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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Awkward strapless claiming

Created by Lovely > 9 months ago, 11 Jul 2011
NSW, 6451 posts
12 Jul 2011 9:41PM
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Jetskis are even worse than strapless kiteboarders on floral boogie boardsLOLLLLLL

All for sh!ts and giggles Mr ok
Dont take it all seriously.I dont judge you by your boogie board.

NSW, 1089 posts
12 Jul 2011 9:44PM
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righto mr i live in the suburbs

QLD, 2776 posts
12 Jul 2011 9:46PM
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ok said...

righto mr i live in the suburbs

as much of a tossa that i think he is, i think lotofwind is from coffs

NSW, 1089 posts
12 Jul 2011 9:48PM
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WA, 5355 posts
12 Jul 2011 7:50PM
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He's a sole surfer man, he does it for the love! He doesn't care for trends or impressing people... (Or so he tells us, while he's telling us how stupid something he claims he's not doing is...)

NSW, 6451 posts
12 Jul 2011 10:02PM
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Bahaaaa ha mr Rowdy, you get so defensive
Just saying I dont understand why you guys(didnt mention your name,,,you dobed your self in) get all worried about how others are riding and start boring threads about strapless is where its at.Ha Haaa Ha
Get over it ,,, get in the water and enjoy what ever your into.
I havent said riding without straps is stupid,,,,just dont understand why you need to bag anyone that dosent????

You have seen me riding strapless So do you think Im cool now?????
Please think Im cool,,,,,its the only reason I kiteBahhh Haaaaaa

WA, 5355 posts
12 Jul 2011 8:06PM
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haha such a contradictive forum lemon...

*Entertaining none the less.

NSW, 6451 posts
12 Jul 2011 10:15PM
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stamp said...

ok said...

righto mr i live in the suburbs

as much of a tossa that i think he is, i think lotofwind is from coffs

Thats not very nice Scott,,,I actually live right next to Stoker Siding,,slingshot territory or what

NSW, 1089 posts
12 Jul 2011 10:17PM
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yep tamworth.

NSW, 6451 posts
12 Jul 2011 10:20PM
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Q.......Whats a tamworth????

A........About 40 cents

NSW, 1089 posts
12 Jul 2011 10:23PM
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tamworth^ aka your wife

NSW, 6451 posts
12 Jul 2011 10:53PM
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^^^^I dont even want to know what you typed into the seach engine and what you were looking for to find that

NSW, 1089 posts
13 Jul 2011 8:05AM
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"Lotofwind on toilet"

WA, 389 posts
13 Jul 2011 8:49AM
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sorry cant cotinue forum topic but dont know how but here's my 2 cents worth

Started kiteing last year and my intent was to be able to kite in the surf when it was to windy to surf, as we had a ****ty year for surf.

I recently got a ben wilson 6'2 ( been riding a cardboard pro 2011) and I have tried it with and without straps.

I agree with sentement that straps are for kiteing and no straps when you are just surfing (without kite).

I love the boost and air time with kiteing and without straps, getting over that white water to get out the back again without lossing much ground is near impossible for me, it all about what YOU like just get out there

QLD, 918 posts
13 Jul 2011 11:35AM
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I do believe the latest photos of Ben W dropping monster waves with style and no claim puts this lame thread to bed... Did you see the size of his smile at the end of his sesh?
That is all that matters....

WA, 1255 posts
13 Jul 2011 11:47AM
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I dont really see too much strapless "claiming" as you put it.

I think people just use "strapless" in their vid titles to appeal to the guys who ride strapless. I know I prefer to watch vids of wave kiting strapless and tend to hit those (or just recognise the riders name as a strapless rider). Its like 2 separate disciplines, say like rugby union/league - I like union better and don't watch league.

Dunno, but they say people who bag continuously in this way aren't usually comfortable with themselves or what they are doing. Probably right me thinks. Get over yourself.

NSW, 1114 posts
14 Jul 2011 8:48PM
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OMG....the next contestant for "worlds biggest loser" sitting on a toilet....

I need therapy.

QLD, 58 posts
15 Jul 2011 12:47AM
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Lovely said...

How are you strapless guys!

Do a super basic trick - film it - claim it!

98% of the time after a trick you bow kite riders fall off the plane and lose your surfboard!

No fluidity in your session. Looks stupid.

Then spend most your precious water time tea bagging and body dragging back to your board.

Get over strapless claiming, awkward riding is not impressive.

