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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

shark attack at umbies cont

Created by redman666 > 9 months ago, 24 Nov 2013
QLD, 89 posts
24 Nov 2013 10:45AM
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this is continued form the kitesurfing forum post title shark attack at gracetown
ive started this post here cause it started to get off topic form the nature of the other forum
which to me was more about condolences and sympathy and show of support to the family and friends of the man fataly wounded in the attack not a discussion about sharks. SO!!!! im sure we can have a normal discussion about this topic

firstly - my condolences to the family and friends of Chris Boyd

secondly - if u love the water like millions of Australians then u should respect the water n all the fish and mammals it contains. respect the fact that when u go into the water u are in their environment no matter where u are in Australia (the best country) also u should respect the fact that when u enter the water be it, the ocean, beach or river system, there are creatures in there that can kill you, like sharks, stingers (jellyfish), crocs etc

thirdly - YES something should be done about. if you go on a cull and kill off the sharks in that area, other sharks from other areas are going to move in and take over that territory. their main food, like fish, seals, other sharks etc are in decline, but at the same time sharks numbers are increasing, which means shark hunting territory is decreasing. just want to point out that humans are NOT apart of a sharks diet.

SO - what I thinks needs to be done is take a accurate numbers of sharks and compare it to the number of natural prey that the sharks feed on and work out a way to balance it out. in other words increase the fish stocks (main diet of many sharks) and decrease shark numbers in a way that doesn't put the particular shark species on the endangered list. that doesn't mean let every tom, dick n harry go on a shark killing rampage for the fun of it.

ALSO - education - educate people on shark behaviour n movements. let people know what times of the year are sharks have more of a presence in certain areas and when they don't. this info can be put on a sign on a beach letting people know this is when sharks are around n when their not, what food they eat and behavioural movements. ie big school of fish close to shore, probably going to attract sharks don't go swimming near it. things like that. more investment and research into shark deterrent technology to help move them from a certain area.

SA, 171 posts
24 Nov 2013 11:37AM
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Just a thought if sharks main food source is in decline (which is undisputed) would not the the shark numbers also decline.
I mean if we put 10 humans in a box and take away thier main food source don't their numbers decline?
I think its actually an indicator that we are over fishing the oceans removeing the main food source and the sharks are just trying to stay alive by moving closer to shore and tasting things they would not normally eat.

good thoughts red

WA, 109 posts
24 Nov 2013 9:41AM
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just a point on the above. I don't think whites have territory.. they roam vast distances constantly eating whatever takes their fancy as they go. they do follow certain currents or whale migrations, but they don't just hang out. this is why it's essentially impossible for fisheries to kill sharks that attack. by the time a response is mounted, the shark is probably hundreds of kms away.

I reckon fishing for whites could be a good tourist attraction. fisheries could grant a limited number of commercial licenses and this would probably help to reduce numbers over time without impacting to heavily on shark numbers..

just my opinion. I'm sure other will disagree.

QLD, 89 posts
24 Nov 2013 12:07PM
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antisense said..

just a point on the above. I don't think whites have territory.. they roam vast distances constantly eating whatever takes their fancy as they go. they do follow certain currents or whale migrations, but they don't just hang out. this is why it's essentially impossible for fisheries to kill sharks that attack. by the time a response is mounted, the shark is probably hundreds of kms away.

I reckon fishing for whites could be a good tourist attraction. fisheries could grant a limited number of commercial licenses and this would probably help to reduce numbers over time without impacting to heavily on shark numbers..

just my opinion. I'm sure other will disagree.

good point mate whites are a roaming shark but in my post above I was including all sharks n I prob should have made that more clear. if whites migrate depending on what time of year it is we might be able work out what territory they are going to be in n have measures in place to deal with such a large predator near people. yes I agree it will be hard for fisheries to track n locate whites for tagging not to mention expensive n impossible to get all of them.

