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Forums > Kitesurfing General

15m chiropractor

Created by Plummet > 9 months ago, 24 Aug 2013
4862 posts
24 Aug 2013 4:11PM
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A few days ago I was bouncing on the tramp with my daughter when something in my back went pop. Since then I've been hobbling around with a sore back.

Any way. went for a powered session on the landboard today. 15-20 knots with the 15m speed. Lots of floaty jumps.... hmmmm glide. holding down lots of power. Rib crushing power.

I get back from the session and realise my back doesn't hurt anymore....

Sweet. The kite must have squeezed it back into place.

24 Aug 2013 9:24PM
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Works for me everytime too!

QLD, 2056 posts
24 Aug 2013 9:44PM
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Same here, back feels a bit dodgy - go for a kite & after a few boosts "CLICK"....happy days.

NSW, 861 posts
25 Aug 2013 2:00AM
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Yep. Works wonders.

678 posts
25 Aug 2013 5:02AM
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Yep been out for a sore back stretch many a time worst part is pumping the kite up with a sore back before the traction session.

4862 posts
25 Aug 2013 7:15AM
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Sweet... good to see it works for others. I was half expecting some enraged chiropractor to tell me off for potentially wrecking my back?

WA, 1501 posts
25 Aug 2013 6:24PM
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If the kite doesn't work next time go see a physio, not a chiropractor. Chiros aren't recognised by proper medical associations, charge three times your local Chinese masseuse, and can do a lot more damage. Seeing a chiro about pain is like going to see a stockbroker to make money, foolish.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
25 Aug 2013 8:30PM
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Slightly off topic but there's 2 camps of Chiros.

1. New-school evidence based, that sort muscular-skeletal problems using scientifically proven techniques. Do good work.
2. Old-school who blame things on 'subluxation', want to touch your babies and even pets, and tend to be rabidly anti-vax and pro woo-woo remedies like homeopathy, and often illegally refer to themselves as "Dr", and are generally scum of the earth types.

More reading for the interested:

VIC, 166 posts
25 Aug 2013 10:15PM
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SA, 229 posts
25 Aug 2013 10:28PM
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Here's what I do for my stiff back. It loosens things up for me.

I put two tennis balls in a sock and tie a knot to hold them there. I lie on my back on the floor with them under my back, with one ball on each side of my spine. I cross my arms and put a hand on each shoulder and pull. Lifting my head, I roll back and forwards along the spine with my knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

Disclaimer: this is what I do and I'm not a chiropractor so I'm not advising anyone to try it!

WA, 221 posts
26 Aug 2013 9:39AM
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I used to get a lot of back pains when I was windsurfing.
Ever since I took up kiting I have not had any back pains.
There fore that makes me think that kiting is better for your health and wellbeing!

WA, 9588 posts
26 Aug 2013 11:28AM
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pintofpale said..

Here's what I do for my stiff back. It loosens things up for me.

I put two tennis balls in a sock and tie a knot to hold them there. I lie on my back on the floor with them under my back, with one ball on each side of my spine. I cross my arms and put a hand on each shoulder and pull. Lifting my head, I roll back and forwards along the spine with my knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

Disclaimer: this is what I do and I'm not a chiropractor so I'm not advising anyone to try it!

Yeh I do this with a tennis ball leaning against a wall...but you have taken this to a whole new level! Will give it a try.

Leroy B
WA, 139 posts
26 Aug 2013 6:31PM
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I'm with wishy on this - 3 times I've done something wildly unremarkable and it has left me not being able to turn my neck.

Feeling like a Grumpy old Man; 3 times I walked across to the Chinese massage crew, $35 neck & shoulder massage and I'm back and able to watch Wimbledon on the wide screen.

Those massueses know something and don't charge the world for it.

WA, 84 posts
27 Aug 2013 11:42AM
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kiteboy dave said..

Slightly off topic but there's 2 camps of Chiros.

1. New-school evidence based, that sort muscular-skeletal problems using scientifically proven techniques. Do good work.
2. Old-school who blame things on 'subluxation', want to touch your babies and even pets, and tend to be rabidly anti-vax and pro woo-woo remedies like homeopathy, and often illegally refer to themselves as "Dr", and are generally scum of the earth types.

More reading for the interested:

Reasonable hank dosent sound too reasonable to me, lots of very emotive language and one sided arguments there.

