Nice to see a Australian Kite Company get 4th place in the 2008 World Speed Cup.
Sylvain Hoceini 49.79 knots Griffin Kite
Only 20cm from reaching 50 knots
Yeah Im Stoked, I have been working with the Frogs on designing speed kites, should do a lot better next time :)
Wish we could have wind like that here
Nice one Chris!
Was Sylvain flying a stock Griffin (nee Monkey)?
That's not a Zero Prestige board though is it?
Well done Sylvain and Chris.
That's a great achievment!
That board looks nice... Does it only work on super-flatwater? any chance of demo-ing one?
Hi Jacques and Tobes. the board is a custom speed board, its great for going realy fast on one direction only. I will aks where to get one, I doubt people will bi lining up for a speed board.
Re Zero Prestige, that is my Brothers site, He had customs break his boards on a kite trip, so they made there own boards out of spare bits laying around, the boards looked ugly as, but they went well.
The griffins are custom sizes, 7,8,9m for speed.
The 2009 Griffins will be in Aus in a few weeks, contact me if you want a demo or I can put you onto a nearby shop that sells them.