Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

student speaks out at indoctrination of school

Created by petermac33 > 9 months ago, 14 Aug 2010
NSW, 5780 posts
15 Aug 2010 9:05PM
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Think you forgot a few things there.

Presumably if the masses weren't 'subdued' they would be anarchistic.

If religion hadn't have existed then civilisation as we know it wouldn't have been carried forward to each generation.

Like you, I like my ordered life with a mass moral concensus of what is right and wrong.

Presumably if there was nothing in 'power' and no centrally controlled education, social services, or other things I equate to civilisation and we all lived in an anarcy state where nobody pays taxes, every service you want you perform directly for yourself, nobody provides clean water let along puts chlorine and flouride in it, the airplane hasdn't been built because it takes governments developing military technology to advance the science, the peoples of Pakistan receive no aid from US military helicopters, then Petermac would be happy.

Maybe wake up and smell the roses rather than compalining about the thorns on them.

Sure life isn't perfect, but name a place and a time when life would have been better than it is right now.

that post is a joke right...?

did you write it sitting in the dark by light of the flashlight in case a boogeymonster or a scary man might come a knocking...?

here's a thought, maybe think beyond the box of what we have is better than nothing. maybe then we might have a chance of betterment for the human family and not have to rely on others for services we take for granted or on death machine military for our redundant economically driven technological advancements

there are many alternatives and possibilities for conscious evolution outside our systems of enslavement and indoctrination.

to see religion as the motor which has driven civilisation to where we are now, is only looking at the half of the picture you want to see.

looking objectively, it would appear to me that religion has been more responsible for holding civilisation and spiritual evolution back.

QLD, 7428 posts
15 Aug 2010 9:31PM
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log man said...

Petermac33, she doesn't need to know about 9/11 being an inside job or fluoride being "a poison" or chemtrails or all the other conspiracist crap, and by the way what ever happened to UFO's Ghosts and talking to the spirits, is that just a bit out of fashion or something. There's proper science going everywhere, real science, fascinating, ground breaking science, backed up by years of work by others, peer reviewed and constantly tested not I read it on some nutjob internet site and it fits MY view of the world so therefore that's "evidence". And Cisco please , playing the innocent victim, and claiming gingerpoms response was shooting the messenger , rubbish, if you bring up a nonsense idea and it gets shot down in flames then maybe the the idea is nonsense. However I failed to add that I work for an international pharmaceutical company that has close dealings with the CIA and I was in new york on or about 9/11

The only one to raise that crap in this thread is you log man. This is a gratuitous personal attack. Take your argument to the appropriate thread.

The same goes for the rest of. Play the ball not the man.

WA, 6666 posts
15 Aug 2010 7:34PM
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theDoctor said...
[there are many alternatives and possibilities for conscious evolution outside our systems of enslavement and indoctrination.

True possibilities or theortical dreams ?

If they are true and possible why haven't they happened ?

I am not saying I think what we have is better than any other another possibility, or that what we have today is what we will have tomorrow, it is just that I don't think it is so bad in comparrision to what could be (and what has been).

Given perfection can only be measured by having imperfect things I don't think my life and the world I live in is so bad. I am suggesting we are less enslaved and less indoctrinated than ever before, and that trend is continuing not going backwards.

Your arguements seem to be that the world is getting worse - that more and more nefarious things are happening - I am just of the opinion that the opposite is true.

And dreaming of a better world, free of enslavement and indoctrination is the basis on which most religions exist. I am not sure how you can hate religion as a system, but then dream for a better world and a better way of living.

Perhaps posting clips of inspirational good deeds, instead of telling me the world is doomed might make me understand the message more. Just saying we doomed were doomed doesn't add up, things seem to be getting better not worse.

NSW, 2496 posts
16 Aug 2010 12:29AM
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this site is starting to piss me off.

like a record..... round and round and round.........

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
16 Aug 2010 1:23AM
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NotWal said...

log man said...

Petermac33, she doesn't need to know about 9/11 being an inside job or fluoride being "a poison" or chemtrails or all the other conspiracist crap, and by the way what ever happened to UFO's Ghosts and talking to the spirits, is that just a bit out of fashion or something. There's proper science going everywhere, real science, fascinating, ground breaking science, backed up by years of work by others, peer reviewed and constantly tested not I read it on some nutjob internet site and it fits MY view of the world so therefore that's "evidence". And Cisco please , playing the innocent victim, and claiming gingerpoms response was shooting the messenger , rubbish, if you bring up a nonsense idea and it gets shot down in flames then maybe the the idea is nonsense. However I failed to add that I work for an international pharmaceutical company that has close dealings with the CIA and I was in new york on or about 9/11

The only one to raise that crap in this thread is you log man. This is a gratuitous personal attack. Take your argument to the appropriate thread.

The same goes for the rest of. Play the ball not the man.