I am what you would refer to as an 'old school' chiro (at 34 i didnt think that i was that old :( ) who understands that a 'subluxation' is a joint that is not moving properly and can cause other stuff other than pain. I legally refer to myself as Dr when I am at work, because I am in WA and have completed the required 5 years at university. I am happy to examine babies, and i am happy to very gently adjust them if i find evidence of damage due to birth trauma (have you seen a kid been born, they very often get pulled out by their head! necessary many times, but not conducive to having a perfect neck)

as far as vaccinations are concerned, I generally think that they have more benefits than harms, but are not 100% safe (ask mick button, former rusty shaper, about his daughter saba) so should be a personal choice like all medications.

I have many clients that benefit from what I do, and love coming to see me. If clients are not benefiting from what I do, i recommend that they dont keep coming in. I really dont want to waste my time or increase my stress levels by trying to force or convince people that they should be doing what they dont want to do, id prefer to just go home and go kiting.

I really dont think that I am scum of the earth, neither do my happy clients. and i have almost all happy clients because the ones that are not happy are referred somewhere else where they can get help more suited to them.

I resent small minded know it alls trying to press their point of view as the only one, and anyone who disagrees is clearly wrong. Fundamentalist a$$holes.

As far as other comments go, tennis balls and shopping center massage is great for muscular problems. They can both sometimes aggravate more serious problems, i have seen many people come in from a Chinese massage unable to move, but most of the time they go ok.

Traction (long axis stretching - like what happens on a big jump) can be beneficial for many low back problems - i have a traction table in my office - and can aggravate some. listen to your body. Big stacks generally not recommended.

For spinal problems, see a chiro first rather than a physio, because this is all we do, we are specialists in the spine. if that dosent work, get a referral somewhere else. IMHO.

SA, 229 posts
27 Aug 2013 9:43PM
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eppo said..

pintofpale said..

Here's what I do for my stiff back. It loosens things up for me.

I put two tennis balls in a sock and tie a knot to hold them there. I lie on my back on the floor with them under my back, with one ball on each side of my spine. I cross my arms and put a hand on each shoulder and pull. Lifting my head, I roll back and forwards along the spine with my knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

Disclaimer: this is what I do and I'm not a chiropractor so I'm not advising anyone to try it!

Yeh I do this with a tennis ball leaning against a wall...but you have taken this to a whole new level! Will give it a try.

Yeah dont get addicted!

QLD, 391 posts
27 Aug 2013 10:41PM
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spikeysteve said..

kiteboy dave said..

Slightly off topic but there's 2 camps of Chiros.

1. New-school evidence based, that sort muscular-skeletal problems using scientifically proven techniques. Do good work.
2. Old-school who blame things on 'subluxation', want to touch your babies and even pets, and tend to be rabidly anti-vax and pro woo-woo remedies like homeopathy, and often illegally refer to themselves as "Dr", and are generally scum of the earth types.

More reading for the interested:

Reasonable hank dosent sound too reasonable to me, lots of very emotive language and one sided arguments there.

I am what you would refer to as an 'old school' chiro (at 34 i didnt think that i was that old :( ) who understands that a 'subluxation' is a joint that is not moving properly and can cause other stuff other than pain. I legally refer to myself as Dr when I am at work, because I am in WA and have completed the required 5 years at university. I am happy to examine babies, and i am happy to very gently adjust them if i find evidence of damage due to birth trauma (have you seen a kid been born, they very often get pulled out by their head! necessary many times, but not conducive to having a perfect neck)

as far as vaccinations are concerned, I generally think that they have more benefits than harms, but are not 100% safe (ask mick button, former rusty shaper, about his daughter saba) so should be a personal choice like all medications.

I have many clients that benefit from what I do, and love coming to see me. If clients are not benefiting from what I do, i recommend that they dont keep coming in. I really dont want to waste my time or increase my stress levels by trying to force or convince people that they should be doing what they dont want to do, id prefer to just go home and go kiting.

I really dont think that I am scum of the earth, neither do my happy clients. and i have almost all happy clients because the ones that are not happy are referred somewhere else where they can get help more suited to them.

I resent small minded know it alls trying to press their point of view as the only one, and anyone who disagrees is clearly wrong. Fundamentalist a$$holes.

As far as other comments go, tennis balls and shopping center massage is great for muscular problems. They can both sometimes aggravate more serious problems, i have seen many people come in from a Chinese massage unable to move, but most of the time they go ok.

Traction (long axis stretching - like what happens on a big jump) can be beneficial for many low back problems - i have a traction table in my office - and can aggravate some. listen to your body. Big stacks generally not recommended.

