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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

loud people next door

Created by saltiest1 > 9 months ago, 30 Mar 2012
NSW, 2510 posts
30 Mar 2012 5:28AM
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1.00 am to 3.30am or so every wedneday and thursday nights, up goes the music, loud ranting and pissy chatter from idiots behind us. about mid 20 year old tools. ive fronted them before at these times but just get ignored. apart from hiring an assassin, any suggestions? council is useless, cops dont care. seriously about to boil over and wax up their windscreens with "STFU".

QLD, 7932 posts
30 Mar 2012 6:55AM
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i will take you more seriously next time you bang on my door mate. yet we have never complained about you dressing as tarzan and howling every time you self pleasure one self every friday saturday and monday. hey lets get together

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
30 Mar 2012 7:32AM
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Search whirlpool forums there's heap of info about this type of thing.

Basically you have to keep calling the cops until you become a nuisance and they fix it.

Log all calls past and future (even if the past ones are a bit fuzzy)

Take some recordings for evidence.

Try to find their realo (assuming they're renters?)

Optional: Mow the back lawn at 6:30am the days after the parties.

WA, 2503 posts
30 Mar 2012 7:11AM
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Kiteboy is on it. Keep a log of noise times and police calls and call the cops every 15 mins, give them the sh!ts. Get their surrounding neighbours involved, more than one call and the coppers can't ignore it. As soon as the noise starts, send a txt to all the neighbours asking them to make a noise complaint. Coppers can't lock 'em up but they can impound the stezza. Your main avenue of revenge will be the local council, once you and your neighbours have submitted a log of noise complaints the offenders get a max of three warnings or something before a fine of up to 60k. If it's a rental, you'll have new tenants quick smart and if it's owner occupied they'll learn to STFU in no time.
Went through it with the crackwhore next door about 12 months ago, once she realised that she was going to lose her house that she worked so hard to f%ck her ex over for, she learned to be a good neighbour.

NSW, 2510 posts
30 Mar 2012 11:26AM
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sounds good guys. log started and council will be involved.
doesnt seem like that crack whore stuff was fun......

505 posts
30 Mar 2012 8:31AM
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Politely explain your concerns with the tools. If that fails then cut their power........if an older style house help yourself to their fuses and deposit them in a bin somewhere. Repeat every few days at random times. All this whilst simultaneously doing as others have suggested above re: recording activity and pestering police and council.

NSW, 894 posts
30 Mar 2012 11:45AM
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Move onto acreage

QLD, 261 posts
30 Mar 2012 10:51AM
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Easy, I have the same problem. Only mine is my brother blaring music at midnight. All i do when i've had enough is go to the power box outside and trip the switch for the garage. He's to dumb to know what the hell happend to his computer
True story
Give it a go!!!

QLD, 4087 posts
30 Mar 2012 10:59AM
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Behind us were at it again last night. First thing that happened was the alarm went off. It went for about 10 minutes then paused for about 10 seconds before starting again, on and off for a while until a car came racing down the driveway. There was a banging on the door (theirs, not ours) and shouting. Alarm kept going off for a while until it was replaced completely by shouting. From what I could pick up of the conversation the female of the species must have changed the alarm code without yet changing the locks, and the male had arrived without permission while she was out. Eventually the male was convinced to leave with the help of a relative of the female. The female later came out and apologised to another one of the neighbours behind. From what we heard of that we caught the sentence 'he's not a hobo, he's got money'.

Everything else put together we reckon she's booted him out once and for all (if she goes ahead and changes the locks as well). That will leave her a single mother with two children to two different fathers. The oldest one is 'special needs', and the guy she just booted out had some problems with 'basic problem solving', to put it mildly. So his new baby doesn't have much genetic chance of topping any classes at school either.

Elroy Jetson
WA, 706 posts
30 Mar 2012 9:08AM
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You sound like my Mate. Every Saturday night was loud with yelling and music from 20 to 30 late teens (pissed him off more because the music was changed halfway through each song).

