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Australian Kitesurfing Wave Nationals 2008 Results

Created by xshore > 9 months ago, 11 Feb 2008
NSW, 267 posts
11 Feb 2008 4:26PM
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Here are the results,

1. Paul Jackson - QLD
2. Stuart Martin - NSW
3. Mike Walker – QLD

1. Michelle Blinkhorn – QLD
2. Michelle England – NSW
3. Angela Van Hoof – QLD

Masters – 27 entrants
1. Ash Woolley – NSW
2. Peter Gallop – NSW
3. Nigel Ball – NSW

1. Keahi De Aboite – QLD
2. Scott Johnson – QLD
3. Paul McGregor – QLD

Thank you to all the competitors, the people of Lake Cathie, the Sponsors and Huey for the conditions.

angie pangi
QLD, 1779 posts
11 Feb 2008 8:02PM
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Had a wicked week, thanks again to everyone involved and well done to all the place getters.
As usual it's always great to catch up and go riding with everyone.
I have posted some photos from the hollywood dressup night. It was a blast!

Special thanks to all the organisers. How good was the saturday!! Epic conditions.

xx angie

WA, 59 posts
11 Feb 2008 8:31PM
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Thanks for the sick week the goldy boys had a ball made some great mates.
on ya paul J i know it was hard work out there.

Steve W

NSW, 121 posts
12 Feb 2008 4:07PM
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Great night!!!
thanks for everything!! this was a fun competition!

Thanks to AKSA and all the other sponsors for this great week!!

see you next time!

keep up the good work


VIC, 106 posts
13 Feb 2008 10:47AM
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Nice work walker! Pm your number if you check this out.


14 Feb 2008 2:32PM
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Is the "game" still one?
Does it go for ever?
I'm so scared to say the special word.

Great week, awesome conditions, got a lot of it on tape will try to find time to edit some and let people see how good the location, waves and wind (eventually) were.
First 2 days we had almost zip wind, then just enough on the Friday to have some fun and run some heats with a storm building in the arvo and killing it early, then Saturday, the swell had peaked at around double to triple overhead on the sets, with wind building from 12-15 knots in the morning to around 25 to 33 in the afternoon, really amazing to see the competitors out in conditions like that!! Ordinary humans would not dare!
A late storm killed it on Saturday and then Sunday was 15-20 early dropping to 10-12 knots by the end of the full double elimination heats.
An awesome effort by the event dictator, and his crew of loyal slaves!

Highlights for me was being amongst the cream of the cream of Oz wave kiters, seeing their gear and the amicable way they all ineract with each other and help each other on and off the water. Got to see the new Slingy T3, spoke with the designer a bit, caught up with old mates, got invited into that game and was caught by Keahi twice, but never managed to get him or any of the other groms.
We did get even with Keahi when he was trying to sort his lines out though, took him over an hour to realise there was nothing wrong with them!!! LOL's lots of the other riders were in on the tricks that were being played on him, very funny!
The Friday night Hollywood stars event, incredible effort by some people, still do not know who was behins some of the cossies!
Watching Glen compete with his two very young and loud sons cheering him on from the judging tent.
The human hooter - awesome!
The MC work by Glens sons, including their renditions of humpty dumpty, and other pre schooler songs over the PA!! Classic! Had everyone smiling.
Daniel Smiths near miss with the rocks out the back, only some quick thinking same his bacon and sheer luck saved my board and kite!
But also his incredible riding on the 9M Ozone Edge on Saturday on the South side of the Middle Beach rocks. I have never seen anyone ride so fast and turn with such power, and in huge surf conditions. He got a few pretty amazing jumps too, the kite leterally blew him away, and he has decided he wants to ride for Ozone now, so welcome to the team Daniel.
The nightly games of fooze ball back at the motel with Glen, Mark, Glen, Frank, Leanne, etc, etc, there were no rules and up to 3 players per side, I have video, the tilts were full on, with the table at head height at times!

Downside is I may have lost some footage I shot, so am going to get myself a decent lappy to download each days footage too in future.

