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Broken Leg Club

Created by NJPornstar > 9 months ago, 26 Jul 2010
WA, 629 posts
27 Jul 2010 5:36PM
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thisis the best tred ever nj prawny got me laughing in a tinme of psain keep that score card goin igot meseven screws plate arsnl all wired had some good tablrets in hospital sill a it shaky now keep m coming oooowwwwwcccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmme friken foot urtsg

WA, 629 posts
27 Jul 2010 5:43PM
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iandvnt said...

Pins in the leg tonight for my mate doing downhill yesterday.

Maybe just a little bit influenced by this in NZ last week 90-100km/h - one guy in bare feet

Snapped both bones in my lower arm at 90 degrees one time and dislocated the wrist at same time, that was fun. My wrist was 1/2 way up my 1/2ed lower arm and i lifted it up to wave at the car next door while getting driven to hospital, their face was gold lol

better than ****ty tendon damage - that just goes on and on... at least you know bones will heal good and heal quick.

idont like skateboards an y more

Mini Mal
WA, 298 posts
27 Jul 2010 6:59PM
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Toughen up princess!

NSW, 318 posts
27 Jul 2010 10:58PM
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Mini Mal said...

Toughen up princess!

umm its actually - "suck it up princess"

NSW, 5780 posts
27 Jul 2010 11:28PM
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sir ROWDY said...

**** Max, least I didn't brake my leg I guess haha. Hopping around would have sucked.
I think the danger in it is thinking you are in water? Because I have been skating for a long time and had some really bad stacks but it's kinda like you expect it to happen so you are prepared. Where as the stack on the skim board was really nothing it wasn't even the classic slip out and land on your back (if it had I wouldn't have had time to put my arm out) it was more the fact that i fell slowly to one side and put my arm out and pushed it backwards, as i still had forward momentum it fractured 2 bones. This injury could happen pretty easily kiting n shallow water to I think.

yes happened to me. picked up and dumped in the shallowest of shallows, dislocated elbow, broken wrist, two operations (one abandoned) and two big screws.

i also broke my wrist bombing the hill at coggee beach on my way to visit a mate who was in hospital with a broken neck.

went down from the top of the hill on the footpath, lost it on the sand covered pavers went over the stairs and into the side of the pub. went on to visit mate flat on his back talking to us via a reflection from the mirror on the ceiling, then went to emergency where they said it would be a four hour wait, skated back to central (those who know the city will know how far that is), caught the train back home (south coast) called the ambulance from the traino and got express service to hospital.

also broke back, neck, jaw, fractured skull, upper arm, shoulder, six ribs and some other stuff thanks to a home invasion.... but thats another story

WA, 5353 posts
27 Jul 2010 9:36PM
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^^^ holly sh!t....

WA, 790 posts
27 Jul 2010 10:28PM
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Excellent horror stories.
But you only need to break a leg to be in the club.

We can hold an election for president. TheDoctor and Chronic should be main contenders for the executive acrod parking spot.

VIC, 1395 posts
28 Jul 2010 1:05AM
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I waited long enough........ i'd like to nominate echostorm.
These pictures and the acompanying story have never left me.

"I remember the flash and knowing straight away that i had stuffed my legs pretty bad. I let my kite go and felt my ankle to discover that skin was all that attached it to my leg. It was at that point i was hit by a reasonable sized wave and i remember watching my toes kick my knee as my lower leg flopped around in all that turbulant water. The feeling of the bones grinding on each other was freaking disgusting"

that makes me feel green.

VIC, 114 posts
28 Jul 2010 11:37AM
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Here is my contribution. It seems that one common factor is a 7m kite and +30 knots. Those little f&*%ers are so fast in that wind when it all goes wrong.

I broke my lsat November and missed the whole season watching my new new 2010 quiver gather dust. It took seven months to get back on the water but its still not 100%. I have a surf board now to keep me on the water more...

See my post titled: I broke my leg at Brighton VIC

Besides the injury, what was fantastic about this story was that I used Seabreeze to find out what happened because what I told the doctor did not correlate with the injury. Even though I was the only one on the water at the time, 3 people, who I did not know, saw the accident and replied to my post explaining what they saw. This explained the damage.

'Crowd sourcing' - pulling together disparate views on a single event - Amazing stuff.

Mini Mal
WA, 298 posts
28 Jul 2010 8:01PM
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chronic said...

Mini Mal said...

Toughen up princess!

umm its actually - "suck it up princess"

Ummm Chronic dunno what you say over there but in the wild west its "Toughen up Princess" . Or HTFU!

NSW, 80 posts
29 Jul 2010 12:35AM
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I broke my ankle at St Kilda in 55 knots + on a 2.5m PL Pepper ( so called trainer) on a finless board.

It started with seeing a wind line out across the bay, when the southerly change hit you couldn't see the cars on the road because of the air born sand. It was one in a 100 year storm I had to ride it.

It was amazing, 55knots and the water flat as for about 5 min then the wave started to come in, I was skipping from the top of one wave to the other totally over powered but having a great time. Then I decided to jump, very big mistake, I got lifted so fast and high that the kites was under me. not good but being such a small kite I managed to get it above me but when I looked down all I was over wet sand. It wasn't a hard landing but I landed on one leg on hard wet sand and it happened ..

9 screws and a plate two years before full recovery, thanks to my caster board and lots of walking on soft sand I'm back to 100% but still a little bit nervous about jumping high on water, funny but I'm not scared to jump on concret.