For spinal problems, see a chiro first rather than a physio, because this is all we do, we are specialists in the spine. if that dosent work, get a referral somewhere else. IMHO.

Can't agree with you more Steve .

Worked in farming for many years which tends to challenge the spine .
Tried doctors who were not up to the job because it is too specialised , tried physios who always ran the line " don't go to chiros cause they are not trained like us " and then wanted to see me again next week for another go at the wallet .
My peers found the same

Chiros were the only place I got quick and lasting relief . As always the experience changed depending on the operator but in general way better than the " medically trained " people . I have been offered supplements etc by the occasional practitioner but choose not to partake.

I don't subscribe to the view of some who have closed minds on this and who may be promoting a view due to their means.
Thanks to the chiros who have given me relief and not pretended to be something they are not - for instance , an over paid masseur .

NSW, 124 posts
29 Aug 2013 11:27PM
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yeah i call my kite a cyro, misses thiunks im stupid , glad to read this post , i feel much better

WA, 9588 posts
30 Aug 2013 8:00AM
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Well my friends it depends on what country you come from. In Canada chiros are highly valued and respected. It seems like many things we have followed America down this rabbit hole as well.

I have always gone to a Chiro, who by the way has a medical degree as well, when spine related. I have also gone to him for muscular issues where he has used a combination of Chiro techniques and muscular manipulation techniques and associated technologies. A brilliant practitioner.

He also solved my babies sleeping issues. From birth the poor sucker was way out. One visit after 7 months or torture and we got out lives back.

So don't generalise for gods sake, there are good and bad practitioners in every field. When it comes to the spine, they are the specialists.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
31 Aug 2013 10:35AM
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spikeysteve said..
Reasonable hank dosent sound too reasonable to me, lots of very emotive language and one sided arguments there.

What he's doing there is a series calling out Anti-vax chiros who are flagrantly breaching the Chiropractic Board of Australia's orders. It's a spin-off of his good work debunking lies and misinformation being spread by the Anti-Vaccination Network.

It's based on this: The Chiropractic Board of Australia cracks down to protect the public.

The Chiropractic Board of Australia is cracking down on chiropractors who step outside their primary role as healthcare practitioners and provide treatment that puts the public at risk.

To protect public safety, the Board has:

- ordered practitioners to remove all anti-vaccination material from their websites and clinics
- removed several courses from the list of approved CPD programs, and
- introduced random audits of practitioner compliance with the Board???s registration standards. [Media Release August 8 2013]

Someone need to do it, good on Reasonable Hank for putting the effort in.

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spikeysteve said..
as far as vaccinations are concerned, I generally think that they have more benefits than harms, but are not 100% safe (ask mick button, former rusty shaper, about his daughter saba) so should be a personal choice like all medications.

Here is the crux of the issue. Every Doctor (real Doctor) in the country recommends vaccinations for children. Why? Because the overall harm is less with total childhood vaccination than without. That is proven, the science is in. Every medical association in the country is unanimous on the topic.

Chiros need to make a choice here - are you real doctors or are you peddlers of woo? You can't have a foot in both camps. You need to decide and follow one path. If you follow the path or reason, science, and evidence-based medicine, then you need to recommend vaccination every single time. That's what real doctors do.

If you are using the term "Dr" then people respect your medical opinion. You have a duty and a responsibility to educate yourself properly in the area. That means reading beyond the bull on AVN, naturalnews etc, and actually reading what doctors and scientists believe on the issue.

You also need expand your horizons beyond the use of one example to justify your position. One testimonial is statistically insignificant. Yes, there is a very very small but real rate of harm from various vaccines. As there is from any surgery, or for that matter from toilet seats, bus doors, escalators, or red jelly beans. But the bigger picture is that herd immunity is the best way of controlling and/or eradicating disease, and vaccines cause way way less harm than the diseases they prevent. I don't want to argue it in detail but the science is there, which is why doctors, hospitals, medical associations, the government, and anyone outside the woo field are unanimous on vaccination.

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spikeysteve said..
I have many clients that benefit from what I do, and love coming to see me. If clients are not benefiting from what I do, i recommend that they dont keep coming in. I really dont want to waste my time or increase my stress levels by trying to force or convince people that they should be doing what they dont want to do, id prefer to just go home and go kiting.

I don't dispute any of that. You might think you're old-school but given that you're what 6 or 8 years out of training, I'd say you're new-school and generally evidence based. But it's hard to tell without more info. Care you share your personal or companies web site or facebook page?