And on a final note had a really nice 1 hr session at my favourite flat water spot on the way home! Eventually getting blown off the water on my 14M SB3, but when I started I was only just powered enough to go upwind and get the fins out on a transition. Had to self land on a tiny bit of grass neaxt to some kite easting trees, from the water, not for the faint hearted or those who might hesitate!

Bring on next year and the freestyle nats next month.

Cya and



QLD, 448 posts
14 Feb 2008 4:45PM
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easily said that the best part of the nationals was the M.I.N.E game. pretty sure 90% of the people there are now proud members. Be sure to see me asking you questions at the next event

By the way whose kite did you use for the event guys?

14 Feb 2008 5:58PM
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dustin said...

easily said that the best part of the nationals was the M.I.N.E game. pretty sure 90% of the people there are now proud members. Be sure to see me asking you questions at the next event

By the way whose kite did you use for the event guys?

Hey you said m___ get down and give us 10 hahaha



WA, 92 posts
14 Feb 2008 4:12PM
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I heard a rumour that Keahi threw his lines away. Great nationals guys, top fusball.
King of the air must have been Keahi who was king of the tair?
Hollywood night was awsome! hangover wasn't!
This was a real feel-good event. Well done to all concerned.
cyu next year

QLD, 851 posts
14 Feb 2008 8:07PM
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sick comp once agian, good wind had an awesome time. sick spot. thanks to the organisers and everyone that helped out.

so whos kite was that ozone 11m edge

NSW, 410 posts
15 Feb 2008 10:49AM
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Thanks to all the crew for organising,hosting and sponsoring another great event at Port Mac,had heaps of fun in and out of the water,couldnt ask for a better location,see you all next year

15 Feb 2008 4:56PM
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Keahi said...

sick comp once agian, good wind had an awesome time. sick spot. thanks to the organisers and everyone that helped out.

so whos kite was that ozone 11m edge

Its Dans now, its not m... anymore, and you are not getting me again, I am not talking to you anymore you sneaky little pest!
Got you back with the line checking!!
It was so funny, did you realise what was happening in the end of did you just give up?

Your riding was amazing to watch, those big airs you did on Saturday were mind blowing, at least 15M high probably more one a couple!
Therefore you are an annoying 2868!



NSW, 267 posts
20 Feb 2008 11:32PM
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Hey Crew,

Keahi was definitely a stand out with that 50 foot plus air in 32 knots of wind and so was every one there with the level of riding and the atmosphere emminating from the croud and competitors.

Please let us know if you wnat it at Middle Rock Lake Cathie again next year as we are keen to do it again bigger and better, third year running.

Just post your Yes here or email glen at xshore australia or Emma, info at AKSA with your approval.



Event Dictator

WA, 5353 posts
20 Feb 2008 10:57PM
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Select to expand quote
Kitepower Australia said...

Daniel Smiths near miss with the rocks out the back, only some quick thinking same his bacon and sheer luck saved my board and kite!
But also his incredible riding on the 9M Ozone Edge on Saturday on the South side of the Middle Beach rocks. I have never seen anyone ride so fast and turn with such power, and in huge surf conditions. He got a few pretty amazing jumps too, the kite leterally blew him away, and he has decided he wants to ride for Ozone now, so welcome to the team Daniel.

sweet he can give me his lines then now he has a new set, after running into mine and snapping all 4 of them at the lennox comp.

WA, 92 posts
21 Feb 2008 10:17PM
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do it again Glen

NSW, 410 posts
22 Feb 2008 8:59AM
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xshore said...

Hey Crew,

Keahi was definitely a stand out with that 50 foot plus air in 32 knots of wind and so was every one there with the level of riding and the atmosphere emminating from the croud and competitors.

Please let us know if you wnat it at Middle Rock Lake Cathie again next year as we are keen to do it again bigger and better, third year running.

Just post your Yes here or email glen at xshore australia or Emma, info at AKSA with your approval.



Event Dictator

yesssssssssssss not to many locations you can kite in NE or SE,and well organised comp


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Australian Kitesurfing Wave Nationals 2008 Results" started by xshore