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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Big Wednesday Perth...

Created by RPM > 9 months ago, 26 Nov 2012
WA, 3856 posts
28 Nov 2012 1:16PM
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You went out!?!

Sheesh .. I just went and had a quick look at the beach, and it's awesome! It's a real buz when the weather turns it on like this.

Gusts were coming through that were easy to lean into .. can't imagine putting up my 6 in it .. looks like a strapless waves session is not on the cards!

Pyscho weather. Yeeeeeewww!

Regularly over 40knots, and gusting to 50...

4862 posts
28 Nov 2012 1:40PM
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Slack said...
Just had a great sesh at Dutchies on a 6m Reo, never thought I'd ever have that kite 100% depowered. That's when I decided it was time to come in.

awesome. I've been there before. i recon its pushing 50 knot gusts when your fully depowered on the 6 reo.

WA, 24 posts
28 Nov 2012 2:03PM
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Here we come... Centrelink heroes kkkkk!!

WA, 218 posts
28 Nov 2012 2:04PM
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I'm flying into Perth tonite bak from melbourne with these winds fer and the misses is sh!t scared of flying

I hope we get to land as tomorrow looks good for wind & WAVES

Here in Melbourne for the last 12 days only got 2 good days on my 10.5M and just found out yesterday I could have borrowed/demo a sector (just like yours DUSTA) bummer

WA, 255 posts
28 Nov 2012 2:04PM
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I'll give this one a miss.. I do not have an urge to kill myself just yet...

WA, 207 posts
28 Nov 2012 2:51PM
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Just got back 30 knots on average. Balls are have the size they were.
6.5 Gypsy was fun. self land was a bit scary, wet suit in wash as there was a brown smear on the inside after the landing.

Dave Whettingsteel
WA, 1397 posts
28 Nov 2012 3:18PM
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Ugly said...
Just got back 30 knots on average. Balls are have the size they were.
6.5 Gypsy was fun. self land was a bit scary, wet suit in wash as there was a brown smear on the inside after the landing.

Good one... where did you go out? looking pretty wild out there right now. Am looking down from my office at the roof and chimney blown off the new terrace hotel on St Georges Tce.

WA, 278 posts
28 Nov 2012 3:54PM
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Dave Whettingsteel said...
Ugly said...
Just got back 30 knots on average. Balls are have the size they were.
6.5 Gypsy was fun. self land was a bit scary, wet suit in wash as there was a brown smear on the inside after the landing.

Good one... where did you go out? looking pretty wild out there right now. Am looking down from my office at the roof and chimney blown off the new terrace hotel on St Georges Tce.

Just heard there are some frenchies zipping along down at safety bay

WA, 893 posts
28 Nov 2012 4:02PM
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Frenchies as in condoms??? must've blown out of the sand dunes............
Whatever you do dont try and catch one

WA, 207 posts
28 Nov 2012 4:18PM
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Dave it is secret spot never seen anyone else there in 10 years.Took a mate there once and he GPS it so while he was getting changed i deleted his memory card in the GPS.
He did on my boat once at one of my best crayfish sites and once again deleted the memory card again.
Lucky he is a great bloke.

WA, 808 posts
28 Nov 2012 4:53PM
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Dave Whettingsteel said...
Ugly said...
Just got back 30 knots on average. Balls are have the size they were.
6.5 Gypsy was fun. self land was a bit scary, wet suit in wash as there was a brown smear on the inside after the landing.

Good one... where did you go out? looking pretty wild out there right now. Am looking down from my office at the roof and chimney blown off the new terrace hotel on St Georges Tce.

Looking at the same...The roof is flapping, a lot of TV guys with cameras around...

Dave Whettingsteel
WA, 1397 posts
28 Nov 2012 5:06PM
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Ugly said...
Dave it is secret spot never seen anyone else there in 10 years.Took a mate there once and he GPS it so while he was getting changed i deleted his memory card in the GPS.
He did on my boat once at one of my best crayfish sites and once again deleted the memory card again.
Lucky he is a great bloke.

If its in the Cocos islands Im not surprised its secret!

WA, 3856 posts
28 Nov 2012 5:27PM
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Must be plenty of carnage around town, and probably a few houses with newly installed sunroofs.

Hope all kiters make it back to land ok, as it is perilous conditions .. some powerful bullets coming through.

It's windy enough to blow a brown dog off his chain.

WA, 207 posts
28 Nov 2012 5:48PM
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Dave it is in and around Perth you may be able to see it out of you office but i don't thinks so. Perth bound at the moment. Next time away is Manotu island unless something good comes up.

WA, 2 posts
28 Nov 2012 6:12PM
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wishy said...
Lock and load b!tches.
Seeyou in outer space!

Just for laughs.......

WA, 278 posts
28 Nov 2012 6:19PM
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GDSH said...
wishy said...
Lock and load b!tches.
Seeyou in outer space!

Just for laughs.......

Should be down at trigg selling these concert style... from a pick taken today seems like a fair number of kiters in the background

WA, 368 posts
28 Nov 2012 8:21PM
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I think that picture was taken yesterday, I took this down there at about 1 pm

Must take a fair bit to close the beach, there was still a safe swimming area here.
These guys were even checking that there were no kiters in between the flags .

WA, 255 posts
28 Nov 2012 11:11PM
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anyone got photos of kiters out today?

Dave Whettingsteel
WA, 1397 posts
28 Nov 2012 11:13PM
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Ugly said...
Dave it is in and around Perth you may be able to see it out of you office but i don't thinks so. Perth bound at the moment. Next time away is Manotu island unless something good comes up.

Well you are teasing me ugly, but I'm not biting. I kite up at horrocks beach, mostly on my own and totally hang out for company. Love kiting Melville when I am in Perth. So sorry, I don't get the secret squirrel business.

I could talk about spot x aka oakagee too... But that's another story.

Enjoy your secret spot!

671 posts
29 Nov 2012 10:26AM
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spot x is overated, its all about the spots before and after that really matter


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Big Wednesday Perth..." started by RPM