd.

The people's choice .Ha ,they must have short memories .they dumped him in the opinion polls that he relied so heavily upon (and still does it seems) ,when he set up commitees for everything , shelved a carbon tax (or whatever it was wasn't the climate the moral imperative of our time?) and walked headlong into an unwinable war with big mining companies (yeah I get it Kevin you would have thought that Joe Average would have been all for a tax on fat cat mining companies and their bosses but they scared the **** out of good ol Joe and you didn't see it coming ,a fatal mistake in politics ).So Kevin's learned a thing or two .Maybe .my money is on him not challenging and the sore festers on.
I'm with him about the faceless men but surely Kevin knew that as his popularity flagged due to poor leadership they would be out to get him .
I still shudder at the thought of tony Abbott as PM .My bet is that he'll get in **** it up due to his toatal lack of ideas on anything and we'll see the current saga continue this time with the libs .Plenny of PM wannabes there

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
23 Feb 2012 11:58PM
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Mark _australia said...

log man said...

Personally, this is the best situation....out of all the worst situations(if ya know what I mean) that the party could have hoped for.

But it is the worst situation for the country.

With real problems needing to be fixed, and complicated matters to attend to, they can't even decide on a leader.
Like somebody said above, if it was a private company it would be on the rocks.

Is 2 leadership changes in one term unprecedented? (I dunno if it is, but it is poor)

The election was only the second time in history that there was no clear majority (like I said before, we should have gone back to the polls rather than score a Govt based on backroom deals we are not privvy to) - so they are lucky to be there but still can't get their sh!t squared away.

Mark , I reckon the legislative part of this government is the strongest part of this period. I understand that you may not like some of the legislation but you must acknowledge the volume and the reach of governments agenda. And look, we had an election, labour were able to form a government. there, it's done,be a democrat and support our process of government. Sure your side couldn't form government, but that's the way it goes. Your side has been in a dodgy deal with the Nationals for years, do you remember Brian Harradine? so it's a bit rich you crapping on about the independents and the greens. And NO, its not unprecedented to have leadership challenges. Try Peacock/Howard........that was epic ....for years

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
24 Feb 2012 12:13AM
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Pugwash said...

log man said...

Personally, this is the best situation....out of all the worst situations(if ya know what I mean) that the party could have hoped for.

Little kick back from the employer for greasing the right wheels OR is that the left wheels

I've tried but I don't understand. Look it's OK to just say "I HATE THE LABOR PARTY" and then post that picture of Gillard that Flysurfer posts every time(yawn). Sure it's a bit basic but that's fine.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
24 Feb 2012 12:18AM
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dinsdale said...

Gestalt said...
i'm a little surprised it actually took this long for labor to destroy themselves.
this is how labor works. always has.

Gough, Latham, Krudd, Juliar, the world's greatest treasurer (twice) ...
They haven't produced a worthy federal politician or statesman since Cocky Caldwell. Poor ol "Super Tonk" at WA state level was a gentleman and a statesman, but alas he too suffered from federal Labor (Gough).

Think you may be on the wrong side of history with regard to Gough, but that's the beauty of democracy, even people that are slightly NQR get to have their say.

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
23 Feb 2012 9:23PM
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log man said...

Mark _australia said...

log man said...

Personally, this is the best situation....out of all the worst situations(if ya know what I mean) that the party could have hoped for.

But it is the worst situation for the country.

With real problems needing to be fixed, and complicated matters to attend to, they can't even decide on a leader.
Like somebody said above, if it was a private company it would be on the rocks.

Is 2 leadership changes in one term unprecedented? (I dunno if it is, but it is poor)

The election was only the second time in history that there was no clear majority (like I said before, we should have gone back to the polls rather than score a Govt based on backroom deals we are not privvy to) - so they are lucky to be there but still can't get their sh!t squared away.

Mark , I reckon the legislative part of this government is the strongest part of this period. I understand that you may not like some of the legislation but you must acknowledge the volume and the reach of governments agenda. And look, we had an election, labour were able to form a government. there, it's done,be a democrat and support our process of government. Sure your side couldn't form government, but that's the way it goes. Your side has been in a dodgy deal with the Nationals for years, do you remember Brian Harradine? so it's a bit rich you crapping on about the independents and the greens. And NO, its not unprecedented to have leadership challenges. Try Peacock/Howard........that was epic ....for years

Hang on don't say "your side". We had this discussion at the time and as I said back then, the election was too close and even if it was the other way around I'd still be saying it is wrong.
When something so rare happens and it is not a clear win we should go to re-vote as that is the right thing to do.