Is this a gratuitous personal attack!!!!????PFFTT. And I thought I was crapping on about the responses to the girls speech

NSW, 864 posts
16 Aug 2010 10:04AM
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saltiest1 said...

this site is starting to piss me off.

like a record..... round and round and round.........


NSW, 864 posts
16 Aug 2010 10:06AM
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log man said...

NotWal said...

log man said...

Petermac33, she doesn't need to know about 9/11 being an inside job or fluoride being "a poison" or chemtrails or all the other conspiracist crap, and by the way what ever happened to UFO's Ghosts and talking to the spirits, is that just a bit out of fashion or something. There's proper science going everywhere, real science, fascinating, ground breaking science, backed up by years of work by others, peer reviewed and constantly tested not I read it on some nutjob internet site and it fits MY view of the world so therefore that's "evidence". And Cisco please , playing the innocent victim, and claiming gingerpoms response was shooting the messenger , rubbish, if you bring up a nonsense idea and it gets shot down in flames then maybe the the idea is nonsense. However I failed to add that I work for an international pharmaceutical company that has close dealings with the CIA and I was in new york on or about 9/11

The only one to raise that crap in this thread is you log man. This is a gratuitous personal attack. Take your argument to the appropriate thread.

The same goes for the rest of. Play the ball not the man.

Is this a gratuitous personal attack!!!!????PFFTT. And I thought I was crapping on about the responses to the girls speech

That's not a personal attack. THIS is a gratuitous personal attack:

theDoctor said...

that post is a joke right...?

did you write it sitting in the dark by light of the flashlight in case a boogeymonster or a scary man might come a knocking...?

NSW, 451 posts
16 Aug 2010 1:24PM
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Was going to post this in a new thread, but it relates a lot to this thread, so why not here.

NSW, 4453 posts
16 Aug 2010 1:47PM
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Dextrous, dude, u need to warn people... now those images of animal abuse are in my mind!

NSW, 5780 posts
16 Aug 2010 6:23PM
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NSW, 4453 posts
17 Aug 2010 1:57PM
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NSW, 9202 posts
17 Aug 2010 2:36PM
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petermac33 said...

to think is to process information to form an opinion, but if we are not critical in processing this information are we really thinking or are we mindlessly accepting other people's opinions as truth.

the majority of students are put through the same brainwashing techniques in order to create a complacent labor force, working in the interests of large corporations and secretive government and worst of all they are completely unaware of it.

we will not accept anything at face value, we will ask questions and and we will demand answers and truth.

Sounds like she went to a good school. Perfectly normal, no? I'm confused, really, am I supposed to be shocked or something? I was taught to question everything at school and especially Uni. To learn for oneself. I learnt how to learn.

Technical knowledge is something else though, we all stand on the shoulders of giants.

Perhaps if you'd paid more attention in school PeterMac you'd have learnt they weren't just brainwashing you for the workforce. What did you make of English for example?

WA, 6415 posts
17 Aug 2010 1:48PM
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As you've gathered by now, a Humanities education is not intended to uplift or empower. The world is owned and run by a secretive banking cabal and their inbred allies. Its goal, in the words of Cecil Rhodes, is to "gradually absorb the wealth of the world." Naturally it must obscure this plan. They want to make students their tools. Professors who don't play the game are fired.

If you haven't noticed, universities are not places of invigorating inquiry and debate. They are stagnant backwaters that reek of moral compromise and disillusionment.

Mankind is groping in the dark. "All we know is the wind that blows," Thoreau

wrote. Our false confidence is based on material progress and technology, which Thoreau calls "improved means to unimproved ends."

"We have turned the brainless head of the goyim with progress," says the Protocols(XIII). With the exception of "material inventions" progress "like a fallacious idea, implies a departure from truth in all cases."

In other words, the Illuminists have infected mankind with the illusion that they are building a humanist utopia based on reason, when in fact they are constructing a neo feudal tyranny. This is the essence of "globalism" and the principle behind world events.

In conclusion, God is a Spirit or state of consciousness where ideals of justice goodness truth and love are self-evident. The Illuminists' first priority is to destroy Christianity and belief in God. They have to sever humanity from its metaphysical moorings in order to substitute a false reality conducive to their rule.

Humanities education today is a placebo, a substitute for a true education. It is a pretext for indoctrination, acceptance of which qualifies you for employment.

The world will not be saved by acts of God but acts of men representing God. Our duty is to take these ideals seriously in our personal lives and bring them into the world. The cost of rejecting God is to become slaves of very bad men

do the students/lecturers at uni debate the events of history?

no, they are told history.

look what happened to professor Kevin Barrett,he was fired from his job for questioning 911.

NSW, 601 posts
17 Aug 2010 6:28PM
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petermac33 said...

needs an 'l' on the end of the link

The original article seemed to be more of an attack on atheism than education. (and seems pretty specific to the Humanities) Shrug.