Neighbours had the large speakers cranking in the backyard. Wife couldn't watch TV and his toddler kept waking up. They rang up the cops and this worked well one weekend. On other weekends it worked less so.

He was extremely frustrated.

So after promising to his wife that he wouldn't smash anybody he finally went over to confront the young ins. Knocked on the door while the music was blaring and found the Dad watching the footy visuals and the Mum hanging with the kids.

A bit shocked that the parents were actually there he asked them politely to turn the music down. They agreed. It went down for 10 minutes and then back up.

At midnight, and in the quiet time between song changes, a large rock landed on their patio roof. Massive impact and noise. Music didn't go back on.

The problem was solved for a couple months.

The next time the music was loud a large rock landed on their patio within an hour.

Problem solved.

It's a simple equation now. Music up = A rock onto the patio roof.

VIC, 5000 posts
30 Mar 2012 1:04PM
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Man...and I thought that WA was the shiz! (Non-metro) Vic must be the equivalent to Canada then?

QLD, 1499 posts
30 Mar 2012 1:34PM
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Sounds like some good advice so far.
Just a thought, consider go over to politely explain to your friends about the noise, but time your visit for when they are sleeping (like the morning after they are making a racket).

The rock on the roof could work, although when I lived in coastal SA I used a different variation...

Half a loaf of stale bread scattered on the roof.
It is amazing how satisfying it is to witness about a thousand seagulls on a roof fighting over bread crumbs. They can be so loud that it can be hard to hear the screams of abuse from the occupants trying to sleep off their late night of noisy partying. It's very therapeutic.

QLD, 389 posts
30 Mar 2012 2:04PM
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Haha like the bread on the roof tactic!

When I lived in WA we had a party (rave) house next door and our windows would rattle from the bass!!!! Had enough so all the neighbours got together and cranked up the lawnmowers at 6.30am one morning after. Funny as seeing the losers peeking out the window cursing us.
One night I knocked on the door and when they answered I looked in and could see a coffee table full of drugs so only had to call the cops once and they came around real quick. Never seen so many geezers running and jumping fences to get away. The losers moved out straight after......

QLD, 825 posts
30 Mar 2012 2:49PM
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stuk said...

Move onto acreage

Ha. Every time I go for a drive in the sticks you always see huge properties
and houses within spitting range of each other.

Nothing - nothing - nothing - nothing - house - house - house - 10k's more of nothing
house - house - house and so on.... Just bizarre.

NSW, 9029 posts
30 Mar 2012 4:44PM
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youngbull said...

stuk said...

Move onto acreage

Ha. Every time I go for a drive in the sticks you always see huge properties
and houses within spitting range of each other.

Nothing - nothing - nothing - nothing - house - house - house - 10k's more of nothing
house - house - house and so on.... Just bizarre.


if your house is about 10 meters away from your neighbour's house why not just live in town? I guess they do this to save money on electrical and other utility connections.

Great advice about the seagulls.

VIC, 260 posts
30 Mar 2012 5:59PM
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saltiest1 said...

1.00 am to 3.30am or so every wedneday and thursday nights, up goes the music, loud ranting and pissy chatter from idiots behind us. about mid 20 year old tools. ive fronted them before at these times but just get ignored. apart from hiring an assassin, any suggestions? council is useless, cops dont care. seriously about to boil over and wax up their windscreens with "STFU".

i had the same in st kilda.
the trick is NOT to front up to them.

if they are really bad, give it a few months and then begin a war of terror.

i did this to a neighbour who used to continually throw parties on a wednesday night that kept all of our apartment block awake till 5am, resulting in me missing work the next day.

start by nicking their electricity fuse (the main ceramic one on the outside of their unit) their food will spoil and its a call out to the electricity board for a new one and there not cheap.

liquidise left over pilchards from fishing, mix with milk and vinegar and fill their letter box with the stuff when its forecast 30 degree day.
use a squegee bottle to put in inside their car via the door seals.

any hard rubbish thats in the street chuck over their fence, (i chucked a lamp through their kitchen window one saturday night)

steal forsale signs and chuck them in his garden, then call the realestate agent the next day saying that you saw him stealing them last night

and the result was that he promptly moved out !!

frucking WIN !!!