I agree with the restriction of white shark licences to fishing operators n I agree with the fact that it needs to be done but in a controlled manner. if the allowed this as a tourist attraction money from this can be put into better preventative measures of shark attacks as well a better study into the great white shark as we don't really know that much about them. allowing fishing operators licences to catch these sharks will bring in tourists (which bring in money to the local economy) and will decline there numbers in a controlled manner so it doesn't get out of hand. this point u made is a good one. if this happens id go out n have a go hooking onto one. the whole shark wont go to waste we can pretty much use all the parts, flesh for food, skin for hide aswell as the skull n jaws make awesome prize for catching it.

WA, 2503 posts
24 Nov 2013 10:34AM
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In reference to the White situation in West Oz, their food source is not in decline, far from it. There's more sealions and seals along our coast than there has been for a very long time, the joint's a friggen smorgasbord for Mr White now.

WA, 6913 posts
24 Nov 2013 10:36AM
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The sad part for me is everyone gets upset for a few weeks then it drops of the radar. LAST NOVEMBER I HAD A QUESTION TABLED IN PARLIAMENT ABOUT SHARK TAGGING AFTER IT WAS IGNORED BY EVERYONE.

To give you some idea i approached
Fisheries, Water police, Fisheries minister at the time Moore, Buswell, Barnett, My local member, all the opposition members including their leader form Rockingham (sorry have forgotten names), Channel 7, 9, 10 and the ABC. The West Australian, SLSWA, South Australian Fisheries (these were the only supportive help. I also spoke with the Tag manufactures for the shark Tags. Eventually the Greens in Freo looked into it but passed it onto the greens member based in Morley. Now that was Put into the State Government hansard last November and it has still never been brought to the floor

Wait till i start to hit the phones again on Monday

They again talked on the news last night saying they will put in more Receivers in the Southwest. What is the point if they don't actually then tag any Great Whites

WA, 4642 posts
24 Nov 2013 10:51AM
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jbshack said..
The sad part for me is everyone gets upset for a few weeks then it drops of the radar. LAST NOVEMBER I HAD A QUESTION TABLED IN PARLIAMENT ABOUT SHARK TAGGING AFTER IT WAS IGNORED BY EVERYONE.

To give you some idea i approached

Fisheries, Water police, Fisheries minister at the time Moore, Buswell, Barnett, My local member, all the opposition members including their leader form Rockingham (sorry have forgotten names), Channel 7, 9, 10 and the ABC. The West Australian, SLSWA, South Australian Fisheries (these were the only supportive help. I also spoke with the Tag manufactures for the shark Tags. Eventually the Greens in Freo looked into it but passed it onto the greens member based in Morley. Now that was Put into the State Government hansard last November and it has still never been brought to the floor

Wait till i start to hit the phones again on Monday

They again talked on the news last night saying they will put in more Receivers in the Southwest. What is the point if they don't actually then tag any Great Whites

The problem is, you're asking them to do something and then a small number of people are preventing them doing the easiest, most obvious and effective action to fix the problem, when they protest loudly about killing a few sharks. (Note,.. I said A FEW sharks. Not all sharks)
So what can all the authorities who you contact do, and what can they tell you?
And while you're on the subject, what would YOU like them to do about it?
We had all this discussion a year ago so you've had a whole year to think about it.

SA, 4783 posts
24 Nov 2013 1:23PM
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It might be worth reducing the human population that would solve many problems.

As surfing and water sports increases in population over the years we will see more mistaken attacks.

The seal population has bounced back after humans nearly wiped them out.

The whale population is also bouncing back.

The blue fin tuna still circumnavigate OZ every year.

The tourist cage diving industry also offers a good healthy feed.

I believe it's not a change of behaviour and not lack of food that causes the attacks.

it's caused by increased opportunity as more humans enter the water.

WA, 312 posts
24 Nov 2013 10:59AM
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southace said..

It might be worth reducing the human population that would solve many problems.

As surfing and water sports increases in population over the years we will see more mistaken attacks.

The seal population has bounced back after humans nearly wiped them out.

The whales population is also bouncing back.

The blue fin tuna circumnavigate OZ every year.