Now, leadership changes without a good reason (like leader was found to be corrupt or totally incompetant) leave a bad enough taste in the mouths of the voters - but to do it again is just bloody wrong. Peacock/Howard did not go "Peacock - Howard - Peackock" in the space of a year!!

654 posts
23 Feb 2012 9:34PM
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Well its all going to sh**s now. I bet this guy could do a better job than both of them combined.

WA, 7671 posts
23 Feb 2012 9:48PM
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Loggy, loggy, loggy... OH DEAR, loggy...

If someone does not like something, i.e. the Labs, then by default, they must like the other side. So black and white, no shades of grey.

Yes, I don't like many of the people that your employer employees - Julia, Kevin, Penny, Wayne, Nicola, Brown, Windsor, Wilkie, Oakeshott... The list goes on... This doesn't mean that I don't like ALL of the people that your employer employees.
I don't not like you... You are fun... You have funny thoughts like, you don't like red, so you must love blue.

I understand why you don't understand. That's how it goes for those greasing the wheels... Craig Thompson moment maybe

QLD, 12337 posts
24 Feb 2012 1:30AM
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log man said...

Keep diggin that hole Cisco

You are of course referring to the one the current Labor party members are going to bury themselves in.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
24 Feb 2012 11:50AM
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Pugwash said...

Loggy, loggy, loggy... OH DEAR, loggy...

If someone does not like something, i.e. the Labs, then by default, they must like the other side. So black and white, no shades of grey.

Yes, I don't like many of the people that your employer employees - Julia, Kevin, Penny, Wayne, Nicola, Brown, Windsor, Wilkie, Oakeshott... The list goes on... This doesn't mean that I don't like ALL of the people that your employer employees.
I don't not like you... You are fun... You have funny thoughts like, you don't like red, so you must love blue.

I understand why you don't understand. That's how it goes for those greasing the wheels... Craig Thompson moment maybe

Sure I'm taking a short cut in terms of your "side", but in Marks case he's anti Gillard, anti Labour Party,Anti Gough(thats a biggy),anti green politics, anti boat people, anti carbon tax, I think at one stage you referred to B'Brown as "******t"......nice, anti aboriginal welfare,.......hell anti I need to go on. Mark I hope I haven't verbaled you, but on the whole I'd be pretty right wouldn't I???. So what's that old thing about a duck?. if it walks etc etc. Pugwash, it seems to me that your one of those poor souls that has no political ideology. The sort of person who likes or dislikes people within a party. The sort of person who would say I'm not a Labour supporter but I like, I don't know, Kim Carr!!!!NO,NO,NO. That's not possible. Ideology is the key here. If you aint got it your one of those.....and I can only just bring myself to say it.......SWINGING VOTERS. **** ME. that was horrible. They are a sorry bunch of bastards, can you imagine, you've got 17 years before your first vote,plenty of time to work out the world and politics and where you see politics. But no, you swap and change depending on who's got the best haircut or the nicest suit. FFS, get a side, stick to it, understand the deeper sides of of your beliefs, and BANG, there you go. Having said all that, I always had a soft spot for Amanda Vanstone.......yeah I know..... I always thought she was in the wrong party,but having seen her on Annabel Crabbs new show......I was wrong.....Geez I was wrong!!!

WA, 7671 posts
24 Feb 2012 9:20AM
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He he he... Loggy... That is a whole bunch of excitement for one morning... I hope you didn't injure yourself jumping to so many conclusions and value judgements.

log man said...

I think at one stage you referred to B'Brown as "******t"......

I think you'll find it is extremely unlikely that I would write, say or even think such things about Bob... However, I cannot agree with his current ideas and his intended goals. His ideology... Oooo, maybe I do have a political ideology. Maybe you don't know what it is. Maybe you have been so busy trying to shove vile Gillard and vile Labor down everyones throats that you didn't have time to look around. Maybe it is tunnel vision.

BTW, I like swinging voters. I like the idea of making up your mind based on the policies, platforms, rafts and TEAM that is presented. I can't follow something blindly, just because I am green, red or blue. I think, then allign. I don't allign and then adjust my thinking to be alligned.

