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why asians will conquer the world

Created by theDoctor > 9 months ago, 26 Jan 2012
NSW, 5780 posts
27 Jan 2012 2:00AM
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cause their kids are frikken guitar playin cyborg ninjas

WA, 7671 posts
26 Jan 2012 11:29PM
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Just because you are small, does not make you a kid, or a frikken guitar playin cyborg ninja

SA, 3589 posts
27 Jan 2012 2:49AM
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Poor kids.

3777 posts
27 Jan 2012 3:07AM
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Its all good the yanks blame it on poorliving and poverished breeding. !

NSW, 634 posts
27 Jan 2012 9:41AM
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theres a ****load of em


QLD, 7932 posts
27 Jan 2012 9:14AM
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its because msg is addictive. they have developed brain altering chips the size of rice grains and they are now hitting us with a double combo. take us over through all that delicious food. you see they are smart,even with our tin foil hats to protect us,the plastic container holding all that yumminess will defeat any protection we have developed...yum....cha

VIC, 602 posts
27 Jan 2012 10:39AM
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Looked to me like they were enjoying it

Stuthepirate said...

Poor kids.

NSW, 807 posts
27 Jan 2012 10:51AM
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yeah but they're cool frikken guitar playin cyborg ninjas

NSW, 4453 posts
27 Jan 2012 10:58AM
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They probably have to wake everyday @ 04:00 and practice until 07:30... then again after indoctrination study.

QLD, 12326 posts
27 Jan 2012 10:56AM
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It is all about breeding. Whichever species breeds the most will dominate it's environment.

I guess you all knew that anyway.

WA, 53 posts
27 Jan 2012 9:03AM
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QLD, 12326 posts
27 Jan 2012 11:29AM
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Italian Precision. Queensland motor cycle cops used to do a similar thing at the Brisbane showgrounds back in the 60s on their magnificent silver Triumphs with which they were personally issued and were required to maintain themselves.

3777 posts
27 Jan 2012 12:50PM
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WA, 2775 posts
27 Jan 2012 2:43PM
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now if you want real precision, watch this one- first half is good- last half is a real eye opener


WA, 53 posts
28 Jan 2012 9:08AM
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sn said...

now if you want real precision, watch this one- first half is good- last half is a real eye opener


Found a hybrid****bvU

VIC, 5000 posts
28 Jan 2012 3:08PM
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Bruce lee = precision!

Or a more believable (?) clip showing physical ability & dedication.

QLD, 6806 posts
31 Jan 2012 12:16AM
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maybe tiny but ....

QLD, 12326 posts
31 Jan 2012 1:40AM
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why asians will conquer the world

WILL???..... They already have.

WA, 229 posts
31 Jan 2012 12:03AM
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cisco said...

why asians will conquer the world

WILL???..... They already have.

Whites have the perfect mix of intelligence, inventiveness, ability to delay gratification and a moderate level of testosterone.

Whites will always rule the world.

QLD, 6123 posts
31 Jan 2012 9:01AM
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wodgina6722 said...

cisco said...

why asians will conquer the world

WILL???..... They already have.

Whites have the perfect mix of intelligence, inventiveness, ability to delay gratification and a moderate level of testosterone.

Whites will always rule the world.

grandmaster wodgina i presume?

SA, 956 posts
31 Jan 2012 9:56AM
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what does the word....wodginer mean in norwegian ?

we have a similar word out here

NSW, 9202 posts
31 Jan 2012 11:04AM
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cisco said...

It is all about breeding. Whichever species breeds the most will dominate it's environment.

I guess you all knew that anyway.

This is why Conquistadors like Pizzaro kicked so much ass when they arrived in South America. There were simply more of them. </sacrasm>

Take the Battle of Cajamarca for example. Atahualpa had 80,000+ men to Pizarro's 182. That is not a typo. At the end of the (long) day of cutting down the Americans the death toll stood at 1 Spaniard and 2,000 Americans. 5,000 were taken prisoner.

It wasn't numbers, it was technology. Steel armour, guns and horses. And germs. (yes I'm in the middle of that book).

This is why we watch US television, not Indian.

WA, 229 posts
31 Jan 2012 8:19AM
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White people pretty much invented everything. A white nation has the worlds biggest and strongest military. At the moment they are getting away with printing they're own wealth! genius!

WA, 2775 posts
31 Jan 2012 10:17AM
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gibberjoe said...

what does the word....wodginer mean in norwegian ?

we have a similar word out here

Dunno what norwegian has to do with it?

Wodgina is a minesite roughly 120klicks inland from port hedland.
Named after a creek that runs through the minesite.

A little patch of paradise where they used to dig out tin, tantalum, and now iron ore.

QLD, 6806 posts
31 Jan 2012 12:27PM
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sn said...

gibberjoe said...

what does the word....wodginer mean in norwegian ?

we have a similar word out here

Dunno what norwegian has to do with it?

Wodgina is a minesite roughly 120klicks inland from port hedland.
Named after a creek that runs through the minesite.

A little patch of paradise where they used to dig out tin, tantalum, and now iron ore.

You have the spelling wrong
it should be
let me check the rest
-"creek that runs through"- that is ok a bit bushy you should add
-"A little patch of paradise" - absolutely yes !
-"they used to dig" - of course
- "minesite" - my site sometimes yours too, who bother this day with monogamy
-"120klicks inland" - more or less
-"tin, tantalum, and now iron " look deep inside and you may find much more

WA, 6650 posts
31 Jan 2012 11:36AM
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Um a simplistic summary, based on a western centric view of the largest conquers of the world in their time :

100BC - 500AD - Roman Empire centred in the west
600AD - 1400AD - Muslim Empire initiated by Mohammed from the middle east
1300AD - 1600AD - Mongul Empire - from Asia
1600AD - 1800AD - Ottoman Empire risen from remains of Roman + Muslim
1800AD- 1945 - British Empire
1945 to present - bit of a mess in historical comparissions, US (who have never set out to gain a land empire - 'why' is a good question, but hold world economic, military and social influence ) and the USSR (who did want land)
1950-1970 Elvis
1983-1990 Micheal Jackson

at the same time on the other side of the planet : 500AD to present - Chinese Empire holding vast swaths of land holding off Japs and central asian and southeast asian neighbours, and arguably doing a better job of it than any of the others.

I am sure history hasn't stopped today, but when an Asian entity takes over the world it won't be the first time, or I suspect the last time.

Remember in 1900 the largest economy in the world was the Chinese. It is predicted by 2100 it will be again. Was it an issue in 1900 ? Will it be an issue in 2100 ?

God Save the Queen and bloodsport for all.

WA, 229 posts
31 Jan 2012 12:30PM
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Macroscien said...

sn said...

gibberjoe said...

what does the word....wodginer mean in norwegian ?

we have a similar word out here

Dunno what norwegian has to do with it?

Wodgina is a minesite roughly 120klicks inland from port hedland.
Named after a creek that runs through the minesite.

A little patch of paradise where they used to dig out tin, tantalum, and now iron ore.

You have the spelling wrong
it should be
let me check the rest
-"creek that runs through"- that is ok a bit bushy you should add
-"A little patch of paradise" - absolutely yes !
-"they used to dig" - of course
- "minesite" - my site sometimes yours too, who bother this day with monogamy
-"120klicks inland" - more or less
-"tin, tantalum, and now iron " look deep inside and you may find much more

^your a little special aren't ya

QLD, 6806 posts
31 Jan 2012 4:33PM
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they start education early


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"why asians will conquer the world" started by theDoctor