I think you should broaden it to "awkward claiming" the only thing you can claim with out looking like a pompous ass is a wipeout . sharing the stoke on the water with a woohoo is fine and should be encouraged . bragging about it in the rigging area makes you look like a dick . yeah i ride strapless but not a surfboard or a bow kite and i've only claimed a nice wave a glassy slick or eating **** on a slider or kicker

NSW, 527 posts
15 Jul 2011 9:13AM
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^^ What's a "glassy slick" ?

QLD, 918 posts
15 Jul 2011 10:05AM
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butter conditions

NSW, 1317 posts
15 Jul 2011 12:17PM
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i don't know about the rest of you but i would
be going straight to the pool room and
launching a small post wave celebration....with or without straps

no tricks required lovely!! i think we call em turns cheers

NSW, 1114 posts
16 Jul 2011 5:32PM
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I made my own wave once.....

ACT, 2174 posts
17 Jul 2011 1:24AM
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not sure if farting in the hot tub counts

NSW, 410 posts
17 Jul 2011 8:51AM
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Your thread is a bit odd and there is definitely an underlying hangup there but as far as I know there is always a learning curve to progressing in anything you do... A basic trick on a strapped board is not so basic on a strapless board and so losing your board is part of the deal when trying new stuff as is coming off the plane and lack of fluidity!!'s prob not claiming you are witnessing but a stoked reaction to either nearly or actually pulling off a new trick after trying it heaps of times and knowing how much more difficult it is without straps ,it's a totally different buzz than with straps.You know that saying "only a surfer knows the feeling" well it's sort of the same..if you havn't kited strapless you don't really know the feeling of just how much more you get out of your kiting.
Each to there own but unless you have kited strapless and tried to do different stuff you really can't comment or be critical...after riding with straps most of the time I wanted a bit more of a challenge so started only taking a strapless board to the beach so I had no choice as it's just to easy to jump back on your strapped is way more challenging and rewarding.. kite and board skills improve so much and a lot quicker than I expected ...Just wish I had started without straps so that the things I'm trying now I'd already be doing ...
unless conditions are ridiculous or if I want to jump all the way down the beach( which I enjoy too) I'm staying strapless...I don't care how other people ride...but would encourage everyone to have a go at both.
Have fun Lovely going back and forwards,doing basic stuff, being fluid, never losing your board( because you never try anything new) and not quietly claiming to yourself because you have nothing to claim,that might be for you but others need a bit more so i dont think it's necessary to criticize no matter how you ride.

Lovely said...

How are you strapless guys!

Do a super basic trick - film it - claim it!

98% of the time after a trick you bow kite riders fall off the plane and lose your surfboard!

No fluidity in your session. Looks stupid.

Then spend most your precious water time tea bagging and body dragging back to your board.

Get over strapless claiming, awkward riding is not impressive.

NSW, 410 posts
17 Jul 2011 9:41AM
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I think lovely started this thread..he is the one with the problem

lotofwind said...

Bahaaaa ha mr Rowdy, you get so defensive
Just saying I dont understand why you guys(didnt mention your name,,,you dobed your self in) get all worried about how others are riding and start boring threads about strapless is where its at.Ha Haaa Ha
Get over it ,,, get in the water and enjoy what ever your into.
I havent said riding without straps is stupid,,,,just dont understand why you need to bag anyone that dosent????

You have seen me riding strapless So do you think Im cool now?????
Please think Im cool,,,,,its the only reason I kiteBahhh Haaaaaa

WA, 2119 posts
17 Jul 2011 9:47AM
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What about those kites, they are slightly less akward than a big black paddle.

WA, 512 posts
17 Jul 2011 12:02PM
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Pen Kite
VIC, 12 posts
17 Jul 2011 7:40PM
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Lovely said...

How are you strapless guys!

Do a super basic trick - film it - claim it!

98% of the time after a trick you bow kite riders fall off the plane and lose your surfboard!

No fluidity in your session. Looks stupid.

Then spend most your precious water time tea bagging and body dragging back to your board.

Get over strapless claiming, awkward riding is not impressive.

Are you SERIOUS Lovely?? What are you talking about?? These kind of comments & some of the responses are off the chart!! "I must agree strapless is the new old guy sport" What the !!!! I'm tipping you guys don't surf or ride strapless with those comments. Check out Keahi De Aboitz (young kid from Noosa winning the PKRA wave comp, and the only one riding strapless... could he be on a BOW kite too??) or Ben Wilson on the front cover of the latest Kiteboarder magazine.

QLD, 248 posts
17 Jul 2011 8:02PM
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Please stop claiming awkward riding is the coolest.
Because it isn't the coolest thing to see.

WA, 5355 posts
17 Jul 2011 6:09PM
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Lovely said...

Please stop claiming waveriding is the coolest.
Because it isn't the coolest thing to see.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Awkward strapless claiming" started by Lovely