Hi guys, Apologies if this has been asked before.
I've just got a 2011 North Rebel and I'm trying to adjust the the length of the depower stroke by moving the vario cleat (my arms are too short for the current setting!),.
Looking in the manual, this seems trivial: http://www.northkites.com/uploads/tx_vipmediadownload/nkb_mnl11_bar_en_128170689656.pdf
And also from this video:
I'm doing a free beginners clinic at 5pm monday at Point Walter for our customers, pop down then and I will do it for you.
Spot on Nick! I feel like a right muppet!
This kite came second hand so was very stiff and I was afraid to tug too hard.
After your advice, gave it a right old tug and it came through. The rope is even now on both sides, perfect.
Thanks for the help!