Forums > Kitesurfing General

Advice for a visit to Sydney kitebeaches

Created by traildigger > 9 months ago, 9 Sep 2010
4 posts
9 Sep 2010 7:52PM
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I am a kitesurfer from Germany and will have the chance of 4 days leisure time after a business trip to Sydney mid of November. I thought about renting a small campervan to be flexible and visit the kitebeaches around Sydney (Dolls point/Brigthon, LaPerouse, Narrabean, Longreef ...).
As I know these places only from short reports found in a German kite-forum I might need some advice:
What about parking with the car at the beaches – is there a problem ?
Is wild camping possible or do you have recommendations for a camping site close to the beaches?
Are there specific wind conditions in November or do I have to take the whole range of kitestaff with me for this trip ?
Any hint regarding a car rental company close to the airport ?
It would be great if you could give me some advice.
I will be travelling the next 10 days and will not have access to this forum but will come back to this topic afterwards.

WA, 3464 posts
9 Sep 2010 11:05PM
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Dont' know about Sydney beaches, but hey if you are on business you certainly don't want to splash out on anything.......make sure you pack plenty of potatoes from Germany and bring your own beer because dam, things are expensive here, esp. if you have to pay Euros. Don't take any kites, no wind in Sydney and you will be overweight after you load all the pototoes.

I don't know what you mean by "wild camping" exaclty, but if it means sleeping in a car, crapping in the bushes, cleaning dishes and showering on site, then hey you are no different to some of your own countrymen we see in WA.

NSW, 1714 posts
10 Sep 2010 10:16AM
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Hey Roland

Kiting in Sydney in November is at the start of the season. Expect wind from the NE seabreeze at around 12 -18 knots in the afternoon 4/7 days per week. We also get frontal SE winds which are usually a bit stronger for 2-3 days at a time. Weather is mild and a short wetsuit should be OK.

Flat water kiting - Botany Bay (south of Bay St Brighton ie south of the big hotel Novotel away from the airport) Anywhere along the beach between the groynes down to Dolls Point is OK.

Surf - Wanda beach at Cronulla (15 minutes from Botany Bay). Give way to surfers and swimmers, stay out of the flagged areas.

Talk the locals. We're a friendly bunch but we don't tolerate dangerous, selfish or stupid behaviour. Local kite shop is Kitepower at Dolls Point on the main road. We're also starting our Friday evening race series in November on Botany Bay. If you feel like a bit of fun contact Kitepower for details.

Enjoy your trip.

WA, 738 posts
10 Sep 2010 4:31PM
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Hey mate,

Four days isn't a lot of time but as one of the other replies indicates, conditions are much better out of Sydney. If you're set on sticking around Sydney, the wind is usually stronger at Dolls than on the Northern Beaches, but if you want waves, you'll need to head to Wanda.

Rangers will give you a fine for camping in your car/van at any car park around Sydney and they patrol regularly. Parking is also expensive $2-$5 per hour at most places.

Full list of NSW kite spots can be found on the NSWKBA web page at:

Also, note the areas where kiting is banned or restricted.

Up north, Newcastle beaches are good, as are the beaches at Hawks Nest 2.5hrs north of Sydney -- just watch out for the "men in grey suits". Plenty of options for camping.

Car rental companies around the airport are all the standard high-priced rental companies.

You may want to have a look at as an alternative. Company is owned by a friend from Germany. Email him at for details.



4 posts
20 Sep 2010 4:19PM
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Thanks for your feedback - much appreciated.

VIC, 431 posts
21 Sep 2010 12:19AM
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Camping on any beach in Australia is fine. Just watch for the drop bears

QLD, 701 posts
22 Sep 2010 7:48AM
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Hey Roland
My friend Trudy would be available to be your guide for this trip.
She is not cheap ( although she acts that way when she has a had a few )
It might cost you a few hundred a day and I think the campervan is a good idea. Trudy enjoys "wild'' camping as well. Her knowledge of the Sydney kite areas and is particulary good and she is well respected on the beaches. She would be able to introduce to all her friends on Oxford st as well. You can book her through Kitepower in Sydney
Here is a pic of her in action guiding other clients in Bali.

NSW, 253 posts
23 Sep 2010 1:12PM
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NE'rs are pretty crappy at Wanda and Narrabeen. Bit beter further up the beaches. But the flatwater spots in Botany Bay are much more consistant.

S/SE winds are wicked at Long Reef and Wanda, but if you are only interested in kiting, get the f*ck outta Sydney for sure!

P.S No kiting on City beaches AT ALL. Completely band. Check out the NSWKBA for details on kiting locations...

4 posts
29 Sep 2010 4:21PM
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Thanks for your feedback
Still looking for a recommendation of a camping site close to the south of Sydney. For the 2 closeby the Botany Bay (Grand Pines / Sheralee) I only found bad comments in the net. Any recommendation a bit further away ?

I am not so familiar with your expressions - to what do you refer with “men in grey suits” – do you mean surfers ? sharks ? Police ?

@ BruceX,
pretty impressed by the beauty of your girlfriend Trudy – however I rather prefer female long leg blondes...

NSW, 1714 posts
1 Oct 2010 3:57PM
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traildigger said...

I am not so familiar with your expressions - to what do you refer with “men in grey suits” – do you mean surfers ? sharks ? Police ?


“men in grey suits” = sharks. Don't worry, we love scaring the tourists.

Decent Tourist parks to stay overnight tend to be outside the Sydney Metro area. "Grand Pines" is right on Botany Bay and probably the most convenient. Not sure what it's like.

2 Oct 2010 3:26PM
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traildigger said...

Thanks for your feedback
Still looking for a recommendation of a camping site close to the south of Sydney. For the 2 closeby the Botany Bay (Grand Pines / Sheralee) I only found bad comments in the net. Any recommendation a bit further away ?

I am not so familiar with your expressions - to what do you refer with “men in grey suits” – do you mean surfers ? sharks ? Police ?

@ BruceX,
pretty impressed by the beauty of your girlfriend Trudy – however I rather prefer female long leg blondes...

Grand pines is OK, ownership has changed a few times in the last 5 years, and the park will be redeveloped eventually. You can rent cabins there and I know some kiters who stayed there recently who had no complaints>
Its also very close to the beach 75M, and approx the same distance from my shop too, where we can show you on your maps where the best other places are.

Regarding Trudy - Well its a long time since she had any hair, and I think she can become whatever colour you prefer anyway. She does have long legs, but its where they end that you may run into problems!
And I have never operated a booking service for "her"!!! Its all lies.

Joe Cron
NSW, 450 posts
4 Oct 2010 8:51AM
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Mr float said...

If you have 4 days my advice is get out of there.
very close by is the illawarra and sth coast of NSW which has beautiful uncrowded beaches that are great for kiting .Here is a guide
or head north

could not agree more lachlan


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Advice for a visit to Sydney kitebeaches" started by traildigger