^I'd say the people who drowned in a rip can probably be grouped with the people at risk of shark attack.
Should we cull great whites for the small fraction of the population that surf and dive? Is that not selfish??
If I was walking through long grass and a snake bit and killed me, should we cull snakes to reduce that risk? Where do we draw the line? What price should this world pay so the ever growing population can feel bulletproof? I can promise you we all will die, numbers wise 100%.
At the cost of another life and its ripple effect, you are buying a very small percentage of human life.
We kill however many come in and eat people, the same as we remove however many snakes decide to come in and take over your residence.
They actualy stop quite fast.
And yes, GW sharks have been around for thousands of year, but when I started surfing in the early sixties and until recently, you could safely surf at any of the places which have now become 'extreme sport' arenas.
Something has changed for the worse and I think we should to something to re-estabilsh the status quo.
How the hell did it become popular to think that a fish eating a person is acceptable? Did I miss a brainwashing episode on tv or something??
Yep, big fish. Really big, but still fish. Some people seem to think they're as special as double horned unicorns.
No one gets too upset when I catch a herring or a squid. People don't cry about snapper being caught. But heaven forbid a shark dies!
I hope none of you eat fish. If so your a ****ing hypocrite and your argument is void. I mean why do you choose what lives and what dies. What about crayfish blowfish etc. We rape you rape the ocean but its ok if you eat it? Whats your explanation for killing one animal and not another. You guys would make good gods. Amazes me the do gooder hippy hypocrite scum on here. Oh yeah i said, everyone tginks it. Anyway go slam that burger down your throat. Least you wont speak bulls??t for five minuts. Oh you better throw that flyspray out now your all for equal rights