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2011 cabrina bar can anyone help

Created by suface2air > 9 months ago, 31 Mar 2013
QLD, 701 posts
31 Mar 2013 8:21PM
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here is my problem i need a new centre rope for it can anyone help with a replacement . thank you

VIC, 249 posts
31 Mar 2013 9:32PM
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suface2air said...

here is my problem i need a new centre rope for it can anyone help with a replacement . thank you

Go to the shop where you bought the kite and get it replaced on Warranty!

WA, 134 posts
31 Mar 2013 6:55PM
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Warranty on a 2011 bar?

VIC, 249 posts
31 Mar 2013 10:43PM
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Yves said...
Warranty on a 2011 bar?

Some parts have a life long guaranty.

NSW, 517 posts
1 Apr 2013 1:14AM
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Look familiar, you have got to keep the sand out of that area.

Here's 2 ideas I'm trailing!

The one on the left is firm but pliable plastic tube to increase the surface
area in contact with line loop

On the right is old line looped around neat and tight, tied off as a wear surface
Protecting line loop

Used both bars a couple of times but will need more use to evaluate.

Better off buying a new one looking after it, i know I've paid for a couple

Will post results in due course
P.S. line is sewn into the black tubing

NSW, 517 posts
1 Apr 2013 11:58PM
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Unless there is something else wrong with your bar, i fail to see the necessity to replace whole thing for sake of changing the de-power line!
10 minutes, 15 tops .

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
2 Apr 2013 9:16AM
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suface2air said...

here is my problem i need a new centre rope for it can anyone help with a replacement . thank you

Mine was like that... took it to the shop I bought the kite from and I had to buy a new center line. Apparently this is a flaw on Cab bars and it's not replaced under warranty over 1 year old????

Anyone know any better?

2 Apr 2013 8:26PM
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csjena said...
Yves said...
Warranty on a 2011 bar?

Some parts have a life long guaranty.

No they don't, not on any kite/any brand.
The part is readily available though and not expensive.

The wear shown in all the pics comes from riding overpowered, this causes the bar to constantly bump up against the triangle and wear the line. Very simple to replace, we do it for free while you wait.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
2 Apr 2013 7:44PM
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In defense of SurfFX - Ian was only too happy to replace the center line while I waited and even gave me a smile for free - awesome service/

Too bad about the sense of humour but hey, not everyone is like me

Seriously, Ian looks after his customers ... I'd recomend a visit.

NSW, 517 posts
3 Apr 2013 5:33PM
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Kitepower Australia said...

The wear shown in all the pics comes from riding overpowered, this causes the bar to constantly bump up against the triangle and wear the line. Very simple to replace, we do it for free while you wait.

Not sure what you mean by bar bumping into triangle as red stopper ball doesn't allow this.

In my opion the line loop on the de-power line should be longer to allow it to be doubled over
like how pig tails attach .

Over powered? There has to be some decent wind first, how i would love to be over powered

QLD, 701 posts
3 Apr 2013 5:00PM
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Jon at surf fx has got one on the way for me agree with ^^^ it cant be over power as the red ball stops it and seriously we have had no overpowered wind for four years . I belive thet the steel triangle it attaches to is to sharp of an angle and yes sand proberly get in it to . I am thinking of making on the lathe a (dont know proper name ) steel ring with sides on it and hole in it that the rope slips on and the whole lot goes on the triangle . Steel on steel is better than rope on steel . That is if there is enough room on the rope loop to fit . My thoughts anyway .


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"2011 cabrina bar can anyone help" started by suface2air