BUT!!! THE BEST ONE was one my mate did in sydney,

he took the plates off his bad neighbours car, fitted them to another car of the same model and drove back and forth through speed cameras that night at 120+ kmh.
after an hour of this, he refitted the plates to their car.

imagine trying to explain that one to the court!!

WA, 229 posts
30 Mar 2012 3:03PM
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I have had this issue for years as the landlords who rent out the properties next to mine do it privately and have no idea how to choose tenants.

I spoke to the landlords and they told the new tenants no parties. Anyways I've had this problem for ten years and live with it now. Sunday night they went till 5am (both sides of my place) I asked them to hold the parties out the front of their place (which they did) but on the still nights I can still hear the chatter and the base and don't sleep properly.

I put it down to where I live and the crowd it attracts. Main problems I've had are with the Irish. Loud, no respect singing irish songs. I like the Irish generally but it seems as if we get all the knackers.

I accept it now, calling the cops sucks.

Maybe speak to the landlord and tell them your problems with the tenants, and not to renew their lease.

QLD, 4087 posts
30 Mar 2012 5:07PM
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New forum rule: No Mum jokes. Not sure why, but seems to be important on a lot of forums.

QLD, 2246 posts
30 Mar 2012 5:51PM
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Onya Pat
Buy aboat and live on it. Noisy neighbours, move somewhere else . Simple

Green Cherub
WA, 296 posts
30 Mar 2012 4:10PM
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Oh, i was thinking a different type of loud;

NSW, 6451 posts
30 Mar 2012 7:15PM
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GreenPat policing seabreeze forums

WA, 5921 posts
30 Mar 2012 4:15PM
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had a neighbour who liked to rattle our windows with the bass at 2.00am, when i rang the police they asked me to turn down the music as they could hear me!!!!
they finally got the idea and drove past as he changed the music. on our 3rd call (3.00am) they drove past when the music was cranking.
when they knocked on his door, we heard him telling me to F*off or he'd shove a cd up my *.
when they knocked again he came out the door ready to fight, into the arms of 3 police with batons.
I sat on my front lawn ,and wet myself laughing as they demonstrated what happens when 3 overworked police officers have their last night shift messed up .
. never heard boo from him ever again.
the police will sort it out if you are patient.they are great
., ring up and tell them that the smell of the marijuana is so strong its drifting over the fence

QLD, 4087 posts
30 Mar 2012 6:19PM
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lotofwind said...

GreenPat policing seabreeze forums

That's what I'm aiming for.

NSW, 4188 posts
30 Mar 2012 10:30PM
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NasiGoreng said...

start by nicking their electricity fuse

An oldie but a goodie

That's usually my last resort though: I have been known to glue the front (and back if possible) doors shut with the strongest and fastest setting glue I can find before turning the power out. [}:)]

(If you are my neighbour you have to try REALLY hard to deserve that one though)

3777 posts
30 Mar 2012 7:57PM
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^"bicycle chain in the 44000 volts trick out front of there house.." Just make sure you don't start a bush fire.

NSW, 2510 posts
30 Mar 2012 11:22PM
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fronted them early this morning. youguns were pretty cool. but if it happens tonight its gonna be bread on the roof, rocks on the veranda roof and mum jokes. apparently they are offensive. **** off.

NSW, 2510 posts
30 Mar 2012 11:23PM
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i know a lot of good mum jokes though

WA, 24860 posts
30 Mar 2012 8:30PM
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saltiest1 said...

i know a lot of good mum jokes though


NSW, 2510 posts
30 Mar 2012 11:42PM
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geez some sensitive people here..... i will get rid of it for you schnookums.

NSW, 2510 posts
30 Mar 2012 11:54PM
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fair enough. apologies to you guys. point taken.
will resort to fat jokes instead, until someone has a fat sister and i cop a bar stool to the head.

NSW, 6451 posts
31 Mar 2012 12:06AM
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How long till you go to bed GreenPat


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"loud people next door" started by saltiest1