Kooks carping on about strapped/unstrapped, hooked /unhooked, whatever just go ride. All that matters to me is big critical turns/airs that look good. Well done Corey and Bevo
Hey guys and girls thanks for all the positive posts about my air , I was having such a bad heat and i knew if i wanted to get through I would have to do something big, unfortunately the heat had already finished, I still had a great time. Yes im hooked in(SORRY), I landed but lost my balance shortly after. Thanks WAKSA and well done Corey you rock
, I had more fun watching you during our heat.
A great master once said, actions & photos never lie, only people do.
Always GREAT , EXICTING , RISK taking, KITING at Brighton WA, hats off to Will, Corey, and Bevo and the crew kiting at the comp and Rusty and the WAKSA team.
Any other persons with negitive comments or uninformed advice should..... 1. Actually turn up at the beach and give it a go in person. 2. Get a nice hard smack on the arse from their mothers ..... , 3. Go straight to bed without their teddy ....
Holy shee-art!! Someone has been forgetting to take the meds and going ballistic on the red thumbs.
Geez - I was being positive I thought?
Crikey there are some angry, @rse hunting d!ck dribblers out there this time of year.[}:)]
Top marks to all n sundry involved in the running, judging and treatment of hypothermia.
To those (like me) who had fam commitments, or even felt cosier indoors, bad luck we missed out, but to the few that think turning up and/or taking part, or that they were too cool to, o those that even give a turj if someone else hooks/unhooks/straps/strap-ons justifies strutting around displaying your wares like the alpha turkey - grow up and move beyond the sandpit ay fellas?
Now returning to the positives - any tasty more pics? Sunday looked awesome, so wanted to get out on the water (yes and come down to the comp after a sesh o' course)
Awesome inspiring pics
Now I dont feel so bad having missed it all in the desert...
Apatheticend - we better learn how to use our noob surfies quick smart
looks like an awesome event with pretty gnarly conditions and impressive riding.
Photos are a treat to look at.
Congrats to all riders and WAKSA!
wish i was there to watch
What a great comp / weekend, some big hits had and stacks of good smashings. Great entertainment value and always something happening. Loved it!!
Good work all, and cheers Huey!!
Yep props to the guys that got out there. Didnt get down there to see the show but I know the conditions were very challenging.
To the guy/s who tried talking down the efforts of the boys out there with all that unhooked crap = FAIL
In a way, competitive wavekiting reminds me a little of pro tennis.
I'm talking about all the apologies given.
You know, when two players are slugging it out in a long rally,
and one player hits the ball and it clips the top of the net,
and then the ball plops into the court and the player wins cause of the effect of the net.
And then the player who has won gives his opponent a cute gesture, a funny little shrug, an apology in fact.
"Sorry I won the point."
I guess it's a form of etiquette.
"Sorry," says Corey, "Sorry I rode strapped." (*but I'll take the win anyway)
"Sorry," says Will, "Sorry I rode hooked-in." (*but I'll take the kudos anyway)
looks like it was a fun comp anyways, and a few of the local boys were ripping. WAKSA was that the state titles in the end or just the first of several wave comps over winter.
I wasnt saying sorry, doubt Will was aswell.
It was more to the tune of: We ride what works, no matter what the 'Cool Police' say.
Big thumbs up to Wil good style at big height...love it...inspired
Nice work Corey on the win!!
Tung balls to the spankas who mind kite the more than than real life...hhahaha
The crew behind WAKSA events thanks for your efforts..Sik
Nice Work to the boys from WAKSA, that gave up most of their weekend to put on great Kite-Assisted Surfing Comp that had it all.... big airs, solid linking turns and a couple of poundings.
No major incidents, just happy faces and Pure Excitement!!!
Would be great to see the next one at one of WA's real surf breaks... South, North or