Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

not about surfing

Created by Prawnhead > 9 months ago, 24 Oct 2011
NSW, 1317 posts
24 Oct 2011 12:36PM
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worth a read

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
24 Oct 2011 1:40PM
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why are christians such haters

NSW, 1317 posts
24 Oct 2011 1:56PM
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sorry jon small edit

Little Jon said...

why are christians some people such haters

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
24 Oct 2011 2:51PM
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ok, good photo, did you take it? and where, tell us the story

WA, 15849 posts
24 Oct 2011 1:01PM
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Little Jon said...

ok, good photo, did you take it? and where, tell us the story

Its in the USA I think.

NSW, 807 posts
24 Oct 2011 4:28PM
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It's in the accompanying link, Little John. Worth reading (although the picture is worth 1,000 of the words)

WA, 2960 posts
24 Oct 2011 1:30PM
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Prawnhead said...

sorry jon small edit
Little Jon said...

why are christians some people such haters

Indeed, but the reason these people are out being twats is because they believe that the '****' are upsetting their God..

If you truly believe God is angered by things other people 'Sin', then wouldn't you try and stop them??? They feel they are doing the righteous thing, because of their beliefs..

If you do not hold these beliefs, why would anybody bother making signs like this??

It's probably a Westboro Baptist Church Thug

**Edit, ohh I also missed the article, this bit grabbed my attention..

How noble! That's what I like about this place. We can talk about things. We can argue about things. Hell, we can disagree about things! And hopefully, raise awareness about things. Like the jerk on the left, and the courageous (albeit slightly cocksure) guy on the right.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"not about surfing" started by Prawnhead