The tourist cage diving industry also offers a good health feed.

I believe it's not a change of behaviour and not lack of food that causes the attracts.

it's caused by increased opportunity as more humans enter the water.

Can you imagine what the GW's detect via their sensory equipment as the other 98% hit the waters. Must be like a huge dinner Gong being belted!. Word soon spreads when lunch is easy pickings.

QLD, 89 posts
24 Nov 2013 12:59PM
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jbshack said..

The sad part for me is everyone gets upset for a few weeks then it drops of the radar. LAST NOVEMBER I HAD A QUESTION TABLED IN PARLIAMENT ABOUT SHARK TAGGING AFTER IT WAS IGNORED BY EVERYONE.

To give you some idea i approached
Fisheries, Water police, Fisheries minister at the time Moore, Buswell, Barnett, My local member, all the opposition members including their leader form Rockingham (sorry have forgotten names), Channel 7, 9, 10 and the ABC. The West Australian, SLSWA, South Australian Fisheries (these were the only supportive help. I also spoke with the Tag manufactures for the shark Tags. Eventually the Greens in Freo looked into it but passed it onto the greens member based in Morley. Now that was Put into the State Government hansard last November and it has still never been brought to the floor

Wait till i start to hit the phones again on Monday

They again talked on the news last night saying they will put in more Receivers in the Southwest. What is the point if they don't actually then tag any Great Whites

u certainly went all out mate, sad to see that the 'retards' um sorry powers that be wont put it through the floor. U make a good point in saying whats the point in putting in more receivers if there are no tags for them to receive!

WA, 4642 posts
24 Nov 2013 11:03AM
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southace said..
I believe it's not a change of behaviour and not lack of food that causes the attracts.

it's caused by increased opportunity as more humans enter the water.

I don't entirely agree.
The sth west coast of WA has been extensively used by surfers since the mid 60's.
I know because I used to be one of them.
I spent hundreds of hours in that same bay as did many others and not so much as a nibble on anyone for forty years that I can remember.
And now in the space of a few years we have an annual feasting.
The recent increase is far and away more greatly increased than can be accounted for by water use.

Just heard that fisheries are now setting line to catch the shark.
I think they should give the job to real fishermen who know how to catch sharks.
I think Fisheries just know how to talk about it.
Let's see how they go.

QLD, 89 posts
24 Nov 2013 1:22PM
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Just heard that fisheries are now setting line to catch the shark.
I think they should give the job to real fishermen who know how to catch sharks.
I think Fisheries just know how to talk about it.
Let's see how they go.

the shark that attacked the man is prob long gone by now also if they catch a shark how do they know that they have caught the right one
from what ive read n seen in the news do they know what species it is?

also like what was said in the past posts give licences to a restricted number of professional fisherman to fish for whites on their charters aswell giving them the job of catching a particular shark after it has attacked someone

SA, 956 posts
24 Nov 2013 3:31PM
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isn't SHARK just another word for SURFER, bro? badly spelt supper

shark and chips please, on land............


surfer and seaweed in the ocean............

SA, 4783 posts
24 Nov 2013 3:58PM
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Very rarely a shark will actually eat a human it's mostly mistaken identity most deaths are related to loss of blood and the body's are most of the time recovered.

Humans create far more deaths than sharks it's a fact.

The only answer to this problem is education and research.

In Qld where crocodiles live there are signs posted with warnings. We are educated not to swim in these rivers that contain crocodile habitats.

WA, 3486 posts
24 Nov 2013 1:38PM
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southace said..
The only answer to this problem is education and research.

In Qld where crocodiles live there are signs posted with warnings. We are educated not to swim in these rivers that contain crocodile habitats.

So are you saying we just shouldn't swim in the ocean in WA.

SA, 4783 posts
24 Nov 2013 4:48PM
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Yep if research proves that the area is a shark hot spot then enter at your own risk.

That is the whole purpose of the shark tagging program.

Unfortunately our governments fail to fund such program's.

If you go into the woods in Canada you are warned that there are Bears living there so you enter at your own risk just the same as crocodiles in the rivers of Australia.