I guess with 13 years of kitesurfing almost evey and day it's my only injury.

Kitesurfing can be very safe sport just don't go out in big winds and jump close to shore.

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
29 Jul 2010 11:46AM
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Shallow sand bank and overestimating my ability resulted in a broken foot midway through last season. Big thanks to the other guys out kiting for landing my kite and grabbing my board.

Best accident though was on the snow in 07. I was doing the season down there and was a bit cocky, went out night boarding with some mates and we collided at about 100kmh. We were both out for 25 minutes, they heard the collision in the restaurants at the bottom of the hill!
The result:

18 Rib fractures (12 in the front 6 in the back)
Tore a rib off my spine
3 sternum fractures
both collar bones broken
fractured vertebrae
tore my kidney in half
Died twice.....they had to get the paddles out and re-start me!

I actually got up and sat on the back of a skidoo down to the medical centre, doctor took one look at me and made me pee in a bottle. It came out the colour of red wine so he called the helicopter and off I went! I was in hospital for 4 weeks, on the couch for another 4 weeks then back in the water.

WA, 5353 posts
29 Jul 2010 9:55AM
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you were only out for 8 weeks?... This story sounds a bit unbelievable.

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
29 Jul 2010 12:13PM
Thumbs Up back in the water I didn't mean surfing or anything active. I actually just went and sat in the sea pools. Felt good to be back in salt water again. it was close to 7 months before I felt fit again, the sternum took the longest to heal!

WA, 71 posts
29 Jul 2010 2:44PM
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grand old age of 5, at colan candle in sydney climbing around a cliff, when my mates dad says comedown before we hurt ourselves, ok start kicking a soccer ball on grass that is like a billard table trip over the ball and bust my left leg in three places still aches in cold weather, best part was waiting in emergency westmeade hospital when they wheeled a bloke in with a beer bottle in his head, he cheated at two up it was anzac day 1964 a very easy day to remember

QLD, 109 posts
30 Jul 2010 11:52AM
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This one took 7 months to heal until I could go kiting again.
I broke my femur 500 meters off the Port Douglas beach 2 years ago.
Strongest pain I experienced so far...
During a jump I came out of one strap and couldn't get out of the other quickly enough. The board acted as an extension of my leg, which snapped into 2 pieces.



WA, 790 posts
30 Jul 2010 10:14AM
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Thats got to hurt. Looks like they needed to brace you before the xray.
I guess you had to drive the windy road to Cairns hospital. I would refuse to go to Mosman with a leg like that.

Here's Bent standing on his right leg. Bet he'd love to pull that off now.

SA, 492 posts
30 Jul 2010 12:24PM
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That is cruel N8
But funny.

NJPornstar said...

Thats got to hurt. Looks like they needed to brace you before the xray.
I guess you had to drive the windy road to Cairns hospital. I would refuse to go to Mosman with a leg like that.

Here's Bent standing on his right leg. Bet he'd love to pull that off now.

QLD, 109 posts
30 Jul 2010 2:13PM
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NJPornstar said...

Thats got to hurt. Looks like they needed to brace you before the xray.
I guess you had to drive the windy road to Cairns hospital. I would refuse to go to Mosman with a leg like that.

Oh well, that was another story...
I was brought to Mossman hospital. They did the first X-Ray there (you are correct with the brace on). Then waiting for the helicopter which didn't arrive because of problems. Then they booked an ambulance. Waiting further in big pain (no morphine at that time either)...
The transport on the windy road was very painful. On the way both batteries of the machines where they check the pulse, oxygen level and blood pressure with ran out. Then the oxygen ran out too. The driver promised he had enough fuel in the tank to make it to Cairns.
In Cairns I had to wait for another hour in the ambulance until a bed at the emergency department became available.
Whatever you do- don't harm yourself in the Far North! Glad they are finally building new hospital facilities here.

NSW, 5780 posts
30 Jul 2010 3:57PM
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Caesar said...

This one took 7 months to heal until I could go kiting again.
I broke my femur 500 meters off the Port Douglas beach 2 years ago.
Strongest pain I experienced so far...
During a jump I came out of one strap and couldn't get out of the other quickly enough. The board acted as an extension of my leg, which snapped into 2 pieces.


WA, 93 posts
30 Jul 2010 9:53PM
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N8 you got that photo off your phone didnt you? You like to look at it when your alone dont you? Who else has photos of men walking up the beach on their phone

WA, 790 posts
30 Jul 2010 11:02PM
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He's not walking? He is balancing all his weight on his right leg. Just memories for bent, skipping over all those craggy rocks, so easy it was.....

Cant you tell high quality! Its taken on a goodo SLR camera.
Lookout I'll get a photo of you next time you're drowning at hells gates.

WA, 3477 posts
31 Jul 2010 12:57AM
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Ok so mine was only a fractured fibula but it did put me out for six weeks at the start of the season with a new (as in not old) kite, do I qualify.

Started out as a suspected stress fracture from barefoot beach runnning but nothing showed up on he xray, the doc suggested I have a bone scan but also said it may just be a soft tissue injury and if I took it easy for a coule of weeks it should get better.
It was starting to feel pretty good so when my new kite arrived I just had to have a fly, I knew I had stuffed it as soon as I landed all wrong when a jump went wrong.
The next xray comnfirmed it

WA, 3477 posts
31 Jul 2010 10:07AM
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^ To many bintangs lastnight


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Broken Leg Club" started by NJPornstar