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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Accident @ Pinnaroo

Created by wavehogger > 9 months ago, 13 Jan 2010
poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
14 Jan 2010 11:10AM
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Kitehard said...

I propose a meeting with concerned kiters from Pinnaroo to come and have a chat with us this afternoon after kiting to see if we can come up with some changes to make the beach safer.


There we have it.

I guess if you've got your knickers in a twist over this you can be pro-active and head to Pinnas, have a free fkn beer and give your point of view the old fashioned way (speaking) and feel like your instigating a change for the better.
Alternatively i am sure Dazza would be open to a phone call to express your POV if you cant make it.

Will you be there Dave...... ?


WA, 246 posts
14 Jan 2010 11:37AM
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As one the original crew from pinnas, i feel i should say my piece.
Darren and i butted heads a long time ago when he rode in on his horse and tried
to save us all from ourselves. But he backed off a bit and i, along with most,accepted
the fact that the school was going to operate there.

These days i dont think any of the experienced guys actually have an issue with
the learners or any of the schools practices. We go to the beach, set up, kite for a
while (always looking out for other kiters, whether they are learners or not), come in and pack up. Its not that difficult. If you cant keep clear of kiters in a crowded area,
p... off somewhere else. Its your responsibility to keep clear of people who aren't as good as you.

On the subject of the accident...
Most of the time the instructors do the right thing and move up to the point with the
students to set up and teach. However there are times (if the beach is a bit quieter) that they will set up a bit too close to other kiters. I think that every student should
be taken up to the start of the dog beach to commence their lessons, which keeps them well away from the normal set up, pack down area.

Cheers, Chris.

SA, 2288 posts
14 Jan 2010 2:23PM
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In the end of the day the noobs always have that potential to begin death looping at any given moment. I agree with most of what Kitehard has said, maybe was a bit harsh early on .

WA, 4485 posts
14 Jan 2010 11:56AM
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rs83 said...

Maybe kite boarding should just be banned completely - that would be much safer...

Troll o' the week right there.

Have sent my concerns direct to Darren as I didn't want to wade amongst the rabble with my 2c here. I am sure Darren will do everything in his power to analyse and improve the scene but as usual it's up to all n sundry to get along and play fair in the sandpit.

BTW - Foosh makes a valid point about the wind shadow where it was suggested noobs go. I had a few seshs in that zone in my 1st season (didn't want to mix it with the masses on the point) and it is pretty dodgy and gusty there at times.

QLD, 918 posts
14 Jan 2010 2:11PM
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not me, i started as a professional....

VIC, 4501 posts
14 Jan 2010 3:17PM
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GreenPat said...

RedKite said...

The thumbs for Kitehard's last post and pfr's post, give a clear picture of what the kite communitiy thinks about AKS suggestions.

They give a clear picture to me that the kite community is a bunch of selfish inconsiderate r-soles. Is it also degenerating to the same primitive tribalism that other parts of Australian culture seem to be heading? pfr threatened violence against other kiters. Threatened to kill the instructors if they came to his beach. Does everyone who green thumbed that post feel the same way? I am quite thoroughly disgusted, and since my green thumbs for Darren don't show up against the sea of red, I figured it was time to voice my opinion.

Anyone who thinks violence is the answer should go and live in a country that lives by those values. Anyone who thinks Australia is a first world, civilised country, and we should behave as such - well that's what I believe in. And respect for other kiters, especially beginners.

