I dont believe you require a truck to transport gear around either for windsurfing . !! In both sports are they heavily reliant on a "when condition dictate" principle The maps/ graphs are the graphs.Reading wind conditions and gearing up according relative to the sport takes time. Its a balance of weight and surface area.
Both sports are a long term accomplishment! no can of worms just 2 sports both requiring time long term commitment dedication patience and hard physical work..
we call ourselves:
windjunkieS !
New to Kiting;
Categorized as a "noob"
Ridiculed for trying to learn in the wrong locations,
Degraded for not getting lessons or enough lessons,
Abused for crashing your kite in the show pony lane,
New to windsurfing;
You will be welcomed to the sport,
Advice and help will be generously offered,
You wont be judged personally.
Windsurfing is not a fashion statement.
Kiting is similar to wanking.
It's fun, but you dont want to be caught doing it at the beach.
Windsurfing is like having a fat girlfriend, it'll get you off but you'll have to lug alot of ugly bags around with you.
I hope this helps with the decision.
Hers a bit more of a serious reply :)
Cost of equipment.
Windsurfing is probably more expensive if you are buying NEW gear.
That being said the 2nd hand market in windsurfing is very good and fairly low risk.
The 2nd hand market for kiting gear is abit more risky - you can get some good bargains but generally I wouldnt trust most of it - better of with new kitee or refurbished kites from shops.
Windsurfing takes more room to carry - you will need roof racks / van or a trailer to carry big begginer boards. once you get better and use smaller wave/ slalom gear they can fit in station wagons or SUVs.
Kiting on other hand packs up into about the size of a a backpackers bag and a small surf board which will fit on most cars and even public transport.
Learning stages
Windsurfing you can pretty much go to any beach and rig up and have a go. lessons will acclerate learning but it can easily be done by friends. Other windsurfers will be happy to help as well at most locals. Over all its not dangerous to learn but will take some time to master. Learning on a big board you can use a small sail in a fairly wide variety or winds.
Kiting - you MUST get proper lessons. Teaching yourself or getting mates to teach you is asking for trouble. Most kiting accidents are cused by learners. Kites have a really high power to wieght ratio so tend to be a lot less forgiving in gusty conditions. Thsi means oyu need the right kite for the conditions you are learning in. Learning curve tho is probably a bit easier than windsurfing
Advanced sailing 0 Flat water
Windsurfing is generally about speed and big gracful turns on flat water. Windsurfer tend to get on the plane a bit later than kites but have a much better top end. When its howling 30+ knots the windsurfers will be out there having a blast.
Kiting is generally short runs in and out with boost to get air time. Kites will get planing a bit earlier than windsurfer. generally where I sail most kites will disappear when the wind starts getting 25+ knots. this is when kiting becomes really dangerous unless you know what you are doing.
Both sports have their dangers when you are pushing your performance to the limit in strong conditions.
Wave riding
Dont do it so wont comment.
Foot print and hazard to others.
Kitesurfing in comparison to windsurfing has a huge foot print. With 30 meater lines when things go wrong a kite can create a huge swarth of destruction :) ive seen kite go into a death spiral dragging the kiter for 200 meter out of the water and into a carpark. When a kite goes down it can be a pretty serious danger to other beach users. Learner kites also take up a lot fo room and are pretty much hated by everyone. (both windsurfers _ advanced kiters)
Kites also tke a fiar bit of room to launch and land.
Windsurf on other hand has a very smnall foor print. crahses are small and if you are learning away from anyone else ther is almsot zero chance of endangering anyone else.
Windsurfers have been around for 30 odd years with no issues with local councils. Kiters have been gaining force for about 5 years and already have a lot of Bans from various beachs and locales. Kiting is also not allowed within 2km of any airport.
If things keep going the way thery are kiting could be banned from a lot more places in the future.
BTW both kiters and windsurfers all hate jet skis,
Hope that helps.
There is one more difference in visibility.
Since windsurfer has view blocked by his sail must take extra care to see all around for kites , boats and take care of them.
Since kiters see easy 360 , they possibly always stare at his kite or foot on the board because it is very rare for them to see windsurfer near by on collision course.
Lets settle this rubbish once and for all....
Laurie has been baiting this for too long...
It's time....
Two men enter, one man leaves....
(no women, cause well.... They're women)
One warrior from each camp....
.....and the nominees are.......
It's pretty obvious that kitesurfing is the next step from windsurfing. I used to windsurf but took up kitesurfing along with the majority of my windsurfing mates. Just look at Pete Cabrinha and Robbie Naish. I think robbie still windsurfs but thats because he is a bloody legend. The only time i would ever consider windsurfing is if it is blowing over 40knts.