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Broken Leg Club

Created by NJPornstar > 9 months ago, 26 Jul 2010
WA, 790 posts
26 Jul 2010 1:52PM
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This is for our mate,Bent Madradman. He fell off downhill skating and is just about to go under the knife and get a few bolts in his leg. Its going to be 10 weeks+ of pain watching me have fun.

SO to cheer him up! Please post your nightmare broken leg story on a spot below.

I broke my leg in the middle of one of those nuclear windy summers a few years ago, kitelooping slimchancing on a 7m in 30 knots. It was a very hot summer and my leg stank like a sewer pipe. Your turn.

WA, 5353 posts
26 Jul 2010 2:04PM
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Not my leg, but I broke my elbow start of this winter/fall... Stupidest sh!t ever was that I was winching into waves on a skimboard at the time and just fell over haha.
At the time I didn't think I really broke it but I hyper extended my arm and went SNAP. I think if I had been doing something where I was ready for bad falls (like skating) I wouldn't have stuck my arm out like I did. Just unlucky really but I guess sh!t happens sometimes. My arm is still not 100% now and I can't really do any unhooked tricks with it yet.

Hope your leg heals up quick man!
p.s. My mate broke his leg surfing in G land the same time I broke my elbow, he was surfing a 9 foot swell and got pinched by a big one, took him 3 days to get to a hospital... He is back surfing again now though.

WA, 4485 posts
26 Jul 2010 2:16PM
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This one time at band camp..

Oh dear, sorry to hear about your crook stump Radman.

Best of luck with a neat mend and post some more Radman hits the lip flicks ASAP.

NSW, 1714 posts
26 Jul 2010 4:20PM
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Broke my heel bone kiting last year. Landed bad from a jump. 12 screws, 3 plates and a bone graft! Not quite doing the tango but kiting again.

Hope that makes you feel better.

WA, 790 posts
26 Jul 2010 2:32PM
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Sorry guys you need to break a leg to be in the club.
G land hell man is in.

WA, 629 posts
26 Jul 2010 2:34PM
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that light at the end of the tunnel seems so far away,good to hear afew stories cheers all

NSW, 1714 posts
26 Jul 2010 4:56PM
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Radman said...

that light at the end of the tunnel seems so far away,good to hear afew stories cheers all

Be positive man. Time heals all wounds.
Tip: Get into the healthfood store for calcium + VitC, glucosamine, magnesium, zinc. All good for wound and bone healing.
Plenty of DVD's doesn't hurt either.

WA, 243 posts
26 Jul 2010 3:28PM
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Broke mine Aug of 2008…rushed back from Sydney for the first NE of summer..first run out off the beach mis judged a wave and thought I was going to go over it but ended up hitting the lip with my knee going full speed on my 8m….decided to kite at the beach that had 100 stairs back up to the carpark.

4 nights hospital, 13 weeks on crutches watching the wind blow outside. Then 10 weeks in South Africa not being able to kite.. Kited again after 16 weeks but it was a joke..knee has never felt the same again.

QLD, 581 posts
26 Jul 2010 5:39PM
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Pins in the leg tonight for my mate doing downhill yesterday.

Maybe just a little bit influenced by this in NZ last week 90-100km/h - one guy in bare feet

Snapped both bones in my lower arm at 90 degrees one time and dislocated the wrist at same time, that was fun. My wrist was 1/2 way up my 1/2ed lower arm and i lifted it up to wave at the car next door while getting driven to hospital, their face was gold lol

better than ****ty tendon damage - that just goes on and on... at least you know bones will heal good and heal quick.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
26 Jul 2010 3:51PM
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I know how it feels.
Couple of years back i did the same trying to show off in shallow water. lol
There is a price to pay for having so much fun

QLD, 581 posts
26 Jul 2010 6:27PM
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Jeez just heard my mate broke his shin bone right through below the knee, broke both leg bones through above the foot and 3 in his foot, spiral breaks. ouch..!

NSW, 318 posts
26 Jul 2010 6:31PM
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i got run over by a car and had my left leg smashed and reconstructed {1983}


a few years later i hit a tree full speed snowboarding back country and broke my ankle {1996}

NJ do i make the club ?

WA, 143 posts
26 Jul 2010 5:13PM
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i twisted my femur apart when attempting a tantrum on the wakeboard......3 alignment operations and a knee re-construction later i know have a bionic leg which is slightly annoying going through airports

NSW, 1714 posts
26 Jul 2010 8:39PM
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KIT33R said...

Broke my heel bone kiting last year. Landed bad from a jump. 12 screws, 3 plates and a bone graft! Not quite doing the tango but kiting again.

Hope that makes you feel better.

QLD, 701 posts
26 Jul 2010 9:15PM
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holy ** that looks like someone left a multitool in your foot

NSW, 1714 posts
26 Jul 2010 9:20PM
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brucex said...

holy ** that looks like someone left a multitool in your foot

felt like it!

I had it all out last September - They wouldn't let me take it home without a whole lot of red tape!

WA, 790 posts
26 Jul 2010 7:32PM
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Ok Andrewm, Poor Relli, Markass, Kit33r and Chronic are in
You have full rights to the club like all other members. (That's Bent n eye)
Being in the club is like having an acrod parking permit, but different.
Chronic gets a loading zone pass too cause he has buggered his twice.

SA, 492 posts
26 Jul 2010 9:44PM
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NJPornstar said...

