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Airush Sector V3 ?

Created by Z > 9 months ago, 7 Mar 2012


NSW, 64 posts
7 Mar 2012 9:27PM
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Is it just me, or do I see Sector V3 in the background of the Airush blog page...

On my iPad, if you scroll to the bottom, then drag the blog post up, in the bottom left hand corner it clearly says

Sector V3

And to the right it shows a guy riding a board ...

QLD, 249 posts
7 Mar 2012 9:04PM
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you can try the link below for some release info

or bas koole's FB page for a better picture

QLD, 249 posts
16 Mar 2012 9:22AM
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they are now official woohoo!

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
16 Mar 2012 7:55AM
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WA, 47 posts
16 Mar 2012 8:08AM
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Oh **** who is the guy in the blue boardies?
he must consume numerous bags of red rock potato chips and drink mother like its water.

NT, 2177 posts
16 Mar 2012 11:13AM
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... wow, they look nice. I've been looking around to put different fins in my Sector 60, and now I see they are coming out with them, cool!

QLD, 249 posts
16 Mar 2012 12:26PM
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that vid is fun, i never use my twin tip any more sector is too much fun... yep will be onto my shop to pick up a set of those carving fins for my old 52 V1.

the sector 66 is calling to me. do i need a new bigger one?

WA, 2940 posts
16 Mar 2012 10:47AM
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looks interesting . Still loving my sector 60 v2

1196 posts
16 Mar 2012 12:00PM
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sick quiver in that picture... i want one (of them all)

WA, 551 posts
16 Mar 2012 12:33PM
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They look HOT & lots of fun

QLD, 248 posts
13 Apr 2012 11:11AM
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Question is where do you get one from and how much???

WA, 2940 posts
13 Apr 2012 9:57AM
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i found damo from airborne humping his newly arrived monaro v4 yesterday when i popped into the shop .

The new graphics look ****ing sexy . The board itself looked pretty damn nice . Can't wait to test run the v3's , especially as i love my v2 60

443 posts
13 Apr 2012 12:50PM
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dusta said...

i found damo from airborne humping his newly arrived monaro v4 yesterday when i popped into the shop .

The new graphics look ****ing sexy . The board itself looked pretty damn nice . Can't wait to test run the v3's , especially as i love my v2 60

Put it down Damo

Are the V3's in yet?

WA, 9499 posts
13 Apr 2012 2:22PM
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Subculture said...

dusta said...

i found damo from airborne humping his newly arrived monaro v4 yesterday when i popped into the shop .

The new graphics look ****ing sexy . The board itself looked pretty damn nice . Can't wait to test run the v3's , especially as i love my v2 60

Put it down Damo

Are the V3's in yet?

These boards are just for light wind racing right? Can you jump them?

WA, 2940 posts
13 Apr 2012 4:06PM
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eppo said...

Subculture said...

dusta said...

i found damo from airborne humping his newly arrived monaro v4 yesterday when i popped into the shop .

The new graphics look ****ing sexy . The board itself looked pretty damn nice . Can't wait to test run the v3's , especially as i love my v2 60

Put it down Damo

Are the V3's in yet?

These boards are just for light wind racing right? Can you jump them?

have you watched the video eppo ?

have you watched the other sector video


WA, 893 posts
13 Apr 2012 7:38PM
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Nice Vid

WA, 9499 posts
13 Apr 2012 8:01PM
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Need a plug in to view it and firefox can't find the server to download the plug in. Any other address i can use??

WA, 893 posts
13 Apr 2012 8:14PM
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No need to watch the vid Eppo just get yourself a sector it'll go well with your new Peter Lynn kite

WA, 2940 posts
13 Apr 2012 9:24PM
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eppo said...

Need a plug in to view it and firefox can't find the server to download the plug in. Any other address i can use??

use a real browser

WA, 9499 posts
13 Apr 2012 10:28PM
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dusta said...

eppo said...

Need a plug in to view it and firefox can't find the server to download the plug in. Any other address i can use??

use a real browser

ta dusta

WA, 9499 posts
13 Apr 2012 10:40PM
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dusta said...

eppo said...

Need a plug in to view it and firefox can't find the server to download the plug in. Any other address i can use??

use a real browser

Installed plug in. yeh cool.

Question o learned one: can you give me an example of the extra wind range this board gives you. Same kite, same rider, in sub say 16 knots.??

WA, 2940 posts
14 Apr 2012 12:27AM
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eppo said...

Question o learned one: can you give me an example of the extra wind range this board gives you. Same kite, same rider, in sub say 16 knots.??

for me it's the difference between not going out in sub 15 knots on my twinny to be able to be out on my 13.5 obsession mkIII in 10 knots, going upwind and trucking along having a blast . This season for example it has given me probably an extra 20-30 sessions on the water .

WA, 1539 posts
14 Apr 2012 12:28AM
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can you give me an example of the extra wind range this board gives you. Same kite, same rider, in sub say 16 knots.??

You'll get up to 5 extra knots below your usual twin tip bottom end minimal wind (i.e. barely keeping your ground on your twin tip). Jumping is tempting and fun but can damage the board quickly from hard landings...

WA, 2940 posts
14 Apr 2012 12:31AM
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cbulota said...
Jumping is tempting and fun but can damage the board quickly from hard landings...

had no issues so far jumping . mind you not massive ones on my sector but as long as your floating down i see no issue with strength

WA, 9499 posts
14 Apr 2012 9:18AM
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dusta said...

eppo said...