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spikeysteve said..
I resent small minded know it alls trying to press their point of view as the only one, and anyone who disagrees is clearly wrong. Fundamentalist a$$holes.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that is referring to Meryl Dorey's personal money-making machine, the Anti-Vaccination Network.

WA, 84 posts
2 Sep 2013 1:53PM
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kiteboy dave said..

Here is the crux of the issue. Every Doctor (real Doctor) in the country recommends vaccinations for children. Why? Because the overall harm is less with total childhood vaccination than without. That is proven, the science is in. Every medical association in the country is unanimous on the topic.

All doctors? I know at least 2 GPs who have the view of personal choice and dont necessarily recommend that every child gets every vaccine.

I know many GP's who dont get the flu vax. Do you think that we will eradicate the flu?

kiteboy dave said..
Chiros need to make a choice here - are you real doctors or are you peddlers of woo? You can't have a foot in both camps. You need to decide and follow one path. If you follow the path or reason, science, and evidence-based medicine, then you need to recommend vaccination every single time. That's what real doctors do.

Some interesting assumptions here. How do you define between 'real doctors' and 'peddlers of woo'? Do you decide?
Is there only one way? "your either with us or with the terrorists"
Do you have to reccomend the vaccines that science shows ineffective?
wont even get started about evidence based medicine, and the biases of industry funded science

kiteboy dave said..
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that is referring to Meryl Dorey's personal money-making machine, the Anti-Vaccination Network.

Geez, what a bad way to make money, attacking pharmaceutical companies. reckon it would be easier to deliver pamphlets, or be a door to door vacum salesman!

At the end of the day, i done even discuss vaccination with my clients regularly, probably would have discussed it less than 5 times this year.
What a weird straw man to attack chiropractic

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
2 Sep 2013 6:44PM
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spikeysteve said..

kiteboy dave said..
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that is referring to Meryl Dorey's personal money-making machine, the Anti-Vaccination Network.

Geez, what a bad way to make money, attacking pharmaceutical companies. reckon it would be easier to deliver pamphlets, or be a door to door vacum salesman!

At the end of the day, i done even discuss vaccination with my clients regularly, probably would have discussed it less than 5 times this year.
What a weird straw man to attack chiropractic

It's not such a bad way to make money - There's 150k missing from the books recently. That's good money in anyone's terms, and particularly for spouting rubbish to the gullible. People do that on here every day for free. The money comes straight outta AVN membership drives, plus subscriptions to the magazine that was promised but never delivered, plus begging when she loses yet another court case and has to pay costs.

As you'll notice with Reasonablehank's series, he's now up to 41 anti-vax chiros, many of whom are active members of AVN, almost all of whom repost AVN and anti-vax stories on their web and facebook pages without bothering to determine whether they're true or scientifically valid. It's hardly a straw man when these guys are people of influence that the public go to for guidance in these areas. They are shaping the opinions of the many many people they come into contact with. They need to be accountable for that.

Meryl's little pocket of the world is now seeing outbreaks of measles, whooping cough, and the latest is 3rd world levels of tooth decay - 3 year olds having 1/2 their teeth pulled due to decay. Because the woo peddling runs strong around far northern NSW, and flouride is banned too.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
2 Sep 2013 6:49PM
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spikeysteve said..

I know many GP's who dont get the flu vax. Do you think that we will eradicate the flu?

You may take it that I'm talking about serious diseases here not the flu.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
2 Sep 2013 6:50PM
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spikeysteve said..

All doctors? I know at least 2 GPs who have the view of personal choice and dont necessarily recommend that every child gets every vaccine.

By all means, name and shame, we'll see how fast they get struck off.

According to the AMA, unvaccinated kids shouldn't even be allowed in school. I wholeheartedly concur.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
2 Sep 2013 10:34PM
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spikeysteve said..
Some interesting assumptions here. How do you define between 'real doctors' and 'peddlers of woo'? Do you decide?
Is there only one way? "your either with us or with the terrorists"

It's fairly simple. Recommended Vaccines good. Homeopathy = placebo, generally harmless until displaces real medicine. Homeopathic "vaccines" = dangerous placebo for previous reasons. Deepak chopra, power balance bands, coconut water- examples of woo. Is it really that hard to tell the difference?