[b]This is for our mate,Bent Madradman. He fell off downhill skating

Bad news Bent was havin a laugh with you last week about the downhiller using an old pole as a make beleive paddle. Best off luck with the healing process.
NJ I don't think having my kneecap sticking out of the side of the leg on 2 occassions is quite the broken leg but useless non the less maybe I can hold the door open for a real acrod pass holder?

WA, 641 posts
26 Jul 2010 8:34PM
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Wipika free air and a perth front got my femur a few years ago. a fair bit of metal , a year off kiting and never been the same. I think i should be president.

VIC, 1395 posts
26 Jul 2010 11:18PM
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KIT33R said...

KIT33R said...

Broke my heel bone kiting last year. Landed bad from a jump. 12 screws, 3 plates and a bone graft! Not quite doing the tango but kiting again.

Hope that makes you feel better.

so that's not a date in the top right corner

I've only ever broken one leg. Back when i was a hockey goalie. The poor bastard had to carried off the oval, we won, I apologised.

WA, 93 posts
26 Jul 2010 9:27PM
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Tip: Get into the healthfood store for calcium + VitC, glucosamine, magnesium, zinc. All good for wound and bone healing. None of this is any good to Radman unless you can smoke them[}:)]

NSW, 1714 posts
27 Jul 2010 9:41AM
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colinwill78 said...

KIT33R said...

KIT33R said...

Broke my heel bone kiting last year. Landed bad from a jump. 12 screws, 3 plates and a bone graft! Not quite doing the tango but kiting again.

Hope that makes you feel better.

so that's not a date in the top right corner

I've only ever broken one leg. Back when i was a hockey goalie. The poor bastard had to carried off the oval, we won, I apologised.

No, not the date. I shattered it in January 2009.

VIC, 1395 posts
27 Jul 2010 10:00AM
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KIT33R said...

No, not the date. I shattered it in January 2009.

That's quite a piece of hardware. Youch!
Glad you're kiting again, sorry to hear about the Tango... have you tried the viennese waltz

NSW, 1714 posts
27 Jul 2010 11:50AM
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colinwill78 said...

KIT33R said...

No, not the date. I shattered it in January 2009.

That's quite a piece of hardware. Youch!
Glad you're kiting again, sorry to hear about the Tango... have you tried the viennese waltz

My wife reckons I dance like Peter Garrett (from his Midnight Oil days)

SA, 220 posts
27 Jul 2010 12:07PM
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yeah well i agree with rowdy on this one, bloody skimboards can be dangerous broke my leg pretty well by simply missing with my back foot when running and jumping on to one. A 400m hop on one leg watching my foot bobble around followed by a relitivly short trip to the hospital was made all worth it when the nurse at the front desk went white after seeing the "slight" angle that my lower leg was on. It was the quickest service i have ever had presenting to hospital Went straight through

VIC, 426 posts
27 Jul 2010 1:42PM
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Awesome thread, I just convinced myself to be more committed to take my awesome kiting to the next level, but might stay with my risk aware approach.
Done a few sports, and the worst injury was probably a broken little finger whilst sledding back in the days..

But to chear that guy up, my mum broke her foot multiple times when getting off a bike (don't ask how), and even after a few years it has not completely recovered.

WA, 5353 posts
27 Jul 2010 11:55AM
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**** Max, least I didn't brake my leg I guess haha. Hopping around would have sucked.
I think the danger in it is thinking you are in water? Because I have been skating for a long time and had some really bad stacks but it's kinda like you expect it to happen so you are prepared. Where as the stack on the skim board was really nothing it wasn't even the classic slip out and land on your back (if it had I wouldn't have had time to put my arm out) it was more the fact that i fell slowly to one side and put my arm out and pushed it backwards, as i still had forward momentum it fractured 2 bones. This injury could happen pretty easily kiting n shallow water to I think.

WA, 790 posts
27 Jul 2010 12:02PM
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A few new proud members entering the exclusive acrod parking permit club are
Max14,Loud, Knutt's mum and EB.
I understand from experience a ruined knee is the closest thing to breaking a leg cause it becomes immobile and your life becomes painful hell. (Especially on a crowded asian airline with bugger all leg space) The torture is for only a short period though but it is enough to grasp the pain Radman is sweating out.

Latlong you are banned for offensive comments to the froth dog and for your poor drinking skills.

NSW, 318 posts
27 Jul 2010 2:39PM
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NJ - forgot to mention i busted 2 vertebraes in my back April this year - can you start up a busted back club - make me the pres thanks buddy

QLD, 776 posts
27 Jul 2010 3:28PM
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I rekon I can join too...backroll kiteloop in 2inches of water, shattered heel bone,lesson learn t dont learn tricks in shallow water.While I was in hospital I won a new waroo pro,but had to wait a year befor I could kite again, still have the titanium in there now 3yrs latter

WA, 4485 posts
27 Jul 2010 5:07PM
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OK - so last winter I wrecked my medial ligament in 35kts, then had to jog one legged the rest of the 2kms to the end of the downwinder. Then go straight to my kid's 5th birthday party and run around Scitech with a bunch of sugar fueled mini-psychos. Was pretty kn sore by the time i actually got to put my leg up.

I have fkd my thumb and 'bird' finger getting jammed into the bar/chicken loop and now have arthritis setting in nicely.

I have a nice big scar on my shin (shoulda got stitches but didn't want to stay outta the water) from coming down from a boost straddling the board. Coulda been worse I could be singing soprano!

I have a neat manly scar on my cheeck from the board flipping over in 30kts. Fair bit od claret from that one.

So can I at least be the valet parking guy for the club?? I figure you lot need someone to park your wheels and assist you and your zimmerframes into the club?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Broken Leg Club" started by NJPornstar