What about shark shields on surf boards why don't we make them compulsory just like seat belts in motor cars?

1011 posts
24 Nov 2013 2:21PM
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dont the use baited drum lines or something to catch sharks in qld?

WA, 400 posts
24 Nov 2013 2:22PM
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Its a shame this post gets run 3 -4 times a year now after an attack. As i have said before we rape the ocean of snapper squid crays crabs ect ect and no one cares yet we protect the only thing that poses a massive threat to us. Japs even kills whales and others club seals and dolphins. Its a shame it will take a corby case to swing peoples views. (pretty white women or young child taken.) and there is no scientific evidence to suggest there is a increase in numbers??? Observation is one type of scientific evidence. And it seems there are heaps more. I got chased in at wedge the other week.

WA, 2503 posts
24 Nov 2013 2:31PM
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southace said..

Very rarely a shark will actually eat a human it's mostly mistaken identity most deaths are related to loss of blood and the body's are most of the time recovered.

Humans create far more deaths than sharks it's a fact.

The only answer to this problem is education and research.

In Qld where crocodiles live there are signs posted with warnings. We are educated not to swim in these rivers that contain crocodile habitats.

Bull****! Research your facts.

Five of our recent attacks have been repeated, sustained attacks that have resulted in part or most of the victim being consumed. Only one was a hit and run and half of the victim was consumed in that instance, in all of the other attacks the victim was either consumed or the attack interrupted by humans and the body retrieved. When Wainwright was taken at Rottnest the shark pursued the boat for five k's back to Thompson Bay after his remains were pulled aboard.

A White attack is very different to a Bull Shark or a Bronzie, these things are accustomed to attacking mammalian prey as much as a croc is. And we are very much on the menu.

Still, I don't know what the solution is, I don't agree with a cull. Really the risk of death by shark attack is infinitesimal and taking that risk is something I choose to do. You wouldn't catch me going for a dip in the Ord to retrieve a lure though.

SA, 4783 posts
24 Nov 2013 5:01PM
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surferstu said..

dont the use baited drum lines or something to catch sharks in qld?

Yes and they catch small reef sharks,lemons and the odd hammer and tiger it's more of a piece of mind for swimmers as non of the sharks are actually man eaters. I have watched these bait lines for 5 days with out any one attending them it would be interesting to talk to the semi retired fisho that maintains them occasionally!

SA, 4783 posts
24 Nov 2013 5:15PM
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smicko said..

southace said..

Very rarely a shark will actually eat a human it's mostly mistaken identity most deaths are related to loss of blood and the body's are most of the time recovered.

Humans create far more deaths than sharks it's a fact.

The only answer to this problem is education and research.

In Qld where crocodiles live there are signs posted with warnings. We are educated not to swim in these rivers that contain crocodile habitats.

Bull****! Research your facts.

Five of our recent attacks have been repeated, sustained attacks that have resulted in part or most of the victim being consumed. Only one was a hit and run and half of the victim was consumed in that instance, in all of the other attacks the victim was either consumed or the attack interrupted by humans and the body retrieved. When Wainwright was taken at Rottnest the shark pursued the boat for five k's back to Thompson Bay after his remains were pulled aboard.

A White attack is very different to a Bull Shark or a Bronzie, these things are accustomed to attacking mammalian prey as much as a croc is. And we are very much on the menu.

Still, I don't know what the solution is, I don't agree with a cull. Really the risk of death by shark attack is infinitesimal and taking that risk is something I choose to do. You wouldn't catch me going for a dip in the Ord to retrieve a lure though.

Well my previous research has been on the understanding that humans are not a natural menu for sharks as we are low fat/blubber content, my research has also given me a understanding that whites actually taste test there captured prey before consuming and many cases of human attacks have been released after first bite.
I have seen many Whites attack Giant pectorals and then releasing after some minutes which may prove on this theory as them birds are mostly feathers and bones.
But yes I could be wrong as I'm not a Marine biologist but have worked and watched the behaviour of over 100 Whites in a 3 year period.