Hey Pat

I don't condone violence, but I think the majority of red thumbs with Kitehard's post was one of three things:

1. His attitude in the post. It came across as a "%$# you all" attitude. I'm honestly not surprised people were pissed off at it. If he was trying to get a reaction to get people going, he went about it the wrong way, because all he did was create a lot of negativity towards his business and there are always some hotheaded people that were going to react that way. Walk around on the beach anywhere with a "#&$& you all" attitude and sooner or later someone is going to punch you. I won't, but there are people who will.
2. His shifting the blame on what was clearly an instructors mess up on to the rest of the community. You can turn it whatever way you want, but launching a person on their second lesson 10m (he still hasn't bothered to respond to exactly how far it was after 3 questions from separate people) upwind from another instructor is a bad judgement by the experienced instructor in question. If he had an issue with space, he should have waited or asked people to move but to blame it on lack of space is a poor excuse. Your students pay for you to conduct those lessons safely and they trust your judgement on whether doing something is dangerous.
3. The notion that he created kiting. I.e. if it wasn't for the kite school people wouldn't be there, therefore we have preference. One thing you have to remember in business, is that your customers create and sustain your business, not the other way around. Your customers don't owe you a thing because you trained them and thats the way this comes across. They paid hard earned cash to get a service and all you did was provide a service. Do I owe Jeep something for selling me a car?

WA, 266 posts
14 Jan 2010 12:38PM
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If you choose to ride at pinnas or set up within a lines length of the school leaners and you are not compitant enough to avoid them you are asking for injury/problems.

That being said the biggest problem arises when people insist on riding and jumping right up too the waters edge around the same area the leaners rig up, enter the water and proceed to body drag through. There is plenty of room on either side of this area or even out in the huge expanse of water for you to do ur stuff and avoid leaners that may or may not have control of there kites.

also there are much better places to ride, including waveslaves local wave down in mandurah.

a map can be supplied if need be

WA, 110 posts
14 Jan 2010 12:42PM
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what is the google map for this area

Stevo J
WA, 109 posts
14 Jan 2010 12:51PM
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^^^^ GOLD Abesy

WA, 2940 posts
14 Jan 2010 1:01PM
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Saffer said...........................

Sorry i tuned off when looking at your location . You are not a local so what does your opinion count for ?

****all , am i right ?

WA, 55 posts
14 Jan 2010 1:32PM
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or if not up for the treck to Slaves crib, maybe try somewhere closer to home.....

QLD, 2776 posts
14 Jan 2010 3:33PM
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dusta i hope you remember that when you kite or surf somewhere else and get dropped in on or told to **** off because you're not a local.
nice attitude mate.

WA, 2940 posts
14 Jan 2010 1:37PM
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when/if i rocked up to another spot that wasn't my local , I would be talking to as many people as i can . I would sit there and survery the area and then find a spot i can enjoy myself without getting in the way of the locals .

I don't care who kitesurfs at a particular spot, as long as they don't act like prats , or get on their highhorse like the people from NSW and VIC are doing when they are not locals and know nothing about the spot . That is my issue

18 posts
14 Jan 2010 1:38PM
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I have nothing but respect for you and your school and have always found you helpfull on the beach. I have been at using pinnaroo for 2 seasons now and personally consider it a training area.
In regards to setting up on the beach though there have been many times when I have been in the process of setting up ie unravelling lines when a instructor and student has either launched or walked back up the beach and positioned their window over me or my kite when there has been plenty of room if they walked 15m further up the beach where there is no one. I understand from the instructors point of view that if they moved all day for people they would always be moving, but I sometimes think how long does an extra 15 m take to walk? something to consider??
On the other side of the coin I have definatly set up closer than I would have liked(considering its probably me or my gear that will get damaged in a mishap) to an established student/instructor. I never like doing this but sometimes it is the only option as there is no room anywhere else.
I think your idea about keeping kites close to the dunes with lines wrapped up unless setting up/ launching/ landing is a great idea as surely most of the problem for everyone is not having enough room.
At pinnarro I have seen many close calls and to be honest am surprised there has not been an accident earlier. Almost all the incidents I have seen have been guys that cant control their kite, have nothing to do with the school and are by themselves way to close to other people. You are never going to gid rid of that problem though, morons they are a dime a dozen.
My two cents


WA, 3464 posts
14 Jan 2010 1:43PM
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Hey Pat....first of all, Happy 2010 to you bud.