NSW, 4453 posts
24 Feb 2012 1:33PM
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NSW, 4453 posts
24 Feb 2012 1:36PM
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So loggy and soggy don't feel left out...

Oh and

QLD, 4083 posts
24 Feb 2012 1:40PM
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Let's not let this turn into too much of a 'political debate' (see the forum rules), or, even worse, personal attacks. Play the ball, not the man. While it's still a 'political commentary' we don't have to say it's against the forum rules, and we can enjoy that favourite Australian pastime of ragging on pollies.

Got this on the email this morning, the resemblance is uncanny...

NSW, 807 posts
24 Feb 2012 4:52PM
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FlySurfer said...

So loggy and soggy don't feel left out...

Oi! Don't verbal me! I don't think I've even posted in this thread ta much. Fact is, I'm one of them 'orrible swinging voters loggy dislikes so much, just that the angle of my dangle tends to the left.

But I do like that terminator pic! Good one!

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
24 Feb 2012 1:59PM
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Loggy - your description of me nailed it!
It is also about correct for the majority of average midlde class 'normal' australians. To put in in your terms "working families"

However I never called Mr Brown names, have never said I was anti-carbon tax, nor Gough. Dunno where you got those from.

I'd love to have a few brews with you and set you straight

QLD, 14394 posts
24 Feb 2012 4:20PM
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VIC, 5904 posts
24 Feb 2012 6:37PM
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Gestalt , that was fantastic , I hadn't seen those , bloody funny !!!!!!

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
24 Feb 2012 7:04PM
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Mark _australia said...

Loggy - your description of me nailed it!
It is also about correct for the majority of average midlde class 'normal' australians. To put in in your terms "working families"

However I never called Mr Brown names, have never said I was anti-carbon tax, nor Gough. Dunno where you got those from.

I'd love to have a few brews with you and set you straight

Barossa Red for me

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
24 Feb 2012 7:26PM
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Pugwash said...

He he he... Loggy... That is a whole bunch of excitement for one morning... I hope you didn't injure yourself jumping to so many conclusions and value judgements.

log man said...

I think at one stage you referred to B'Brown as "******t"......

I think you'll find it is extremely unlikely that I would write, say or even think such things about Bob... However, I cannot agree with his current ideas and his intended goals. His ideology... Oooo, maybe I do have a political ideology. Maybe you don't know what it is. Maybe you have been so busy trying to shove vile Gillard and vile Labor down everyones throats that you didn't have time to look around. Maybe it is tunnel vision.

BTW, I like swinging voters. I like the idea of making up your mind based on the policies, platforms, rafts and TEAM that is presented. I can't follow something blindly, just because I am green, red or blue. I think, then allign. I don't allign and then adjust my thinking to be alligned.

Sorry if I verballed you Pugwash, It's the nature of the forum really. But why be so coy? Sure being committed has some uncomfortable moments. Being a Labour man means its uncomfortable to contemplate Nuclear power as an offset for Global Warming power generation. I'd Prefer wind,Hydro,geothermal etc but for me Nuclear is palate able......if we really have to. Labour buddies don't like it at all but for me it's not an all or nothing issue. BUT you are so totally wrong about "swingers". They're so flakey, so captured by the simplicity of the conservative message and so easily deceived by the trends of politics.

VIC, 5904 posts
24 Feb 2012 7:36PM
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Did anyone here Julia,s press conference today?

What did you think of it ?

My thoughts on that ..... She needs to get another speech writer !! That was atrocious

WA, 57 posts
24 Feb 2012 5:36PM
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Let the two clowns fight it out!!

the longer the will seal the Labor parties fate of ever getting re-elected.

WA, 7671 posts
24 Feb 2012 8:19PM
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Nice to have you back loggy... Uranium... There's topic Pugsie knows a little about

Did you see the comparison of carbon emissions from Nuclear vs solar vs hydo vs all sources in the IAEA red book

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
25 Feb 2012 2:19PM
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Pugwash said...

Nice to have you back loggy... Uranium... There's topic Pugsie knows a little about

Did you see the comparison of carbon emissions from Nuclear vs solar vs hydo vs all sources in the IAEA red book



Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"k Rudd gives up on leadership aspirations" started by Mr float