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Created by saltiest1 > 9 months ago, 31 May 2011
NSW, 2495 posts
31 May 2011 10:11AM
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anyone here tried it?

lao shi
SA, 1293 posts
31 May 2011 10:12AM
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Did the accelerated free fall course some years back.

9hrs(I think) of training followed by a jump with two instructors holding you stable for 20 secs of free fall then you pull the cord and fly the parachute to ground.
Did it at Pinjarra and the view from the chute as you circled was cool.
The free fall was all over very quickly and I was concentrating so hard it didn't really give me as much of a buzz as a good day's windsurfing. Considered the cost of continuing and decided to call it a day.
I would recommend the tandem to see if it is your thing. Less of the hard training more of the experience. Enjoy.

VIC, 4982 posts
31 May 2011 10:44AM
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I tried it 20 odd years ago and found it boring. Way too much waiting around doing not much of anything.

A mate got into it recently and had the money to get all the training and gear happening quickly. He jumps a wingsuit now. I think you need a 200 jumps before you can us a wingsuit.

VIC, 5000 posts
31 May 2011 11:36AM
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"Why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good plane?"

I wanted to try skydiving, bungee jumping etc. years ago...I think that self preservation has kicked in now & I'm not interested in ever trying it.

In saying that, training for vertical rescue (SES) has opened my eyes to abseiling!!! Plenty more of that ahead I hope.

WA, 4642 posts
31 May 2011 12:57PM
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saltiest1 said...

anyone here tried it?

I did a couple of jumps about 15 years ago, just to see what it was like.
I've done a lot of flying over the last 50 years and when looking out over the landscape I sometimes wondered what it would be like to just open the door and jump out. Not that you could because at the speed you go it is impossible to open the door more than an inch or two.
Anyways, I finally thought I should scratch that particular itch and give it a try.
I didn't want any of that tandem jump stuff because that wasn't the same as just jumping out unattended, so I did a short training course (1 day) and then did a solo jump from 4000 feet.
I found it extremely exciting!
The unbelievably difficult bit was climbing out onto the undercarriage of the plane and then as the plane went over the drop zone, the instructor says GO! and you have to let go and faaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllll !
I found the letting go bit almost impossible.
The instructor said "go", my mind said "let go" but my fingers said "no way!"
After a few seconds I managed to let go and the rest happened all by itself.
I think it's due to gravity.
It was a static line jump so the small drogue chute is deployed by a bit of string tied back to the plane. The small chute then pulls out the main canopy within about 3 or 4 hundred feet and you can fly off to the landing zone.
The parachute was one of the paraglider types so it was steerable via a brake string on either side.

The descent part was pretty much as I imagined it would be, just sort of hanging around in the sky looking around over the countryside, with no visible means of support. There was not really any sense of descent until the final few hundred feet when the ground started coming up fairly fast.
The final flare and touchdown is done into wind by pulling on both brakes together from about 50 feet down.
I'm pleased to say the landing was pretty much perfect.

When I thought about it afterwards I realised that the climbing out and jumping bit was such a mental overload that I didn't really take it all in so I went back a few weeks later and did another jump.
The second jump was still a mental overload but not quite as much as the first so I think I took more of it in.
Having scratched that itch I didn't have any great urge to do any more.

Was it worth it?
Amongst other things it's sort of a confidence building thing.
Even if you have no intention of taking it up as a hobby, it's still worthwhile to do it just for the experience.
It's not that expensive when compared to a holiday somewhere and you certainly will remember it for the rest of your life.

NSW, 4188 posts
31 May 2011 3:22PM
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Sailhack said...

"Why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good plane?"

lol - is there really such a thing as a "perfectly good plane"?

NSW, 1317 posts
31 May 2011 3:57PM
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Sailhack said...

"Why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good plane?"

(sorry hack can't help myself)
(look it up)
Who would ever of thought of inventing a parachute ?

kiting equivalent "gee you must be strong to hang onto that kite all the time"
or "how do you get down when you go up so high"

130 posts
31 May 2011 3:54PM
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Yes, around 5 years ago. The free fall was fantastic, then the chute was opened, and I had the worst motion sickness the rest of the way down, and lasted for a few hours once I landed. I'm tempted to try again, knowing now what I didn't know then, but it's a lot of money just to be sick all over again.

WA, 1305 posts
31 May 2011 5:49PM
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saltiest1 said...

anyone here tried it?

NO !!

I have seen an egg land without a parachute,

not pretty,

definitely not fot me

But an ultra light ooohh yea

440 posts
31 May 2011 6:43PM
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saltiest1 said...

anyone here tried it?

Yeah but not for 15 years, did just over 500 jumps, jumped out of some awesome aircraft, Boeing 727 being the highlight. Great fun and good times.

WA, 4485 posts
1 Jun 2011 11:35AM
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lao shi said...

Did the accelerated free fall course some years back.

9hrs(I think) of training followed by a jump with two instructors holding you stable for 20 secs of free fall then you pull the cord and fly the parachute to ground.
Did it at Pinjarra and the view from the chute as you circled was cool.
The free fall was all over very quickly and I was concentrating so hard it didn't really give me as much of a buzz as a good day's windsurfing. Considered the cost of continuing and decided to call it a day.
I would recommend the tandem to see if it is your thing. Less of the hard training more of the experience. Enjoy.

Did the same about 12 yrs ago. Only about 4-5hrs training back then though I think? There have been a couple of BIG SPLATTS since so not surprised.

Was a hell of a buzz. Scariest thing was leaning out of the cr@ppy old Cesna and having to lean past the point of no return to grab the wing strutt. After that it was all adrenalin.

