Forums > Kitesurfing General

2010 switchy bar/lines on a 08-09?

Created by 03 > 9 months ago, 8 Jun 2010
SA, 65 posts
8 Jun 2010 7:22PM
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i have a 2010 switchy and wondering if i could use the bar and lines off it on a 08 or 09 switchy? cheers

Glenn m
WA, 18 posts
8 Jun 2010 6:09PM
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Iv got 08 switch size 12 and 01 switch size 9 I could tell difference was no good bar smaller on the size 9 didn't like it at all. I have not checked line lengths though between both bars.

WA, 469 posts
8 Jun 2010 7:20PM
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This should answer the question

VIC, 273 posts
8 Jun 2010 9:30PM
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Sure you can use the 08 bar on the 2010 SB. Just remember it is a different bridle system and you will have to use the safety leash on it from the 08 model ie flagging on one of the back lines.

SA, 65 posts
8 Jun 2010 9:07PM
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i meant use the 20 10 bar on a 08/09

WA, 469 posts
8 Jun 2010 7:52PM
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sorry headers are as image above
2010 2009 are interchangable then you have to adjust bridles or lines

NT, 253 posts
8 Jun 2010 9:29PM
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i asked cabrinha a similar Q and they said dont do it but i'm flying a 12m SB3 (08) on a 10m SB4 bar. also tried it on a 9m nomad setup. lines and bar both shorter and more responsive. however doesn't flag to a single line and so doesn't quite have same absolute depower.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"2010 switchy bar/lines on a 08-09?" started by 03