Forums > Kitesurfing General

Bindings on surfboard

Created by Howie66 > 9 months ago, 4 Apr 2012
WA, 1104 posts
7 Apr 2012 9:58AM
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Good to hear your out there charging Scotty.

I've still got a poster of you at Diamond Head from '84 on my wall

Hamburglar, you need to get your history of Australian Windsurfing book out.

NSW, 527 posts
7 Apr 2012 3:41PM
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Can i get in on this action ?

38 posts
7 Apr 2012 4:53PM
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Hi Guys, Who the hell is this Kook. (hand burgler, tool head) What a smart arse He called Bs on me for just answering a question
about kiting off Namotu. I am getting kind of pissed.I have probably been Kiting before the hand tool was born. Give me his name and I'll make it worth your while.
Apart from that look forward to seeing you guys out in the waves around here. Stop in for a beer at the bar anytime

WA, 490 posts
7 Apr 2012 7:00PM
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We bow to you, mr 50 year old ex windsurfer who wants to put straps on his board.....

unfortunatly this is the tone of this forum, better get used to it, better men than you have ended up in institutions.

but seriously theres got to be a vid out there that shows you how to put some plugs into a board, if not Ill make one...

NSW, 2707 posts
7 Apr 2012 9:52PM
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namotuisland said...

Hi Guys, Who the hell is this Kook. (hand burgler, tool head) What a smart arse He called Bs on me for just answering a question
about kiting off Namotu. I am getting kind of pissed.I have probably been Kiting before the hand tool was born. Give me his name and I'll make it worth your while.
Apart from that look forward to seeing you guys out in the waves around here. Stop in for a beer at the bar anytime


38 posts
8 Apr 2012 3:08AM
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Hi SugarQube

you missed my point. I couldnt care less about footstraps or not. And yes I do know how to put footstraps on a surfboard as we first did it back in 79' at Hookipa with Mike Waltze.
My point was Hand Tool hides behind anonymity and gives out false information. I thought the forum was to help people not use it as a personal self gratification device.
Anyway as I said if you guys are out this way stop in and say hello.

ACT, 2174 posts
8 Apr 2012 5:08AM
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namotuisland said...

Actually my name is Scott O'connor and I am 50 years old. The resort is 17 years old. Maybe you should spend more time on Lake Burley than at your computer calling BS and things you know nothing about. Just got out for a few barrels which put me in a good mood and this will be my last response as you seem like a complete Hand tool and not worth any more energy but if you make it over for the next big swell I will gladly put you up for a few days and see what your all about.
Hot air I presume LOL

Dear Scotty,
I have scrolled through this whole thread several times and fail to see
where you answered a question or where i called BS ? I simplely made an observational comment about strapless gummbies chasing there board through
the surf zone when the swell picks up,and did state the "majority" not all.

You seem to have taken the furr on ya nut sack thing a bit personally ,now in
my own defence i thought i was responding to a 17 yo strapless gummby that
lives in fiji that appeared to have an awful lot of sports and hobbies but not
much schooling,i think i may of just got the age wrong .

Now i'm not sure what has caused your delusional psychotic episode to be
unleashed on me nor do i care but would thank you Not to Send Threating PMs
to me .I have a policy of No dwarf throwing or Pensioner punching which i'm
sure you qualify for at least one of those,"no no ,no need to thank me its just how i am"

Please accept my heart felt apology and please get the help you so dearly need
as i feel you must have other pressing issues that should be delt with other than me.

the Burglar

p.s. if i give you my name what do i get in return to make it worth my while?
p.p.s.s. oohh you mean the other thread "stop living in the past man"
p.p.p.s.s.s. leave my mate benny out of this

38 posts
8 Apr 2012 3:29AM
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I was telling people that you cant rig up on Namotu as it is a private Island and in your infinite wisdom you called BS on it. Get your facts right as most private resorts have what they call a foreshore lease.

Was just trying to help people and save them a $150.00 boat ride out.

Giving your name might make you a little more accountable for your smart arse 25 messages a week. Come out of the closet Ham tool

ACT, 2174 posts
8 Apr 2012 6:30AM
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mmmmmm i must say i'm not to keen on your idea of worth while

38 posts
8 Apr 2012 4:43AM
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Still cant man or woman up and give your name eh? Sorry going out to cloudbreak for a surf or is that living in the past too? Logging out, goodbye its been fun but in future just get your facts right and you wont have any problems

WA, 273 posts
8 Apr 2012 7:25AM
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NSW, 2707 posts
8 Apr 2012 12:04PM
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This isn't really a good look for your business is it Namotuisland? I've seen other shop owners do it before in 'brand wars', but really it just gives your brand an unprofessional look. Isn't this common sense, or am I talking sh1t?

Sort of puts me off going to your resort cause you come across as an egotistic d1ck.

QLD, 2770 posts
8 Apr 2012 4:18PM
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i had beers at namotu with scott in 2004 & he came across as a relaxed, friendly, generous bloke. maybe he takes thing a bit too seriously on the internet but don't write him off altogether...

NSW, 73 posts
8 Apr 2012 6:40PM
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So, did we ever come to a conclusion as to whether it's easy to put inserts into an existing board?

VIC, 1159 posts
8 Apr 2012 6:54PM
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gruezi said...

You need 2 of them and boots..don't forget to wax your board.

How about these puppies? They have a bottle opener built into them. For when you smash yourself up so horribly due to using bindings on a surfboard that you need to survive on a liquid diet... They are pretty bling as well to match the gold teeth you're likely to need.