Question o learned one: can you give me an example of the extra wind range this board gives you. Same kite, same rider, in sub say 16 knots.??

for me it's the difference between not going out in sub 15 knots on my twinny to be able to be out on my 13.5 obsession mkIII in 10 knots, going upwind and trucking along having a blast . This season for example it has given me probably an extra 20-30 sessions on the water .

Yep know exactly what you are saying. In Mandurah you double it triple that number of days where it sits 12 to 15 and not just enough. Maybe subculture was right get a sector rather than a bigger kite.

If you were going second hand what model would you get. Ie have they improved over the years and what model is adequate.

WA, 995 posts
14 Apr 2012 9:43AM
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The V2 60 was what was cruising up and down at Kitestock while the rest of us were sitting on the beach.

he just had to rub it in

WA, 2940 posts
14 Apr 2012 10:16AM
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eppo said...

dusta said...

eppo said...

Question o learned one: can you give me an example of the extra wind range this board gives you. Same kite, same rider, in sub say 16 knots.??

for me it's the difference between not going out in sub 15 knots on my twinny to be able to be out on my 13.5 obsession mkIII in 10 knots, going upwind and trucking along having a blast . This season for example it has given me probably an extra 20-30 sessions on the water .

Yep know exactly what you are saying. In Mandurah you double it triple that number of days where it sits 12 to 15 and not just enough. Maybe subculture was right get a sector rather than a bigger kite.

If you were going second hand what model would you get. Ie have they improved over the years and what model is adequate.

any of them honestly . give damo at airborne a call . If you want to know info on the sector he is the guy . like subculture buying one of these was half the cost of buying a bigger kite , much better decision .

443 posts
14 Apr 2012 12:11PM
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eppo said...

dusta said...

eppo said...

Question o learned one: can you give me an example of the extra wind range this board gives you. Same kite, same rider, in sub say 16 knots.??

for me it's the difference between not going out in sub 15 knots on my twinny to be able to be out on my 13.5 obsession mkIII in 10 knots, going upwind and trucking along having a blast . This season for example it has given me probably an extra 20-30 sessions on the water .

Yep know exactly what you are saying. In Mandurah you double it triple that number of days where it sits 12 to 15 and not just enough. Maybe subculture was right get a sector rather than a bigger kite.

If you were going second hand what model would you get. Ie have they improved over the years and what model is adequate.

Sector for me, for a few reasons eppo. The way I see it is:
I'd rather spend half the money (well, bit more than half) on a Sector than a huge kite.
I'd rather swap a board on the beach than pump up a smaller kite when wind picks up. (and pack down the 'big' kite - or hope it doesn't blow away or flog its trailing edge to death sitting on beach)
I'd rather be working a 'smaller' kite till I get apparent wind than park and (yawn) ride. (maybe that's the ADHD in me )
From a safety point of view (just thought of this) I guess the bigger boards have a degree of flotation (over a twin tip) so if worst came to worst and wind totally died, I could pack down & paddle my embarrased ass back to safety
But that's just my take on it.

Word is the V3's are improved again over the V2's and I've no reason to doubt that. It's early days for these boards so there is bound to be rapid evolution. If the V3 54 gets going early enough it looks like heaps of fun. Comes standard with swept tri fin setup; less weed catching than the bigger blades (bonus!) and obviously looser being a tri.
60 is still quad and will go in a sparrow fart apparently.
66 - I guess that's a mozzie fart then

There's always compromise in everything, with the Sectors, you'll sacrifice manoeuvrability as your light wind ability improves.
Take all my thoughts/advice with a pinch of salt, just my 2c

ACT, 1258 posts
14 Apr 2012 3:45PM
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can anybody compare the low end of the sector 60 to a big light wind twintip like a slingshot glide(149 x 45.5). I find the low end of my glide amazing. It gets in me out cruising upwind in wind that I would not even be able to hardly get planing in on my normal TT. The sector 60 is MUCH bigger than the glide so I am guessing will give me a few more knots lower end?

Also I completely agree with subcultures comments. i can't be arsed stuffing around with massive kites, when there are such good lightwind boards around. Sure lightwind kiting is very different to being powered up on a 9m in 25 knots but it is still alot of fun.

WA, 1675 posts
14 Apr 2012 4:47PM
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eppo said...

dusta said...

eppo said...

Question o learned one: can you give me an example of the extra wind range this board gives you. Same kite, same rider, in sub say 16 knots.??

for me it's the difference between not going out in sub 15 knots on my twinny to be able to be out on my 13.5 obsession mkIII in 10 knots, going upwind and trucking along having a blast . This season for example it has given me probably an extra 20-30 sessions on the water .

Yep know exactly what you are saying. In Mandurah you double it triple that number of days where it sits 12 to 15 and not just enough. Maybe subculture was right get a sector rather than a bigger kite.

If you were going second hand what model would you get. Ie have they improved over the years and what model is adequate.

I have a sector 60 eppo that is just sitting there collecting dust. Not sure what your ankle problem is but the only reason I am not using it is it hurts my front ankle as the race boards are a pretty awkward stance when your going fast. Mind you I can't ride a twin tip or use straps on my surfboard either without my ankle ballooning up.

4 posts
2 May 2012 10:33PM
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I have 160 lbs. Wind with 9-10 knots. what is the best for me, 54 or 60?



Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Airush Sector V3 ?" started by Z