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6-foil Kite control

Created by Coral Sea > 9 months ago, 8 May 2012
Coral Sea
QLD, 476 posts
8 May 2012 9:46PM
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makes you wonder, doesn't it....?

NSW, 1651 posts
8 May 2012 10:12PM
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does indeed. Sweet flying and great choreography!

Joe Cron
NSW, 450 posts
8 May 2012 11:53PM
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A stack of revolution 4 string stunt kites.

One day, when I have a spare $400 I intend to buy one.

NSW, 5784 posts
9 May 2012 12:02AM
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far out, I can't believe it, how irresponsible is that total newb flying his well overpowered kite over the heads of innocent ordinary people on the beach...

who the hell does he think he is....

and where the hell is janet wollard when you need her...?

WA, 3619 posts
9 May 2012 2:10AM
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WOW...takes my breath away.
Nothing has delivered a thrill for me like that since that unforgettable, nail biting final of the synchronised swimming at the 2000 Olympics.

QLD, 825 posts
9 May 2012 5:18AM
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^^^^^ Yes WOW.

So majestic and the music matches perfectly.

Joe Cron
NSW, 450 posts
9 May 2012 10:11AM
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theDoctor said...

far out, I can't believe it, how irresponsible is that total newb flying his well overpowered kite over the heads of innocent ordinary people on the beach...

who the hell does he think he is....

and where the hell is janet wollard when you need her...?

That's theDoctor, safety minded, outraged and topical.

Coral Sea
QLD, 476 posts
9 May 2012 10:48AM
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...was wondering mainly about how he was achieving the kite a few points you can see the lines, looks like 7 lines going to the kites (5 LE and 2 TE).....can't quite see what he has in his hands though?

The controlled back-stalls are pretty cool.

The other obvious thing is the possible application to kiteboarding kites....if you can stack two or more very flat high-aspect wings like that, and relaunch the thing backwards off the water, then it gets around the need for the broadly c-shaped arcs that we are using now mainly so we can water relaunch them. I can imagine the hang time could be quite insane......

QLD, 3665 posts
9 May 2012 11:00AM
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Why do the other 5 kites follow the first one?

QLD, 4087 posts
9 May 2012 12:00PM
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youngbull said...

^^^^^ Yes WOW.

So majestic and the music matches perfectly.

I would like to believe the pilot was listening to the same track with some headphones while he was doing the flying.

Ben - Ikon
WA, 113 posts
9 May 2012 11:50AM
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All the Revolution kites are linked to each other directly. There are 5 lines on the LE and 2 on the TE. You can put as many as you want. The control is done with 2 bended handles like they have one buggy race kite.

Flexifoil have been doing this for ages, puting kite one after the other to add more power is an old concept used during the first world war with observation kites.

So in this case there is one pilot for all the kites.

The choregraphic side comes when there is one pilot per kite

All those kite festivals and competitions are big in Europe and North America.
You can also have indoor comps

Enjoy the few links

2129 posts
9 May 2012 12:19PM
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I would rather have hepatitis than be forced to watch that again.

Massive yawn

I kick that dudes ass at flying a quad

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
9 May 2012 3:51PM
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Joe Cron said...


A stack of revolution 4 string stunt kites.

One day, when I have a spare $400 I intend to buy one.

I just got a Rev shockwave for $200 and it's in as-new (perfect, crispy, original creases) condition. Flew it for the first time on the weekend.

Wow it's fast compared to my old baby Rev. Accelerates pretty hard. Fun to fly, challenging.

That vid was a poor ad for Revs. Stacking them makes them pretty but if it means you can't go above 10% speed then why bother? Yawn.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"6-foil Kite control" started by Coral Sea