Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

well.........why not!

Created by sn > 9 months ago, 9 Jun 2013
WA, 2775 posts
9 Jun 2013 9:21AM
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who needs common sense anyway,
this is way too cool for sense to apply.

need one for Lake Lefroy so I can flip a bird @ Chook


QLD, 2995 posts
9 Jun 2013 11:30AM
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Ultimate air-cooled!

NSW, 921 posts
9 Jun 2013 1:54PM
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wont the propeller make the car go backwards?

Ian K
WA, 4120 posts
9 Jun 2013 12:01PM
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fingerbone said...
wont the propeller make the car go backwards?

Yes but if you put a left handed propellor, sorry, right handed, on it the engine would overheat. Hope it's fitted with a good reversing beeper.

WA, 304 posts
9 Jun 2013 12:16PM
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Good observation, fingerbone! It's this, and the weight of the massive radial engine behind the rear axle - either photoshopped, or not designed to actually run.

Props are old tech anyway...

QLD, 12351 posts
9 Jun 2013 2:18PM
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The Yanks will road register just about anything.

WA, 1249 posts
9 Jun 2013 7:09PM
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I'm in love!!!!!!

WA, 2775 posts
9 Jun 2013 8:30PM
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fingerbone said..

wont the propeller make the car go backwards?

Nope, engine and airscrew rotate anti-clockwise, [when standing behind the VW]
Why should it overheat?
The cylinders are still getting airflow over them.[on the bonneville flats it should be rolling along at a good speed too.]
This engine has a ruddy great oil cooler as well- remember, it came out of a tank and not an aircraft.
The VW is yet to have its rollcage, safety gear, nitrous oxide and modified drivers seat fitted [needs more room for the drivers nuts]
It runs on propane too- so its kind of environmentally friendly.

The bloke that cobbled it together has 5 or 6 similar radial engines in the front yard of his home that he loves to fire up!
Thats what I call an effective way of beating the neighbours leaf blower.

I dont think he is married for some reason.......

I dont have the link- but if you google "radial engine VW" it will be top of the list.


Ian K
WA, 4120 posts
9 Jun 2013 8:56PM
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Well the edge closest to camera on the propellor looks like a leading edge. So it should rotate clockwise when standing behind the VW. I suppose it would work clew first.

We once used a suck and blow Cessna to sample bushfire smoke. The rear engines were prone to overheating.

QLD, 2995 posts
9 Jun 2013 11:07PM
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As and interesting aside I heard that only about 12% of engine heat is dealt with by the cooling system. Most of it goes out the exhaust pipe and the rest the oil system.

WA, 7483 posts
9 Jun 2013 10:56PM
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QLD, 2995 posts
12 Jun 2013 11:09AM
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Looks like a nazi secret project...

WA, 3519 posts
12 Jun 2013 10:06AM
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Ian K said..
Well the edge closest to camera on the propellor looks like a leading edge. So it should rotate clockwise when standing behind the VW. I suppose it would work clew first.

We once used a suck and blow Cessna to sample bushfire smoke. The rear engines were prone to

Oh my god is that you Albi???? still hanging with beautifull young blondes????

WA, 5921 posts
15 Jun 2013 6:26PM
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Righto chook , I got all the bits to build the bike!!!!!!!

QLD, 2995 posts
15 Jun 2013 10:40PM
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Give this a go:

WA, 2775 posts
15 Jun 2013 9:26PM
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you should see how this fella's snow blower/leaf blower, and how he boils his kettle!

being his neighbour would be interesting


WA, 1249 posts
15 Jun 2013 9:44PM
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Hey the bugger is crazy, but there is something I like about him Gizmo!!!!

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landyacht said..

Righto chook , I got all the bits to build the bike!!!!!!!

Ha ha, yeh that would be right. It has 15 Lbs more thrust than mine too.
I can just see you going down Hannan's St for the Christmas parade Paul.

Nah sorry, I don't think "sn" is that quick on his feet. Might need a huge coily gas lead for him to keep up I think.
I loved his Jettle.

ikw777, I've missed something there???. Nice combi though.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"well.........why not!" started by sn