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Car Break in at Trigg

Created by fjordfiend > 9 months ago, 17 Jun 2009
WA, 93 posts
17 Jun 2009 7:49PM
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Im sure its no great suprise to anyone but my car was broken into at Trigg point car park today.
They stole my old jeans , under pants, 1 sock, Mobile phone ($25 dollar pay as you go) and car ash tray ????
Luckily there was blood on the door were one of the culprits has cut him self after breaking the window.
Its a reminder to not leave anything valuable in the car.
I wonder when the police will invest as much surveilace technology in policing car park break ins as revenue generating speed cameras?
This is the third time this has happended to me in a year and a half !

Stevo J
WA, 109 posts
17 Jun 2009 8:19PM
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I wonder when the police will invest as much surveilace technology in policing car park break ins as revenue generating speed cameras?
This is the third time this has happended to me in a year and a half !

Sadly they never will, as the key word there is 'Revenue'.... None generated from cameras in carparks means we'll probably never see them installed....Sorry to hear of your bad luck...Again...

WA, 266 posts
17 Jun 2009 8:49PM
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i feel ur pain i have replaced my passager window twice ($100 a pop) now with nothing important stolen wat so ever..... funny thin is the new window was from the tip and is tinted unlike the rest of my car.
i swear if i ever catch a motherf@#@er in the act he is goin to get a work over unlike any cop would dish out.... im goin to smash his head through everyone of my car windows so he learns how to smash them propely next time

WA, 255 posts
17 Jun 2009 9:19PM
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Im going to hog tie the ar*e-wipes to my kite bar and put the kite into a death spiral !!!

WA, 724 posts
17 Jun 2009 9:25PM
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I also had to replace my window last week and i also have one tinted window but thinking of getting the tinting that holds the window together preventing access. I know that you can get it but I don't know if in OZ.

Maybe we should set a trap and f#ck the guy up bit.

Cheers Rich

WA, 3464 posts
17 Jun 2009 9:40PM
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So sad to hear this stuff always.

Weird, but Woodies has been quiet lately....touch Wood.

WA, 6 posts
17 Jun 2009 10:53PM
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gruezi said...

So sad to hear this stuff always.

Weird, but Woodies has been quiet lately....touch Wood.

Among my breakfast reading material this morning was an article in the Joondalup paper about a rise in the number of car break-ins at cemeteries.

Apparently the lowlives have shifted their attention, at least a bit, from beach carparks to cemetery carparks

WA, 549 posts
17 Jun 2009 11:14PM
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I've been parking at Pinnaroo over the last 8 years , leave my windows wide open and doors unlocked, to date , never had a problem. You know they are going to break in if the car is locked. leave it open. Too easy , J

QLD, 6124 posts
18 Jun 2009 8:48AM
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WA, 1012 posts
18 Jun 2009 11:23AM
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maybe they where HOMO car jackers maybe the cops should be on the look out for suss dudes walking around with undies on the heads in the trigg to freo area

WA, 563 posts
18 Jun 2009 1:25PM
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fjordfiend said...

I wonder when the police will invest as much surveilace technology in policing car park break ins as revenue generating speed cameras?
This is the third time this has happended to me in a year and a half !

I think it is useful to post on the forums to alert other waterusers of any trends.

Could I suggest writing to the council or at least calling them? Anyone who has been a victim of crime - feel free to make yourself heard - includes myself.

Would anyone from WAKSA be able to send an 'official' request for better carpark security since this affects us all? (Await reply)

PS You could also try not wearing
1. Jeans
2. Undies
3. Odd socks

plus not smoking or using a mobile... but I don't think that would be as practical or effective

What do people do when it's raining - still leave the window open?

WA, 170 posts
18 Jun 2009 4:45PM
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sounds like we need a BAITCAR. Faaark i'd love to catch one of these pricks, and tow him though town on one of those hangboards to humiliate him or her, followed by some swift civillian justice.