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spikeysteve said..
Do you have to reccomend the vaccines that science shows ineffective?
wont even get started about evidence based medicine, and the biases of industry funded science

No please do, provide some examples, I'm very interested. Start by all means. Show us the basis that you, a Doctor, have used to form your opinions.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
2 Sep 2013 10:57PM
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spikeysteve said..
as far as vaccinations are concerned, I generally think that they have more benefits than harms, but are not 100% safe (ask mick button, former rusty shaper, about his daughter saba) so should be a personal choice like all medications.

I read Mick Button's story, in the fairly emotive telling here
As a parent of a similar aged child, or even as a human for that matter, it's a horrible, heartwrenching story.

On it's own it sounds like a warning to stay away from the Flu Vaccine at all costs.

The scientific viewpoint, when you take the emotion out, shows a different picture.

What about flu vaccine and febrile convulsions in children?

In 2010 one brand of flu vaccine was associated with high fevers and fever-related convulsions in young children. This brand of vaccine is no longer being used in Australia for vaccinating young children. The two other brands used in Australia were not associated with this problem.

Experience from North America, where young children have been routinely vaccinated against flu since 2003, indicates that febrile convulsions after flu vaccination are rare; estimated to be approximately three febrile convulsions per one hundred thousand vaccine doses given to children. By comparison, flu is a major cause of febrile convulsions in young children. In a recent study from Europe, flu infection accounted for 10% of all hospitalisations among children during flu season and one in five of the children admitted with flu had a febrile convulsion.

This might be a little example to show that if you look at the bigger picture, put the individual's pain in a box and look past it, skip the AVN's rabid us vs them persecution complex (mixed with a large dose of big pharma conspiracy theory), and think on a higher level, then the answer really is clear. The government, all but 2 doctors apparently, and all the medical associations and oversight bodies aren't pushing vaccination for the hell of it. Despite the odd individual damaged by vaccination, the overall damage is less than without the vaccination.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
5 Sep 2013 11:24PM
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Don't be afraid of a robust discussion Steve, you profession isn't just about, and I quote you from your post on a surf forum, "makin lots of moola".

If you call yourself Doctor, you have a Doctor's responsibilities on your shoulders.

WA, 42 posts
6 Sep 2013 1:56PM
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Not sure how to embed but if anyone missed the Catalyst show on chiropractic care. Even covers vaccination and the views of the AMA.

WA, 84 posts
6 Sep 2013 2:05PM
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Not afraid of a robust discussion, just not interested in getting to a war about vaccination with some dude on the internet who is stalking my posts (!?!) on other forums. Got better stuff to do with my time. So this will be my last post on the matter

since you asked so nicely, i will provide some links to EBM stuff before i sign off.

Now keep in mind that i am not saying EBM is bad, only that it has limitations that I as a clinician have to face everyday as i make clinical decisions. One of the main criticisms of EBM is that anything less than a double blind RCT is seen as inferior evidence. Chiropractic, and other holistic interventions, dont lend themselves well to double blind RCT - i need to see who i am treating, and i know whether i think that my treatment will be effective or not.

chiropractic has heaps of clinical evidence, but is commonly written off because 'its not enough, we need an RCT'

I look forward to more research, and I donate money each year for chiropractic research.

how much evidence do we really have?

bias in medical trials

or from the editor or the new England journal of medicine

The chiropractor who was interviewed on catalyst, and his response to the program

Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too - Voltaire

QLD, 391 posts
6 Sep 2013 10:31PM
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kiteboy dave said..

Don't be afraid of a robust discussion Steve, you profession isn't just about, and I quote you from your post on a surf forum, "makin lots of moola".

If you call yourself Doctor, you have a Doctor's responsibilities on your shoulders.

Some seriously spooky and aggressive posts which verge on psychopathic. It's a kiting forum.

WA, 9588 posts
6 Sep 2013 9:42PM
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Yeh this post went all weird.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
7 Sep 2013 5:45PM
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eddiemorgs said...
kiteboy dave said..

Don't be afraid of a robust discussion Steve, you profession isn't just about, and I quote you from your post on a surf forum, "makin lots of moola".

If you call yourself Doctor, you have a Doctor's responsibilities on your shoulders.

Some seriously spooky and aggressive posts which verge on psychopathic. It's a kiting forum.

3 minutes of googling is hardly spooky or psychopathic in this day & age. It's the internet, if you put it out there then it's there for all to see. might as well get comfortable with that reality.

This ought to be in the heavy weather forum, I'll flag for mods to move please.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"15m chiropractor" started by Plummet