Forums > Kitesurfing General


Created by Fooosh > 9 months ago, 14 Dec 2008
WA, 563 posts
14 Dec 2008 6:50AM
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All this talk about limiting impact, securing beach access, danger....

Funny how you don't think about all that when the wind is up, the sun is out and you're cruising along! So I thought I'd make a list of GOOD things kiting brings to all our lives (including council members and fishermen).

1. Keeps me sane(r) and peaceful,
2. Makes me smile
3. Burns off my excess energy
4. Keeps me healthy (debatable)
5. Tourism benefits to local communities
6. Colourful, great to watch
7. Talking point with other people on the beach
8. Can be combined with fishing, child minding, photography, nasal flushing, etc etc (see other posts)
9. Surf rescue
10. Low environmental impact: Quiet (except for the frequent whoo-hoos), non-polluting - at the beach anyway.


WA, 89 posts
14 Dec 2008 12:12PM
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I know I haven`t been out yet. But It`s put me in a good mood knowing I will be out on the water getting the adrenalin pumping. Promised to do the house work for her and some gardening before I go.
So it`s possitive all the way.

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
14 Dec 2008 4:30PM
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Ok I've been out and am back . >Hungry jacks doesn't taste so bad after a session and beer tastes better than usual for sure (particularly home brew)

WA, 637 posts
14 Dec 2008 3:50PM
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Fooosh said...

So I thought I'd make a list of GOOD things kiting brings to all our lives (including council members and fishermen).

1. Keeps me sane(r) and peaceful,
2. Makes me smile
3. Burns off my excess energy
4. Keeps me healthy (debatable)
5. Tourism benefits to local communities
6. Colourful, great to watch
7. Talking point with other people on the beach
8. Can be combined with fishing, child minding, photography, nasal flushing, etc etc (see other posts)
9. Surf rescue
10. Low environmental impact: Quiet (except for the frequent whoo-hoos), non-polluting - at the beach anyway.

11. It gives me an intense sense of aliveness (just avoid those rocks)
12. It gives me a sense of freedom: I not only "walk on water", but also fly like a bird.
13. It gives me a certain sensual experience riding those big swells (you guessed right: I am a man).
14. It gives me a great excuse to sit in my spa for an hour or so with a drink doing absolutely nothing (because I am so exhausted and sore after a 3 hours session)

...more expected to come after my session today...

QLD, 1003 posts
14 Dec 2008 6:16PM
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Totally chemically free endorphin rush
Environmentally friendly (I know it is already in the list, but a massive point considering we aren’t all out wakeboarding behind V8 speed boats)
Minimises reliance on drugs, maximises healthy lifestyle.
Super effective beer belly removal technique (even though most of us maximise the minimisation of the effect)

WA, 228 posts
16 Dec 2008 1:18AM
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Before kite boarding a windy beach was an uncomfortable place to be. Now it`s the best place to be. So now I enjoy the outdoors even more.

WA, 138 posts
16 Dec 2008 5:12AM
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It sure does make you feel good after a good session. Went out Sunday first time after getting back from Oz in November, just couldnt get up the will till now after kiting at Cotton tree in Qld. Here it was 4c water 8c. Shortie under my winter steamer, gloves, big boots and hat. But it was great, 35knots onshore.On 7m. Still cant wait to get back to Oz.

The woodern stucture on the right is the water outlet from a nuclear power station. Not quite as nice as your beaches.

WA, 563 posts
5 Feb 2009 1:03AM
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Think we're up to 15.

15. Free dog exercise (when they chase the kite)

50 posts
5 Feb 2009 8:49AM
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16. kids love them.... even us big kids

VIC, 123 posts
5 Feb 2009 11:35AM
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When I'm having a bad day at work and there's no way I'll make it to the beach, just a quick peek at some photos/videos of a good kite session will put the insane grin back on my face.

WA, 221 posts
5 Feb 2009 10:12AM
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It makes GERALDTON look like the best place in Australia to live!