Talk about a huge rush of relief when my chute snapped open and I got those handles in my mits! Was cruising a few turns then went for a couple of BIG ones! KnHELL!! Just about soiled my dacks swinging out to about 60-70 degrees on a couple turns! Steady as she went after that.

Got a perfect landing, both feet down (lucky) but saw some faceplants and @rse draggs from other punters! LOL.

Hell of a rush for at least couple of days. Would have done again if my student income had allowed.

Tandem is still a good option. Cheaper and more time to take in the buzz I reckon. For me half of it was a bit of 'adrenalin overload'

BTW - as my plane was climbing for my jump the previous plane had just had their passengers jump. I saw their primary chute from that jump floating past below our plane.
A malfunction - go to emergency chute situation. Luckily a tandem jump but shows it can and does happen.
He he - talk about get the adrenalin and sphinny clench going after that! Went over my procedures about 20 times more whilst climbing!!

QLD, 1499 posts
1 Jun 2011 2:39PM
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I did the AFF course a few years ago. The drop zone was a bit of a drive from my place so I spent the night at the drop zone camping with a few regular skydivers. It was great to see people so passionate about their sport. People from all walks of life (doctors, soldiers, salesmen) all united by their love of jumping from planes.
Definately something I would recommend.
(although I did the jump in the morning, I still got a good buzz from a kite session that arvo)

BTW, skydiving is THE most accuracte sport in the world!
Nobody EVER misses the planet

NSW, 2495 posts
1 Jun 2011 3:32PM
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thanks all. ive booked in for it for late july at pinjarra. wanted it sooner but could not get it. cant wait now.
did the tandem from 14000 ft in boardshorts and no drogue about 12 years ago and have been wanting to do it since.

440 posts
1 Jun 2011 1:45PM
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saltiest1 said...

did the tandem from 14000 ft in boardshorts and no drogue about 12 years ago

No drogue! was that intentional or by accident?

NSW, 2495 posts
1 Jun 2011 10:53PM
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was in port maquarie for the aussie sky dive titles and got to meet a few of the guys there. got talking and they said i could do what ever i like so no drogue and boardshorts. the guy i jumped with was hung over and fell asleep on the flight up.
watched the mrs drop out of the back of the plane 1st which was strange, then my turn. loved it.

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
3 Jun 2011 2:24PM
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I done the one day solo course years ago with a couple of jumps from 3000ft in Qld, was friggen awesome. There was somewhat of a fear factor going solo and it was my first plane flight, for a while I could say "yeah, taken off in a couple of planes but never landed in one".
Now I'm into base jumping with over 300 jumps but I usually go up instead of down. My winged suit has a 10 meter wing span (hang glider).
Parachuting is a lot safer than it looks and is well worth trying at least once, if your chute doesn't open they will gladly give you a full refund.

VIC, 64 posts
3 Jun 2011 11:04PM
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Select to expand quote

Yeah but not for 15 years, did just over 500 jumps, jumped out of some awesome aircraft, Boeing 727 being the highlight. Great fun and good times.

Was that at the Free fall Convention in Quincy??

NSW, 1317 posts
3 Jun 2011 11:17PM
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saltiest1 said...

was in port maquarie for the aussie sky dive titles and got to meet a few of the guys there. got talking and they said i could do what ever i like so no drogue and boardshorts. the guy i jumped with was hung over and fell asleep on the flight up.
watched the mrs drop out of the back of the plane 1st which was strange, then my turn. loved it.

must of been a while ago?

440 posts
3 Jun 2011 11:59PM
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davo4772 said...

Was that at the Free fall Convention in Quincy??

Yep and this was the bird

VIC, 64 posts
4 Jun 2011 6:54PM
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cranky said...

davo4772 said...

Was that at the Free fall Convention in Quincy??

Yep and this was the bird

Nice one. I was there in 95. Did 100 jumps in 4 weeks.

The jet was a blast literally, my goggles came off, riser covers. Lost my mate even though I was right out the door after him but found some dude in a Santa suit. Fun days.

440 posts
4 Jun 2011 9:56PM
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davo4772 said...

Nice one. I was there in 95. Did 100 jumps in 4 weeks.

The jet was a blast literally, my goggles came off, riser covers. Lost my mate even though I was right out the door after him but found some dude in a Santa suit. Fun days.

I was there in 96, your not wrong about the blast, strange sensation listening to the noise of people dropping through the stairwell. I went out feet first, legs and arms crossed, main concern was risers and reserve flap, it was all good and I even land back on the DZ. What else did you jump out of there?

VIC, 64 posts
5 Jun 2011 7:05PM
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Other than the jet, the Super Constellation, DC-3 with massive prop blast, the chopper, a king air that went to 24000ft.

I didn't do the biplane as I thought it was too expensive which of course I regret now.

Also did alot of walking through corn fields.

Capt Loopy
NSW, 276 posts
5 Jun 2011 7:47PM
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Yer man 3000+ lobes.3 bass jumps.A load of free flying and wingsuit jumps.But like anything else it gets old real quick.

QLD, 6481 posts
5 Jun 2011 8:09PM
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wow i remember that convention. I skipped the dc-3 and went straight to the space shuttle, f16 and inverted chopper jumps

man that cost an arm and a leg

440 posts
6 Jun 2011 1:27PM
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davo4772 said...

Other than the jet, the Super Constellation, DC-3 with massive prop blast, the chopper, a king air that went to 24000ft.

I didn't do the biplane as I thought it was too expensive which of course I regret now.

Also did alot of walking through corn fields.

The biplane was great, missed out on the Dak, an engine caught fire while taxiing.

Haircut said...

inverted chopper jumps

man that cost an arm and a leg


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"skydive" started by saltiest1