Can we get a description of these undies (colour, vintage, any distinctive marks, holeproof?)in case they end up for sale in the quokka or at cashies?

WA, 500 posts
19 Jun 2009 12:24PM
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not sure if posting it will help in any way but my buddy had his car broken into (i use this 'broken" term loosely as they found his keys under the car on the suspension) stole his camera from the glovebox and locked the car back up and put the keys back. let me know if someone organises a 'stoning', i've got a couple good rocks.

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
19 Jun 2009 12:35PM
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Abesy said...

i feel ur pain i have replaced my passager window twice ($100 a pop) now with nothing important stolen wat so ever..... funny thin is the new window was from the tip and is tinted unlike the rest of my car.
i swear if i ever catch a motherf@#@er in the act he is goin to get a work over unlike any cop would dish out.... im goin to smash his head through everyone of my car windows so he learns how to smash them propely next time

il happily give you a hand with that if you want one

NT, 6 posts
19 Jun 2009 3:42PM
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That is what you need.

WA, 4 posts
19 Jun 2009 4:08PM
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Sorry to hear that mate. Happened to me there six months ago so I feel your pain

WA, 4 posts
19 Jun 2009 4:10PM
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Sorry to hear that mate. Happened to me six months ago. Feel your pain.

WA, 267 posts
21 Jun 2009 12:31PM
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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmh so the inbred low lifes dont have any undies to wear but will take your old pair they are way sicko's it must have been that relationship they had with their mother "MF"
i am way off em !!!!! i hope the cops or like minded individuals are able to correct this behaviour do they are discouraged from doing this in the future

1 posts
23 Jun 2009 3:26PM
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sad to add but my car was broken into the very next day 18th June 2009 around 5:15 pm... we went down to the beach for only 5 mins and I returned back to the car with my daughter (she was feeling cold) only to find the car passenger rear window was broken and my sisters bag and my bag was stolen.. the bags were not even left in view, it was under the seat.

I believe someone was watching and since we didn't carry any bags when we went down to the beach they broke in..

We went down the same place couple of days later just to do a surveillence and we saw a notice from a tourist " car broken in all their stuff was stolen"

dont the police get these reports everyday? why cant they do something to stop this rubbish...

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
23 Jun 2009 4:07PM
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because they a bunch of useless pricks n would rather make people who drive around's lives alot harder so they can stuff cash in their lil piggy banks than actually be helpful

WA, 266 posts
27 Jun 2009 1:19PM
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I really hate hearing this. It seems almost every second day there is a car break in along the scarbs - trigg stretch. Its getting out of hand. My beloved Scabs is being over run by moron low lifes who prey on people pursuing there love of a sport, the ocean and a healthy lifestyle (i use the term healthy quite loosely btw ) The whole practice is just so damn unethical!!

Its not just all car break ins either, just plain d1ckheads spoiling the area for everyone else who want to enjoy the beach as it is, simply.

It pisses me off immensely and Im ****n over it!!

I really hope sometime soon one/some of the break in perpetrators are caught by one of us and they receive a good old fashioned vigilante lesson - the reality is this is what will stop them doing it again!

Having vented and calmed down a tad. I am also up for some law abiding means of prevention. Not exactly sure what these may be? - cctv cameras is a proven method (they do pay police to patrol at certain times in summer, perhaps some of this money could be used towards camera set-up?). There are also plenty of cctv's pointing towards the ocean.

I doubt the stirling city council will come to the party here...but perhaps a petition may be in order? Has this been done before in Stirling?...elsewhere? I think I remember there was one for Woodies?

If I get some support on this I would be happy to create a petition and post up on some of the pin-up boards in the local scarbs area shopping centres etc (will they let me post these up?). Let people know where they are. Give it a few weeks then present to the City of Stirling.

Im not sure how successful the petition would be, but for a small effort at least the council would know how pissed off the public are and raise the issue, even if it has been before. I imagine there would also be a wave of support from the surfing and windsurfing fraternities

Anyone have any other ideas? This issue needs action, not just talk.

