You all know the myth, the legend, philosopher, man of wisdom now you can post your
upfront honest questions for an up coming editorial in our next addition. Let us know
whats on your mind.
Do you really love yourself as much as you claim too??
How often do you make love to your ugg boots???
You said you fly peter lynn foils and cabrinhas,
How did your parent react when you came out of the closet?
And what brand of roller blades would you recommend?
Is is true that your father worked for Connex trains in Melb and unfortunately did'nt pull out in time?
I feel honoured that someone would dedicate a thread to me.
You guys are cunny funts! ROLFMAO and all that sh!T.
People mock what they don't understand....
Hey surfinboye...judging by your avatar, If you wanted to try windsurfing, I know where the mast would fit, and "NO" I'm not your father.
Is it true that you,Djdojo and kalidascope all hang out together at your private cabin at one mile beach dancing to Doof Doof with your shirts off all oiled up???
Watch your spelling stabber.
KaliDAscope will be all over it like a stonned hippy to a...well.....kaliDAscope
sorry to disappoint you, I must be a bit young for ya!
I'm taken anyhow....apparently I've got all the gays at the gay beach to satisfy my needs.
Sully seems to like me holding his manhood too>>>>