I don't know if it really is the "kite community" as you click-jerks maybe.

In general I find the kiters nice helpful people with interesting lives.

This thread makes me sad when I read it.........but I do know that it is just cyber space. Once you know the people face to face it is all so kn different.

Perhaps this is just a game show as Slave would have us believe.....but hey it is communication and a lot of good has come of it.

It is a bummer that we have wind, sun and waves every day and people are so is because many locals are back a work I'm afraid

I'll surely run in to you again soon.


WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
14 Jan 2010 1:49PM
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SammyJ said...
I don't agree with cordoning off the beach and water physically with cones, but segregation and maybe a movable free standing sign placed either end of lesson area lesson explaining potential hazards to the public would be appropriate.

Hi SammyJ,

Thanks for the input, much appreciated.

Do you mean signs a bit like these ones?

Cheers mate,


WA, 110 posts
14 Jan 2010 1:52PM
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At the end of the day it dosnt matter what ya doing, if your learning something new then your going to make mistakes. Weather it be kiteing or riding a bike or whatever.. Chances are your going to do something wrong! Sounds like maybe the instructor should of set up a bit more up wind of the other guy. But so what! We all fck up sometimes, dont matter how experienced you are at something. We all have our stupid moments. Though sounds like this was a good one =)... If this is the first accident they've had there in how ever many years, then thats pretty good i reckon. You see people launching themselves all over the place at most beaches from time to time.. Things like this are bound to happen sooner or later. Especially at a place like pinn because theres so many learners. One accident n everyones running around screeming!! Its just part of learning something new. My wrists are raw from kung-fu on monday, its no big deal, dosnt mean the school has to re-evaluate there teaching policy or whatever.. I'm learning something new n you gotta accept ****'s gonna happen..

Though its good the guys are trying to think of ways to stop it happening again in the future. Evan inviting pople down there to have a "meeting" sounds like he doing whatever he can. Good on him i reckon. But i think most people need to chill out a bit.... Some one learning to kite got launched down the beach!! Its nothing new! Its hardly surprising! I know i did it! Pity some one got hurt, but its gonna happen..

Just make sure everyones got plenty of room, seems pretty simple to me....

WA, 563 posts
14 Jan 2010 1:57PM
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rs83 said...

Maybe kite boarding should just be banned completely - that would be much safer...

LOL! Yea, together with surfing, windsurfing, swimming, alcohol, tv, etc etc.

Maybe you should try it and see what the fun is, instead of trying to surf sloppy Perth windblown mush in the afternoons!

WA, 3486 posts
14 Jan 2010 2:36PM
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nebbian said...

Gstar said...

Here's your solution. Gets my vote anyway.

Not sure I agree with this, where you want to put the kite school is where the windsurfers launch and land from. I do both, and I'm a lot happier being around learner kiters when kiting than when windsurfing.

Perhaps this is what Kitehard is intending?

To me Nebbian's map seems to make sense.
It might not seem logical to have the learners upwind but at least then when they drift down wind they only end up amongst the more experienced kiters who should be able to stay out of there way even if they do have to cut there run in a bit short at times. Rather than drifting with downed kites through the area where the windsurfers are and where the dreaded Pinna's triangle (wind shadow) makes it hard to relaunch.
No matter where the experienced kiters launch they should be able to go upwind or downwind to wherever they see fit to kite.
In my experience kiting alongside poleys at some of the more popular wave locations, experienced kiters and poley's can share a location without to many drama's.
I realise though that does still leave the grey area of the beginner/intermediates who have had lessons and are just starting out on their own and may not be able to hold ground. So perhaps this could be more of just a guideline than set in stone.

I learnt at Pinnaroo and because I didn't want to contend with traffic and get in the way whilst learning, I would walk up to the start of the dog beach area and body drag (at first) or do short tacks (when I could) until I was back near the point, then come in and do the walk back to the dog beach area and start over again.
There is generally not as much traffic there, the wind is cleaner and if you lose your board there is more chance of it ending up back on the beach wether on it's own accord or after being picked up by the more experienced kiters downwind.