WA, 122 posts
24 Nov 2013 3:46PM
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Start culling please - this is out of control....Problem solved - talk to any commercial fisherman in Perth.

WA, 792 posts
24 Nov 2013 3:50PM
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southace said...

The only answer to this problem is education and research.

And how's this going to solve anything?? What a load of sh!t. Educate and research til the cows come home. Not going to save f##k all.

On a positive note the big white Brutus from wedge got knocked on the head by some fishos from up that way a few weeks after it killed that poor dude last year. Fisheries are still trying to find who did it but they won't. Fisheries are f##king useless just like the muppett buswell who's in charge of them.

The down south crew will sort out the problem themselves...

Rip and condolences to all family and friends.

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
24 Nov 2013 3:52PM
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If you dont work in and on the water
If you spend less than say 10 to 20 hours a week in and on the water
If you carnt swim and or dont swim and are green
Shut the fk up

Cull every shark that attacks a human full fken stop especially rouge man eating Great Whites

The only truely qualified person in Australia ive herd speak on the WA shark attacks was VIC HISLOP he would now be just laughing at you all.

WA, 6913 posts
24 Nov 2013 4:21PM
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redman666 said..

jbshack said..

The sad part for me is everyone gets upset for a few weeks then it drops of the radar. LAST NOVEMBER I HAD A QUESTION TABLED IN PARLIAMENT ABOUT SHARK TAGGING AFTER IT WAS IGNORED BY EVERYONE.

To give you some idea i approached
Fisheries, Water police, Fisheries minister at the time Moore, Buswell, Barnett, My local member, all the opposition members including their leader form Rockingham (sorry have forgotten names), Channel 7, 9, 10 and the ABC. The West Australian, SLSWA, South Australian Fisheries (these were the only supportive help. I also spoke with the Tag manufactures for the shark Tags. Eventually the Greens in Freo looked into it but passed it onto the greens member based in Morley. Now that was Put into the State Government hansard last November and it has still never been brought to the floor

Wait till i start to hit the phones again on Monday

They again talked on the news last night saying they will put in more Receivers in the Southwest. What is the point if they don't actually then tag any Great Whites

u certainly went all out mate, sad to see that the 'retards' um sorry powers that be wont put it through the floor. U make a good point in saying whats the point in putting in more receivers if there are no tags for them to receive!

Thanks for that, i think your the first person to ever get the point i have been trying to make for a few years now

SA, 4783 posts
24 Nov 2013 6:53PM
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Yes wipe out every living creature that harms us including ourselves! We are immortal.

The problem with culling the sharks is that the population of this species is unknown so it's unsure on what bag limit should be taken.and as you may know it's a big ocean and this species keeps on the move.

If it is one rouge shark it would be hard to pin point find and catch unless it was done on the day while it was in the area using oil and chum methods.

So catching and killing is not a real easy answer to the problem that's why I stated education and research would be a better option first.

WA, 6913 posts
24 Nov 2013 4:27PM
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pweedas said..

jbshack said..
The sad part for me is everyone gets upset for a few weeks then it drops of the radar. LAST NOVEMBER I HAD A QUESTION TABLED IN PARLIAMENT ABOUT SHARK TAGGING AFTER IT WAS IGNORED BY EVERYONE.

To give you some idea i approached

Fisheries, Water police, Fisheries minister at the time Moore, Buswell, Barnett, My local member, all the opposition members including their leader form Rockingham (sorry have forgotten names), Channel 7, 9, 10 and the ABC. The West Australian, SLSWA, South Australian Fisheries (these were the only supportive help. I also spoke with the Tag manufactures for the shark Tags. Eventually the Greens in Freo looked into it but passed it onto the greens member based in Morley. Now that was Put into the State Government hansard last November and it has still never been brought to the floor

Wait till i start to hit the phones again on Monday

They again talked on the news last night saying they will put in more Receivers in the Southwest. What is the point if they don't actually then tag any Great Whites

The problem is, you're asking them to do something and then a small number of people are preventing them doing the easiest, most obvious and effective action to fix the problem, when they protest loudly about killing a few sharks. (Note,.. I said A FEW sharks. Not all sharks)
So what can all the authorities who you contact do, and what can they tell you?
And while you're on the subject, what would YOU like them to do about it?
We had all this discussion a year ago so you've had a whole year to think about it.