NSW, 6451 posts
8 Apr 2012 8:06PM
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Who do I have to insult to get this free trip to Fiji?????

ACT, 2174 posts
8 Apr 2012 8:59PM
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stamp said...

i had beers at namotu with scott in 2004 & he came across as a relaxed, friendly, generous bloke. maybe he takes thing a bit too seriously on the internet but don't write him off altogether...

Hi Stamp,
in no way shape or form did i intend to upset anyone enough
to make them send PMs they wouldn't normally send .Have Googled Scott
and can see he is a serious character with driven goals that have seen him
achieve succsess in something i've discovered only recently "the wind " (3 yrs ago)

Scott,i hope we can actually meet and resolve any differences that you precieved
we have as you will find i'm a likeable larikin who isn't easly upset and loves his Mum
" you touch my Mum and i'll kill ya " and no ill intent to you or your buisness was
to be the outcome of some seabreeze banter

yours sincerly the Burglar

p.s. i can be quite an arshole when provoked

NSW, 2707 posts
8 Apr 2012 9:04PM
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lotofwind said...

Who do I have to insult to get this free trip to Fiji?????

I think he only wants to give it to hamburger.
I'd be keen though?

ACT, 2174 posts
8 Apr 2012 9:06PM
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Krispy54 said...

So, did we ever come to a conclusion as to whether it's easy to put inserts into an existing board?

did you not read Ezzas and Kitepowers reply

NSW, 73 posts
8 Apr 2012 9:11PM
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Sure did, just thought it was a good idea to get back on topic!

1421 posts
8 Apr 2012 7:19PM
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Howie66 said...

Hey all..

I am wondering if its possible to put binding inserts on a pre existing surfboard..

Or do they have to be put in whilst the board is being constructed?

I have a 6'2" (an oldie but a goodie) which I want to use bindings on, and see how they feel.. this is my old board, I dont want to try this on my good boards!!!

Whats the best way to go about it?


Bindings on a 'surfboard' 1:38

VIC, 1159 posts
8 Apr 2012 9:19PM
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hamburglar said...

Krispy54 said...

So, did we ever come to a conclusion as to whether it's easy to put inserts into an existing board?

did you not read Ezzas and Kitepowers reply

I thought the dude wants to put bindings on his board...

8 Apr 2012 9:27PM
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hamburglar said...

Krispy54 said...

So, did we ever come to a conclusion as to whether it's easy to put inserts into an existing board?

did you not read Ezzas and Kitepowers reply

Hang on I did not reply to this thread, someone mentioned that Kitepower supplies 5 hole insert blocks that can be easily put into a board and straps (bindings) can then be fitted.

I have been reading the thread for amusement!

ACT, 2174 posts
8 Apr 2012 9:36PM
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Kitepower Australia said...

hamburglar said...

Krispy54 said...

So, did we ever come to a conclusion as to whether it's easy to put inserts into an existing board?

did you not read Ezzas and Kitepowers reply

Hang on I did not reply to this thread, someone mentioned that Kitepower supplies 5 hole insert blocks that can be easily put into a board and straps (bindings) can then be fitted.

I have been reading the thread for amusement!

sorry my mistake,i have used 5 hole insert blocks x2 before nice non pimping, pimping

QLD, 1534 posts
8 Apr 2012 10:50PM
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If i remember correctly in the 90s
going past cloud break, going off 6 - 8ft no one out. Have a crack at that.
some mugs chasing you off the break wave with speaers and big fellas. Scoytty the legand had to protect financial interests. Legend!

Imagine UXome to the Goldie, cant surf there unless u pay Welcome to cloudbreak!.

Im no hero above 6ft but to be confrontetd like this?
Go the hand burgler, lake BG cranks

9 Apr 2012 12:33AM
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I think the burglar guy is out of control. Please delete this thread.

ACT, 2174 posts
9 Apr 2012 11:56AM
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now now Steve, if you want to sell more kites n stuff to me
you have to play nice

edit ; hence the wink

9 Apr 2012 2:53PM
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Errr it was definitely meant as a joke, oh well, back to my corner....

QLD, 581 posts
10 Apr 2012 12:15AM
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PU core and 2 layers of glass (ie your surfboard probably) are weak as **** so big commercial blocks are good as you get more surface area to stick to - follow instructions i guess.

For single inserts (eg brass closed ended/snowboard inserts) i have done it like this in past and it worked - other methods i tried pulled inserts out.

3/4" hole saw all the way through foam until touching inside of base glass, mask it all up around it (saves you loads of work), - with a screwdriver dig out remaining foam so you can bond to inside of base glass too. dig out foam under top edge of hole too with screwdriver (more surface area to stick to). attach bolt to insert with 1" washer tightened up on it. fill hole with epoxy - drop in insert - washer will balance it on top of hole - clean up excessive epoxy - undo bolt and washer - grind flat - fill insert with surf wax - level wax with blade - glass patches over top - drill glass on insert.

you can go old school nylon rod/ bar too which is easy to get and cost virtually nothing

u know what - i think someone made some stick on surfgrips with inserts built in.. dunno if they worked reliably tho

it is sad for kiteboarding to see the current strapless vs strapped hype turning into another footstraps vs bindings embarrassment.

ACT, 2174 posts
10 Apr 2012 4:34PM
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i think there was a binding / footstrap mixup coupled with a he said she
said misunderstanding that turned into "i'm gunna find ya " type of
fiasco and ended with some very informative responses to Howie66's
question Dosn't seem so embarrasing after all now does it?

won't be bringing my striped shirt,big hat and uncle Ronald to Mambo though


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Bindings on surfboard" started by Howie66