I must admit I haven't kited there in the last couple of years, so am not really aware of the current circumstances but that's my 2 cents anyway.

WA, 5353 posts
14 Jan 2010 3:05PM
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WA, 570 posts
14 Jan 2010 3:20PM
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Kitehard said...

SammyJ said...
I don't agree with cordoning off the beach and water physically with cones, but segregation and maybe a movable free standing sign placed either end of lesson area lesson explaining potential hazards to the public would be appropriate.

Hi SammyJ,

Thanks for the input, much appreciated.

Do you mean signs a bit like these ones?

Cheers mate,


Well there you go, I should have known better, in fact I did kind of think in the back of my mind you probably already do have it.

So now there just needs to be an agreement on segregation of areas put the sign's in place and happy days again.

WA, 752 posts
14 Jan 2010 3:27PM
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Abesy said...

If you choose to ride at pinnas or set up within a lines length of the school leaners and you are not compitant enough to avoid them you are asking for injury/problems.

That being said the biggest problem arises when people insist on riding and jumping right up too the waters edge around the same area the leaners rig up, enter the water and proceed to body drag through. There is plenty of room on either side of this area or even out in the huge expanse of water for you to do ur stuff and avoid leaners that may or may not have control of there kites.

also there are much better places to ride, including waveslaves local wave down in mandurah.

a map can be supplied if need be

wouldn't he be pi$$ed if a kite school stated up on that beach [}:)]

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
14 Jan 2010 4:47PM
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pfr go neck a cock with ur fairy attitude... darren and aks was at that beach way before other kiters were and the school shows more than adequate respect to the public.. it is by far the most credible school in aus. people insist on rigging up to the south and where they teach instead of to the north where they are not.

WA, 205 posts
14 Jan 2010 8:15PM
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Kitehard said...

Hi everyone,

Here is what I am asking local kiters for:-

1/ Roll your lines when you come in and move your kite to the area in front of the dunes if you aren't using it for more than 10 minutes. Most days, the whole beach is covered with kites from the dunes to the water line.

2/ Don't leave your boards on the beach. Move them up with your kites.

3/ Don't launch your kite with a student or instructor in your wind window

4/ Don't ride your kite with a newbie in your wind window.

5/ Have a little respect for newbies and give them some space.

6/ Don't setup in a newbies wind window. We start everyday before anyone is at the beach and continually have to move up or down the beach to keep our wind window clear of people. This is eventually impossible and leads to avoidable incidences like yesterday.

7/ If you see something about to go wrong, word up the offender. I can't do it alone. If everyone pitches in and doesn't leave it to someone else, we can change behaviours.

8/ Try riding through the flags at Mullas and see if anyone yells at you. We need the same at Pinnaroo for people doing the wrong thing.

9/ We have never wanted anything other than harmony with the local beach users. There are only two or maybe three guys from the original crew who were there before the school that still use Pinna's and they seem to get it, why doesn't everyone else? All the rest are there because of the school.

10/ Have some respect for the learners. We have lots of ladies learning now too and they all deserve a break so cut them some slack. As I said in my last post, the kites are blood red warning colours so keep clear of them.

So many people complain of newbies clobbering them with kites over their lines. This is only happening because you are inside their wind windows. Think about it!

A little help from everrone would be greatly appreciated. We're doing all we can to make it better and more enjoyable for all users. How about you all pitch in and do your bit too. We would appreciate the help.



Sounds perfectly reasonable.

I never had lessons there but have been going to Pinnaroo on and off since 2005 and have always found Darren, Ed and Co generous with their time, smart about the way they operate and a decent bunch of guys.

If you don't like dodging the tacking traffic off the point there's a coupla hundred acres of prime ocean just a couple of tacks towards Hilarys. There's even a decent crowd of dog walkers to Ooh and Aah at your antics.