WA, 563 posts
27 Jun 2009 5:54PM
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I'll help distribute the petitions. Anywhere there are local carpark users - shops, servo, restos in the area, I reckon.

However, I'll speak to the council again on Tues and see what they say. There may already be plans! (flying pig icon?)

Shame WAKSA hasn't responded... maybe they missed my previous post / don't spend their time reading these.

WA, 266 posts
28 Jun 2009 9:27AM
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Thanks Foosh!

ok, I'll wait to hear your feedback from the council contact and take things from there . I saw your post re WAKSA and its a good idea to get them involved (if they want to? Not sure...). Perhaps writing to them as well may help the cause?

WA, 563 posts
9 Jul 2009 1:32PM
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OK, sorry guys, it took me awhile longer to get in touch with the council. Factor5, I'm still happy to help.

I spoke to Mike Newson, the Senior Security Officer at Stirling Council today.

He basically said that they get daily mapped updates of crimes in the ward and meet weekly with the police. He says that there hasn't been an increasing trend of break ins so they have to send resources where it's most needed (not beach car parks for now).

If we wanted to check these stats, we need to log on to the police website or contact the cops - if the latter, I would prefer an 'official' contact by WAKSA.

BOTTOM LINE: I think for everyone that gets broken into or sees anything or person suspicious around the car parks, you must report it to the police on 131 444. They should give you a case id.

We need to do this if we're ever going to get the council to do something.

Will the council act on a petition? Possibly, if we use it to lobby the MP who's worried about his election chances... oh, sorry, I'm being so cynical in my old age. Otherwise, I don't think so.

LAST BOTTOM LINE: We're on our own for now, I think. Check the avoid car break ins sticky.
1. I'll be parking at the Esplanade area (look for the CCTV cams, Council said there's the only place with them) or Trigg Cafe (most populated part),
2. plus leaving my downwind window open, glove box etc open.
3. I put my normal car stuff in an old plastic bag now and leave that at home when I go to the beach.
4. I use a non-electronic key which I take in my harness.
5. And considering no / low excess insurance (including kite gear) with a different insurer to SGIO who were extremely difficult to deal with for this claim.

WA, 563 posts
9 Jul 2009 1:40PM
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Factor 5 said...

I really hate hearing this. It seems almost every second day there is a car break in along the scarbs - trigg stretch. Its getting out of hand. My beloved Scabs is being over run by moron low lifes who prey on people pursuing there love of a sport, the ocean and a healthy lifestyle

Anyone not reported a break in?

I forgot to add in my last post: Please post it on Seabreeze as well as reporting it to the cops so we are all aware of break ins shortly after they occur.

NSW, 1261 posts
9 Jul 2009 4:11PM
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When I was in uni in RSA a friend kept a 6 foot python in his car. He never had problems with break ins and when he drove though the townships he draped it over his shoulders no one came within 5 meters f his car. Maybe you could try something along those lines

WA, 4485 posts
9 Jul 2009 2:46PM
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Yeh I tried displaying my python too but got locked up for indecent exposure - can you believe it!? I'll be honest though.. it didn't quite reach over my shoulder.

Good onya Fooshy for taking it up with the council.. sounds like a typical "Yada yada yada - your onya own so get off my phone." response though.

WA, 266 posts
9 Jul 2009 3:18PM
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Yeah nice work Foosh for the effort and research...sadly I guess your right about the petition doing didly squat and right again saying we're on our own.

I'll take note of your "Bottom Lines" keep a good eye out for any suspicious characters when Im down there.

A year or so back a couple of friends & I did notice a couple of pesky teenagers checking wheel arches & so on...we gave them a not so friendly "move on please". Wish I had done more now... I didn't report

If only I was lucky enough to live in one of those scarbs beach front apartments! Then I could really keep watch.... along with the other benefits...sigh.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Car Break in at Trigg" started by fjordfiend