Its not hard Pweedas, they have spent over 10 million dollars and tagged less then 14 Great White sharks..ITS THAT SIMPLE MATE. LESS SHARKS THAN RECEIVERS.. I'd like them to say how they expect to learn anything with only 14 sharks with tags swimming around? But nothing seems to have changed with emotions on this site so i think i'll stay out of this one. BUT i challenge those who think they have the answers to push for more than at least 2 weeks

QLD, 6148 posts
24 Nov 2013 6:30PM
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southace said..

surferstu said..

dont the use baited drum lines or something to catch sharks in qld?

Yes and they catch small reef sharks,lemons and the odd hammer and tiger it's more of a piece of mind for swimmers as non of the sharks are actually man eaters. I have watched these bait lines for 5 days with out any one attending them it would be interesting to talk to the semi retired fisho that maintains them occasionally!

bullshxt again. the baited drum lines do catch large bull, tiger and bronze whalers where I am from (we dont get whites up here)
they probably catch whites in SE wld because they get them down there.
they catch 4m+ tigers every year.
Baited drum lines off swimming beaches only catches sharks that are at the beaches, so it's pretty selective..

WA, 6913 posts
24 Nov 2013 4:34PM
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southace said..

Yes wipe out every living creature that harms us including ourselves! We are immortal.

The problem with culling the sharks is that the population of this species is unknown so it's unsure on what bag limit should be taken.and as you may know it's a big ocean and this species keeps on the move.

If it is one rouge shark it would be hard to pin point find and catch unless it was done on the day while it was in the area using oil and chum methods.

So catching and killing is not a real easy answer to the problem that's why I stated education and research would be a better option first.

Southace you will be pushing it up hill on this site? No one cares that the Ocean is our primary source of Oxygen, our primary source of food on this planet and no one cares that we could push it over the edge if we kill of the controlling factor of that very source, we all depend on

If you ever would care to talk a little, id love to pick your brains a little if you know anything regarding tagging?

Hell i even asked Suba if he could answer my question regarding tagging Great Whites and he has yet to answer me It seems WA fisheries, researches won't us kept in the dark. Im not a huge fan of Ocsearch but at least if they were let to tag we could then have info direct via Smart phonesBut our government said no. I have even talked directly with them and they are at a loss as to why as well. SO WHAT ARE THEY HIDING

SA, 4783 posts
24 Nov 2013 7:19PM
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myusernam said..

southace said..

surferstu said..

dont the use baited drum lines or something to catch sharks in qld?

Yes and they catch small reef sharks,lemons and the odd hammer and tiger it's more of a piece of mind for swimmers as non of the sharks are actually man eaters. I have watched these bait lines for 5 days with out any one attending them it would be interesting to talk to the semi retired fisho that maintains them occasionally!

bullshxt again. the baited drum lines do catch large bull, tiger and bronze whalers where I am from (we dont get whites up here)
they probably catch whites in SE wld because they get them down there.
they catch 4m+ tigers every year.
Baited drum lines off swimming beaches only catches sharks that are at the beaches, so it's pretty selective..

Google how many tigers have caused grief on beaches!
Just recently watched divers with tigers with no aggression, obvously if they brought some fish to the party things would have been different ! Would you not think bait lines would attract sharks to the beaches?
If a white took the bait you would need a good chain and mooring!

VIC, 5000 posts
24 Nov 2013 7:58PM
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Don't need a cull - just need to lift the protection on whites and put 'catch/bag' limits on them like other sharks. They will be targeted by fishermen wanting the thrill and numbers will decrease to align with the decrease of other marine life...sad but fair imo.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"shark attack at umbies cont" started by redman666