Forums > Kitesurfing General

Awesome Megaloops from Hadlow & crew at Woodies

Created by Leroy B > 9 months ago, 1 Feb 2010
Leroy B
WA, 139 posts
1 Feb 2010 5:39AM
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Aaron Hadlow & crew were doing awesome megaloops at the blown out Core - Slider - Jam in the 30 plus knots we had on Saturday. It's gettin harder and harder to call this kiting a watersport with all the time their putting in the air - Enjoy!

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
1 Feb 2010 11:50AM
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Great stuff.
Much better too watch than the ramp stuff

QLD, 470 posts
1 Feb 2010 4:51PM
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thats was huge at 1.55mins!!! GO SIM-ONNNNNNN!

wicked dude

torch loves the 30knts! was that an 8m or 10m?

VIC, 41 posts
1 Feb 2010 8:13PM
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F..........G SICK

WA, 995 posts
1 Feb 2010 5:37PM
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That was huge.

NSW, 159 posts
1 Feb 2010 8:40PM
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loved it!
Very curious to find out which size they are flying... it turns amazingly fast, almost looks like it is fake!! Does anyone know?


SA, 451 posts
1 Feb 2010 8:39PM
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I never get sick of watching that.

QLD, 344 posts
1 Feb 2010 8:53PM
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jelly roll on!

WA, 3464 posts
1 Feb 2010 7:00PM
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Thanks for posting that vid of the looping and also the slider ones.

Wish I were well enough to make it down for a look, but I can't even drive a car or walk properly at the mom....long story.

Anyhow, all hats off to Tobi B. for putting together a project of love that brought some of the most talented riders to Woodies. The effort that has been put in by the local and international kiters is wonderful. They have not relied on hand outs, gone through the hard yards with officials and I can't imagine the hours and sweat put in to build the objects and schlep them down to Woodies.

I'm sure the guys and gals are having heaps of fun just hanging out together and enjoying our beautiful shores and weather. I don't really think that the sport is about doing stupid stuff and getting injured, but more about having fun out there.

All the pros down at Woodies don't need to impress anyone............they've done that ages ago, they are there to have some fun with each other..........I like it all, the sliders, the loops.......the rap music is a bit passe though....c'mmon fellas your not from some urban ghetto, it just doesn't work in kiting as it does in skate board flicks.

41 posts
1 Feb 2010 7:29PM
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reminds me a bit of myself on my 14m 02 rhino!! balls to the walls

WA, 39 posts
1 Feb 2010 7:32PM
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why talk sh$t polupoluu? you look like you ate a 14m rhino

Polupoluu said...

reminds me a bit of myself on my 14m 02 rhino!! balls to the walls

WA, 154 posts
1 Feb 2010 10:38PM
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very very nice edit. great video.

WA, 5353 posts
1 Feb 2010 11:06PM
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nice kite circles.

Leroy B
WA, 139 posts
2 Feb 2010 12:54AM
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torch loves the 30knts! was that an 8m or 10m?

Made me want to get a torch that's for sure! I didn't see a size on it but it was either an 8m or a 7................. it was howling on Sat. The guys were mechanical landing loop after loop, makes you wonder what'll become their bread n butter moves next week??

WA, 577 posts
2 Feb 2010 9:47AM
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Len 6.5 out of 10

QLD, 103 posts
2 Feb 2010 5:05PM
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Dude on the Torch went HUUUGGGEEEE!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Awesome Megaloops from Hadlow & crew at Woodies" started by Leroy B