I didn't do much history in school (I dropped it as one of my electives), but I do remember getting taught the differences between primary, secondary and tertiary sources of information. (i.e. working out the differences between "told" history and "actual" history)
But then I'm not American or even Australian, so I can only speak for my own schooling.

NSW, 864 posts
17 Aug 2010 7:28PM
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Meaningless drivel, sweeping generalisations and sheer tripe written by a tool and quoted here by someone who obviously hasn't a clue what happens in university.

So why exactly would I waste my life reading this trash Peter?

NSW, 864 posts
17 Aug 2010 7:31PM
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No, on second thought, you don't need to bother answering that. Here's my reply:

maxm said...

saltiest1 said...

this site is starting to piss me off.

like a record..... round and round and round.........


WA, 4485 posts
17 Aug 2010 5:32PM
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Wind... please!!

I'd even be happy for a mega fart right now.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
17 Aug 2010 7:50PM
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QLD, 12337 posts
18 Aug 2010 12:48AM
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maxm said...

So why exactly would I waste my life reading this trash Peter?

It was your decision, not his.

QLD, 12337 posts
18 Aug 2010 12:50AM
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saltiest1 said...

this site is starting to piss me off.
like a record..... round and round and round.........


NSW, 451 posts
18 Aug 2010 1:30AM
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poor relative said...

petermac33 said...

to accept the reality would bring emotional pain, so the events are denied.

at last, finally found the answer as to why otherwise intelligent people believe in chemtrails, NWO, 911 insider job, poison in the water, today tonight etc etc etc

Whoopes I think the implication of petermac's quote is the exact opposite of what you understood it to be.

WA, 6415 posts
18 Aug 2010 1:26AM
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there certainly is a tendency on this forum to attack the messenger rather than the message.

it's almost becoming them + us.

us[the good guys] attacking the message.[corporate propaganda]

them[the bad guys]attacking the messenger.

in the article i posted by henry makow he writes, ''Professors who don't play the game are fired.''

evidenced by the sacking of Professor Kevin Barrett.[who didn't play the game]

surely any professor has the right to question the official line without being fired.

Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position.

As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence an audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political agenda. Propaganda can be used as a form of political warfare

NSW, 517 posts
18 Aug 2010 8:04AM
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petermac33 said...


to think is to process information to form an opinion, but if we are not critical in processing this information are we really thinking or are we mindlessly accepting other people's opinions as truth.


the majority of students are put through the same brainwashing techniques in order to create a complacent labor force, working in the interests of large corporations and secretive government and worst of all they are completely unaware of it.


we will not accept anything at face value, we will ask questions and and we will demand answers and truth.

this is the type of girl mum said i should marry this is the type of girl dad said you should f@#$ her brains out then jump out the window and run like hell hard to imagine the pillow talk or pillow listen maybe why ball gags were invented

NSW, 864 posts
18 Aug 2010 9:25AM
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cisco said...

maxm said...

So why exactly would I waste my life reading this trash Peter?

It was your decision, not his.

My decision not to read it you mean? Agreed. I was asking for a good reason why I should change that decision. Don't think I've seen one yet.

NSW, 6937 posts
18 Aug 2010 9:43AM
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cisco said...

saltiest1 said...

this site is starting to piss me off.
like a record..... round and round and round.........


He is getting dizzy! Perhaps he should hold Maxm's hand and they can work it out together

QLD, 6124 posts
18 Aug 2010 11:55AM
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she could have got her tits out

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
18 Aug 2010 11:38AM
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myusernam said...

she could have got her tits out

I must admit i was waiting for her to get her kit off

NSW, 864 posts
18 Aug 2010 6:17PM
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maxm said...

So why exactly would I waste my life reading this trash Peter?

NSW, 864 posts
18 Aug 2010 6:27PM
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japie said...

He is getting dizzy! Perhaps he should hold Maxm's hand and they can work it out together

Nah, nothing to work out, japie. Just a low boredom tolerance threshhold is my excuse.

QLD, 4083 posts
18 Aug 2010 7:54PM
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saltiest1 said...

this site is starting to piss me off.

like a record..... round and round and round.........

It's a bit of a conundrum isn't it? Two clear teams have formed, neither able to accept the other's beliefs. If it were individuals they might get some time out, if it was just one thread gone to the dogs it could get locked pr removed, if it were offensive and a clear breach of the forum rules it would be heavily moderated. But it's none of that, so what do we do?

Should we even do anything?

I think a lot of people are even enjoying the topic.

On another forum I visit there is an 'ignore' feature, where you can select members whose posts you never want to see. People who use it reckon it's great. I'll put it to the boss and see what he reckons...


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"student speaks out at indoctrination of school" started by petermac33