Snapped a bridle line on the ol' Naish today and was wondering where to get a replacement one? It's a Shockwave which is a few years old so I dunno if I can still get genuine ones. Would be happy to get some made up if need be. Gonna go up to SHQ tomorrow and see what they reckon. Any other suggestions?
Only kite on the beach, wind was crankin and it broke on my second run... doh. And wifey had the ute so I just had to sit and wait for her to come get me. So I've learnt a very valuable lesson today... always take beers, especially on a Friday arvo...
aS I'm from wa I can't point u on the direction of a shop to help u
tho it's defitley a better option to replace the length of bridal that had snapped
no need to replace the whole thing.
Yeah, thanks graceful. Already pulled off the snapped line and the one on the other side. It's just about had the dick as well so might as well replace em both while I'm at it.
I'm assuming the bridle that broke is where the pulley runs, in which case can you just replace that length or do you need to replace the entire bridle?
If you don't mind spending the money then a shop can probably track you down a full replacement, but i'd just go to a yatchies and buy the appropriate spectra and make it up myself. Cheaper and you can do it straight away.
Yeah, spot on koma... single line that runs thru the pulley.
I was thinking getting new ones made up would be easiest. These lines have loops sewn in on each end as per the pic. Reckon I could just do this by hand?
by hand is easy. get some polyester upholstery thread (thicker than regular thread) from spotlight ($6 for 100metres) and zig-zag back and forth by hand.
i shortened a set of lines like this six months ago and they're going strong.
be sure to go through the core as well as the sleeve with each stitch.
if you've not done much sewing before perhaps get a friend to show you some techniques for finishing the job so that the ends of the thread are secure and not in high-load spots.
Cool, thanks dojo. My girl's pretty handy at sewing so I'm sure she can give me the run down. Just gotta find some spectra now and I'll be laughing...
It may be worth checking with the shop how much the replacements are. For example, slingshot sell replacement P lines for about 50c just to cover the cost of shipping.
mate don't worry about going the the same size line where the pulley goes through - with my old boxer I just bought sailing boat stuff. A bit thicker but I never broke another bridle and couldn't notice a difference in performance. Also worth checking how good your pulley is most of my earlier on breaks were from sand blocking up the pulley or it being so worn that the line went between the sheath and cheeks.