Have been looking into it..
do you think the race board it worth it, or strapped surf with big fins? race board more for course racing??
i got a job there this year at the Cabrinha site. i will be 15 next year and i'm going to put my name down and hopefully get in. and if i get in i'm going to be the youngest person to do that race on my 2011 8m Cabrinha Switchblade.
Personally I'd like to see a ranking system (not neccesarily with prizes) for diff classes - just as per bathhurst etc.
Yes I will be on a twinny coz i can't justify splurging on a race board for a one-off.
Who cares I will be just fanging accross as quick as my limited skillz/gear will take me and enjoying the buzz.
Will be smug as a bug after a tug to any race board dudes behind me tho! (if there are any
Im not sure the kitesurfing race/course racing boards are really suited to the open ocean swell and chop (and race/wind direction) in the L2L - too floaty and light.
Course racing boards are designed to perform really well in lighter conditions and really come into their own going upwind.
Heavier narrow boards, similar to a windsurfing speed board will perform better out there IMO...as long as there is a decent breeze.
Check out the board that won the event last year.
^It's ok Lou I'll fix it for you, technology is hard to keep up with for you old blokes isn't it
Think this is what you wanted to say.
Check the charts - high moving into the bight trough forming down the west coast
Temps going up. Not pleasing
Really hope it turns on. Would be amazing to see today's conditions for the race.
Hope that trough moves inland quick smart
Heads up racers Alex Caizergues was down @ Leighton today doing some high speed runs.
Same sweet looking custom board as last year; not sure about the reflective ski goggles though
Bandit 5
Lending my 6'3" x 16,5" Delta directional to a competitor, had hoped to use it myself , not this year , maybe next. Was'nt about to offer, my 7 or 9 mtr Edge though, don't like lending out the tarps. The board is around 10 years old, bought it new , from uncle Neil
. Yep, hang on to it long enough, and like they say, it comes back in fashion. My offer of the retractable board leash was declined, lets hope he does'nt fall off
Has anybody got their stuff yet or any emails.
I transfered my money last Friday and have heard sweet bugger all the startyhey did not ing to get a bit nervous they did not get my payment?
Any ideas?
Just finished my raceboard today, and thanks Tighty.
looks like the wind forecast is changing every day... now the say we should get ~13 knots of W-WSW
would the seabreeze add a few knots and a bit more South to it??? or when forecast is like that, the seabreeze struggles to kick in...?
I'm not used to check wind for WA, as I'm Townsville :0)
hopefully we'll get 20 knots of SW :0)
Very far out yet mate. StrangE year so far with wind. I've kited light sea breeze conditions for past 10 weeks on been LIT on my 11m & 15m with few others out. If its S/ SW / or W we will be LIT on 12m to 15m kites in these conditions. My call 15 to 18 knots on day at Rotto with 15 knots at Leighton. I was LIT on my 11m at 3pm this Arvo for 1.5 hrs at Leighton in 15 to 18 knots on surfboard style race board.
If its 10 to 15 knots the on day with SE/ S/ SW/W / NW the 60cm style pro race Plus & Airrush sector/ free race style race boards will do run in 25/ 28 minutes as it will be super smooth and slight down wind & every race board with big fins will be totally LIT. Just jump the the sea weed patches. They may call off race as most others without raceboards may struggle & end up at the OBH bar in Cottesloe. Not a bad place to end up.
Remember race is slightly down wind so tack very fast and powered up for total 19 km even in sub 15knots on big kite.
P.S. Eneour has a big fat new pro kite race board Maybe 70cm wide.
Hoping for solid 20 plus knots as well ....... See ya in WA
mmmmmm 6 days to borrow something 14m+
Edit: Forecast update 15knots SW.....its getting better by the day
It's gonna be close...
Check the synoptics:
That trough is what's going make/break it...
So how many crew spent a part of their saturday/sunday session doing speed runs?
ATM it is the last thing to worry about with the sh!t forecast.
But I notice in the manual that a wetty is required to be worn, is this enforced?
Apart from no wind the prediction is for 37deg
And is there a contingency plan in place to re-schedule the race if the famous summer breeze called the freo doctor that euro's travel from all over the world to sample and you can apparently set your clock by it's appearance decides to have a day off?