A few days ago I was bouncing on the tramp with my daughter when something in my back went pop. Since then I've been hobbling around with a sore back.
Any way. went for a powered session on the landboard today. 15-20 knots with the 15m speed. Lots of floaty jumps.... hmmmm glide. holding down lots of power. Rib crushing power.
I get back from the session and realise my back doesn't hurt anymore....
Sweet. The kite must have squeezed it back into place.
Yep been out for a sore back stretch many a time worst part is pumping the kite up with a sore back before the traction session.
Sweet... good to see it works for others. I was half expecting some enraged chiropractor to tell me off for potentially wrecking my back?
If the kite doesn't work next time go see a physio, not a chiropractor. Chiros aren't recognised by proper medical associations, charge three times your local Chinese masseuse, and can do a lot more damage. Seeing a chiro about pain is like going to see a stockbroker to make money, foolish.
Slightly off topic but there's 2 camps of Chiros.
1. New-school evidence based, that sort muscular-skeletal problems using scientifically proven techniques. Do good work.
2. Old-school who blame things on 'subluxation', want to touch your babies and even pets, and tend to be rabidly anti-vax and pro woo-woo remedies like homeopathy, and often illegally refer to themselves as "Dr", and are generally scum of the earth types.
More reading for the interested:
Here's what I do for my stiff back. It loosens things up for me.
I put two tennis balls in a sock and tie a knot to hold them there. I lie on my back on the floor with them under my back, with one ball on each side of my spine. I cross my arms and put a hand on each shoulder and pull. Lifting my head, I roll back and forwards along the spine with my knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Disclaimer: this is what I do and I'm not a chiropractor so I'm not advising anyone to try it!
I used to get a lot of back pains when I was windsurfing.
Ever since I took up kiting I have not had any back pains.
There fore that makes me think that kiting is better for your health and wellbeing!
I'm with wishy on this - 3 times I've done something wildly unremarkable and it has left me not being able to turn my neck.
Feeling like a Grumpy old Man; 3 times I walked across to the Chinese massage crew, $35 neck & shoulder massage and I'm back and able to watch Wimbledon on the wide screen.
Those massueses know something and don't charge the world for it.
Well my friends it depends on what country you come from. In Canada chiros are highly valued and respected. It seems like many things we have followed America down this rabbit hole as well.
I have always gone to a Chiro, who by the way has a medical degree as well, when spine related. I have also gone to him for muscular issues where he has used a combination of Chiro techniques and muscular manipulation techniques and associated technologies. A brilliant practitioner.
He also solved my babies sleeping issues. From birth the poor sucker was way out. One visit after 7 months or torture and we got out lives back.
So don't generalise for gods sake, there are good and bad practitioners in every field. When it comes to the spine, they are the specialists.
Don't be afraid of a robust discussion Steve, you profession isn't just about, and I quote you from your post on a surf forum, "makin lots of moola".
If you call yourself Doctor, you have a Doctor's responsibilities on your shoulders.
Not sure how to embed but if anyone missed the Catalyst show on chiropractic care. Even covers vaccination and the views of the AMA.
Not afraid of a robust discussion, just not interested in getting to a war about vaccination with some dude on the internet who is stalking my posts (!?!) on other forums. Got better stuff to do with my time. So this will be my last post on the matter
since you asked so nicely, i will provide some links to EBM stuff before i sign off.
Now keep in mind that i am not saying EBM is bad, only that it has limitations that I as a clinician have to face everyday as i make clinical decisions. One of the main criticisms of EBM is that anything less than a double blind RCT is seen as inferior evidence. Chiropractic, and other holistic interventions, dont lend themselves well to double blind RCT - i need to see who i am treating, and i know whether i think that my treatment will be effective or not.
chiropractic has heaps of clinical evidence, but is commonly written off because 'its not enough, we need an RCT'
I look forward to more research, and I donate money each year for chiropractic research.
how much evidence do we really have?
bias in medical trials
or from the editor or the new England journal of medicine
The chiropractor who was interviewed on catalyst, and his response to the program
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