WA, 4263 posts
14 Jan 2010 9:44PM
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au_rick said...

Abesy said...

also there are much better places to ride, including waveslaves local wave down in mandurah.

wouldn't he be pi$$ed if a kite school stated up on that beach [}:)]

Mandurah is a kitedragging school free zone.
Crew teach mates...
it's a weird concept but it seems to work ok.

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
15 Jan 2010 12:59AM
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More popcorn please !!!

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
14 Jan 2010 10:31PM
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Hi Guys,

An update on the situation:

This evening we had our meeting with the local kiters who could be bothered to turn up and discussed ways to improve everyone's experience at Pinnaroo Point.

Meeting numbers were low (excluding staff there were 5 people) so I assume not too many people were interested or were concerned with the way things are or have been to date.

Despite the low turnout, we did come up with two great ideas.

1/ A sign be placed at the entrance to the beach with the rules/guidelines applicable to Pinnaroo Point. The locals felt this was a great idea as it gave them some back up or some form of official reference to guide behaviour of newcomers and locals alike. A code of conduct is probably a better name for it.

I will contact council to gain permission to install a proper sign in an appropriately conspicuous location. I will also draft up the guidelines and offer them up for consultation/discussion with the locals and edit/improve them til we are all happy. I will either pay for it myself or ask WAKSA to contribute to the cost of the sign. A wooden sandwich board wont do it.

2/ We all agreed a launching and landing corridor was a smart idea where people could move about safely without stepping around or over kites. This area is to be set aside directly in front of the driveway/accessway down to the water and 25m up and down wind of the center of the drive. You will not be permitted to leave kites on the beach in this area unless in the act of launching or landing your kite. Once landed, lines are to be rolled up, and the kite itself moved off to another place for storage, preferably closer to the dunes to keep the remaining beach as "clean" of kites as possible also.

This is a great initiative and is exactly how it is in Kailua in Oahu. It works VERY well and enhances the experience for all beach users from Fisho's, catamaran sailors, boaties launching and retrieving boats and also the general public. If we have a focused area where most launching and landing takes place, then it is more easily supervised and more likely for someone experienced to assist in launching and landing your kite which makes it safer for all.

For those that came and had a few beers/wines and contributed, many thanks! We're on the right track to a safer and better kiting experience in the future.

On a side note, I had a visit from the student injured in the incident and his father this evening. We had a good chat and he looks a lot better than the last time I saw him. One hell of a shiner though . He is hoping to visit the beach soon and return to finish off his lessons. We had a good chat and shared a few laughs and I thank them for being so cool about it all.

So much good has come from this accident, change that otherwise wouldn't have happened. A few people thought that everyone was being more careful with launching and landing than previously. Perhaps the beach/school needed this accident???

So long as good comes from this accident, then it has not been a waste or a negative. Thanks to all the people who contributed decent replies and posts on this thread, and for the many supporting PM's, phone calls and kind words from the Pinnacrew.



Proposed clear area for launching and landing

WA, 4263 posts
14 Jan 2010 10:56PM
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Kitehard said...
Perhaps the beach/school needed this accident???

Yeah right, ^^^
Tell that to the victim.
So uncool, dude.

WA, 3486 posts
14 Jan 2010 11:08PM
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Get a kn life WS
IMO not wearing a leash is uncool 'DUDE'

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
15 Jan 2010 2:16AM
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Damn ..... I was just getting comfortable

anyway ......Sounds like a good result with a meeting of minds taking place. So not a bad thing that this happened ( except for the bloke with the sore head ) seems like lessons have been learnt ( no pun intended ) issues and dangers have been highlighted and are being addressed by the main beach users the place will no doubt benefit from the proposed changes and be all the better for it.

lock her up Laurie

ps: any chance of a photo of the knocked noggin, by all accounts it sounds photo worthy


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Accident @ Pinnaroo" started by wavehogger