SA, 89 posts
5 Feb 2009 1:19PM
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17. excellent exercise, after just 18 mths of kite boarding I'm back to my 1985 weight of 80kg

QLD, 129 posts
5 Feb 2009 8:14PM
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18. When it's to windy for a surf and the fishing is blown out I now have something to do other than sit on the couch watching my D!ck grow smaller and my gut grow bigger.

kiter zac
QLD, 295 posts
5 Feb 2009 8:51PM
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19. helps me tone up
20. gets all the hot chicks on the beach watching you

NSW, 6451 posts
5 Feb 2009 10:17PM
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The lyrics of a Tool song goes through my head all the time when I think of kiting
"I just need it,to breath,to feel to know Im alive"

110 posts
5 Feb 2009 8:46PM
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It makes me laugh

QLD, 2770 posts
5 Feb 2009 9:48PM
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lotofwind said...

The lyrics of a Tool song goes through my head all the time when I think of kiting
"I just need it,to breath,to feel to know Im alive"

until you remember that he is singing about smack

NSW, 209 posts
5 Feb 2009 11:01PM
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after nearly 7 weeks recovering from a kite accident, a downwinder with somemates with 20knts, temp in the mid 30's, lots of beautiful ladies struting up and down the beach life just cant get much better at the moment

after so much time off the water it makes you appreciate how good this sport is

i am now ditching my old religion of Jedi Knight to become a kitesurfer knight

T one
NT, 321 posts
5 Feb 2009 10:17PM
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great thread foooshi have nothing to add to the above except my huge grin from todays sesh...

WA, 267 posts
5 Feb 2009 10:07PM
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hell yeah it was great in perth today as well it is a great blast it is such the great tension relief !!!! mmmh almost like an old girlfriend hahahaha only kidden kiten is soooo much better ,,, waiting for the kickers

WA, 228 posts
6 Feb 2009 3:25AM
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Keeps the heart pumping.

VIC, 121 posts
7 Feb 2009 11:41PM
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And as number 21 - Kiter and friends can add great value to the kiting and kiters beach community by participating in the Clean Up Australia Day activities at their local beach on Sunday 1st March. See for more information.

QLD, 51 posts
7 Feb 2009 10:49PM
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22. We have found a sport the two of us can hang out together and enjoy. We were just trying to work out how much kiting we can do in winter as we don't want to stop now.

VIC, 4982 posts
8 Feb 2009 12:10AM
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23. Staves off Alzheimer's disease.

The latest research says you have to do vigorous exercise combined with mental stimulus to keep your brain healthy. Trying to keep the kite speed and board speed and pop and rotation and kite angles to get tricks exactly right keeps my brain going for days. Even just riding along and getting the optimum power out of the kite in light conditions is a mental juggling trick.

110 posts
8 Feb 2009 8:36PM
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Ridiculous multi color board shorts and huge sun glass sales have gone up, also Honda civic's, turtle neck skivvies and cafe lattes are all up thanks to kite boarding

QLD, 129 posts
8 Feb 2009 10:06PM
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are you still here? Thought you were going to windsurf. Wrong forum mate.

WA, 563 posts
14 Feb 2009 12:13AM
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24. Makes 'Clean Up Oz Day' EVERYDAY when you clear the beach of seaweed, fishing line and other debris that somehow gets magnetised to your lines.

QLD, 776 posts
10 Apr 2009 8:30AM
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the ultimate stress reliever

makes me knock off work early haa haa

Stops you working on the weekends

stops you from having to drive to crowded point breaks for waves on windy days

9 posts
10 Apr 2009 6:32AM
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turns people homosexual

QLD, 776 posts
10 Apr 2009 8:55AM
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StormySeas said...

turns people homosexual

Is that a positive for ya stormy ? haahaa

woteva floats ya boat You wish dont cha.

86 posts
10 Apr 2009 9:09AM
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Memories............... rodies with the lads!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Any POSITIVE CONTRIBUTIONS of kitesufing???" started by Fooosh